
Chapter 38 - The System's Call

Stepping beyond the hotel's confines, Luke orchestrated an outing for the two children. He returned their rings and instructed them to don the disguises it provided.

Aware of the unfortunate tendency of humans to exhibit discrimination towards those who deviate from the norm, a reality he experienced even during his time on Earth, Luke approached the situation with a profound understanding. This awareness led him to ponder whether Lunaria's decision to conceal her true identity was motivated by the harsh reality of societal prejudices.

While exploring the capital, a sudden voice resonated within Luke's consciousness – the mechanical sound of the system.

[ Greetings, Host. ]

Taken aback, he was under the impression that the system's reply function had been sealed. Nevertheless, a surge of excitement welled up within him, as he realized his supporter and guide had returned.

"You're finally back!" Luke exclaimed inwardly, engaging in a mental dialogue with the reactivated system.

In response, the system issued a reply.

[ Affirmative. The upgrade of the internet cafe is nearing completion. Following the renovations, both the cafe and its host will attain Rank 2 status. Regarding the renovations, the system will require the host's input. ]

"Ah, now I understand," Luke remarked.

[ To expedite the upgrade process, the system has chosen to relocate the host within the confines of the internet cafe. ]

[ Initiating a countdown of 5 minutes. Following the conclusion of the countdown, the host will materialize within your designated room at the internet cafe. ]

"Wait, hold on a second!" Luke interjected, taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

Taking a quick inventory of his surroundings, Luke came to the realization that he, along with the two children, had ventured quite a distance from the internet cafe. They now found themselves on the outskirts of the capital, a considerable distance away. With only a five-minute window before the system's transfer, it became evident that there wasn't enough time to make it back to the cafe.

The abruptness of the system's decision caught him off guard. He had intended to delay the visit to the shop for a while, aiming to acquaint the children with the establishment he managed. However, this plan was now disrupted, given the impending transfer that would transport him to the internet cafe in just five minutes.

Caught in a dilemma regarding the children, Luke pondered his next move. In that moment of uncertainty, his attention was drawn to a familiar figure approaching them.

Draped in a hooded robe to obscure her identity, she seemed to be purposefully making her way towards their group. It was evident that she was seeking him out.

"Luna? Do you have a reason to be out here on the outskirts?" Luke inquired of the familiar figure.

Despite her attempts to conceal herself, Luke's scan skill allowed him to identify her immediately.

Luna's astonishment was palpable. Clad in the robe her father had provided, designed to seamlessly blend with the surroundings and facilitate disguises, she had assumed she'd be indiscernible.

Her shock was brief, quickly replaced by composure. Knowing that Luke's perceptiveness was to be expected, she cleared her throat subtly before crafting a response to his question.

"Um, no. It's just that the path led me here. I was strolling around to break the monotony," Lunaria hastily replied, her words laced with a touch of unease.

Luke found her explanation weird. He pondered how she could have ended up in this location purely by accident. Had it not been for the children guiding him here, he might not have discovered this route at all.

Gazing at Lunaria with a mixture of intrigue and contemplation, he couldn't help but wonder about the circumstances that brought her to this seemingly remote area.

Lunaria, on the other hand, found herself perspiring as her fabricated response hung in the air. Perplexed by her own uncharacteristic falsehood, she grappled with the unfamiliarity of her own actions. In truth, her intentions had been quite different; she had been actively seeking Luke in order to extend their anticipated private time together. Her underlying motive, however, was rooted in the pursuit of uncovering more of Luke's concealed truths.

She had even gone to the extent of persuading her father to return to the Elvendom, all in the hopes of preventing any interruptions between her and Luke.

Amidst his contemplations, Luke was spurred into action by a recollection.

"May I ask for a favor?" he inquired, his tone unexpectedly earnest.

Lunaria's eyes gleamed with anticipation as she responded, "Ah, yes, certainly."

"Hmm. Tomorrow, would you be able to visit the internet cafe?" Luke queried further.

"Absolutely, that's where I'm usually found. It's become a cherished haven for me recently," Luna replied gracefully, her assumption leading her to believe that Luke was requesting her presence at the establishment.

"Haha, that's wonderful," Luke replied, his satisfaction stemming from a different source. "In that case, would it be possible for you to accompany these two children to my shop tomorrow? I apologize for the imposition, but time is rather scarce for me."

The unexpected request gave Luna pause, though she quickly composed herself.

Lunaria's attention eventually shifted towards the presence of the two children. A sense of intrigue accompanied this observation, as she sensed an aura of distinctness around them. Yet, despite her discerning instincts, she struggled to fully comprehend the nature of this peculiarity.

Upon closer inspection, she discerned that the enigmatic rings the children wore were the source of their obscure identity.

This realization prompted her to contemplate the nature of their relationship with Luke. Curiosity piqued, she couldn't help but wonder about the connection between the trio.

"That's a straightforward task. You can be assured of my assistance," she affirmed with confidence, her demeanor projecting certainty.

Luke's appreciative smile was aimed in her direction, causing a warm flush to rise on Lunaria's cheeks. Such displays of his genuine smile were rare, and it left her both flustered and captivated. Shying away from his gaze, she averted her eyes from the brilliance of his smile, fearing the intensity of its effect on her.

Turning his attention to the children, Luke addressed them, "Did you hear that, kids? Tomorrow, this sister will take you to my shop. Behave yourselves, alright?"

In unison, the children responded with eager nods. Their gazes then shifted towards Lunaria, who still remained concealed beneath her hood. As her smile emerged, it mirrored the grins that illuminated the children's faces. In that fleeting moment, their shared smiles painted Lunaria as a symbol of kindness, a sentiment undoubtedly amplified by her connection to Luke.

"I'll certainly find a way to repay your kindness in the future. Thank you," Luke expressed his gratitude to Lunaria. As his memory was jogged, he retrieved an item from his storage.

A basket materialized in his hands, which he then presented to Lunaria. Upon opening it, a delectable assortment of foods greeted her eyes—sandwiches, breads, fruits, cakes, and more. A sparkle of delight illuminated Lunaria's gaze at the sight of these appetizing offerings, her appreciation evident in her response.

"These are for all three of you. Enjoy," Luke extended the invitation to indulge in the treats. "I apologize, but I'll be preoccupied from this point forward, so please visit my shop tomorrow, alright?"

Lunaria's acknowledgment was subtle, yet within her, a sense of contentment welled up. Her choice to follow Luke had proven to be justified, and the spread before her confirmed this notion. The prospect of savoring 'real food' after so long was undoubtedly a rewarding outcome of her decision.

In an unexpected turn, Luke had already shown his gratitude even though Lunaria had yet to fulfill her part of their exchange.

[ 5 seconds until the host is transferred inside your room. ]

As the countdown ticked down, the words resonated in the air, signaling the imminent transfer.

"Goodbye, I'll be departing now," Luke conveyed, yet his stillness defied his words. This contradiction only deepened the trio's confusion, leaving them in a state of puzzlement as they struggled to reconcile his announcement with his unchanging posture.

And then, in a burst of enchantment, something truly magical unfolded. Luke, who had been standing before them, vanished into thin air.

A hushed stillness fell over the group, a blanket of stunned disbelief settling upon them like a heavy fog. The abrupt disappearance of Luke, standing right in front of them moments ago, had left them all suspended in a moment that defied rational explanation. It was as if reality itself had momentarily faltered, and they found themselves on the precipice of something inexplicable.

Lunaria, her voice breaking through the suspended silence, shattered the spell that had gripped them all. Her exclamation, laden with a mix of incredulity and awe, reverberated through the air, carrying the weight of their collective astonishment.

"Teleportation?!" Her utterance hung in the atmosphere, a testament to the unfathomable event they had just witnessed. The word encapsulated the bewildering nature of the occurrence, encapsulating both the magical intrigue and the undeniable shock that the situation had evoked.

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