
Interdimensional Mercenary (SAS 4 Zombie Assault Fanfic)

An untimely death. Something common in the business of Interdimensional Travels. Adam White, a normal human and an average man tore away from his normal life due to the childish wish he once made to the higher power that is finally granted to him. Facing a lottery to decide his power in the next life, his luck had unfortunately ran out. Of all power he could get, he get a System that grants futuristic military gears. However, perhaps it is for the best. With his wish to wield mystical magic power shattered and equipped with his System, Adam White embark into his next life as Soldier of Fortune, Gun for Hire or just a humble Mercenary trying to make a living in worlds tethering to destruction. After all, the muddy and turbulent water is the best place for fishing. ————— Cover not mine. I found it on Google. Update schedule is 3 CH/ week If I have extra chapters in stock, I will release one per 100 Power Stone. Main World 1. Rwby 2. Azur Lane Contract World 1. Girl Frontline 2. Black Bullet 3. FGO, Orleans Singularity 4. Muv Luv Alternative 5. Bleach (Before Canon Timeline) Support my fanfic with donations of join my sect at, https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

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158 Chs

Chapter 117 - Doing Some Side Quest Part 2


Explosions echo the whole Seireitei as loud blaring sirens and frantic shouting echoes the night.

"All Shinigami below the 5th Seat retreat quickly." A shinigami with a Lieutenant arm badge shouted before a group of shinigami left while carrying the injured away.

"What shall we do about this, Ginrei-sama? The Muramasa managed to unleash three Captain's Zanpakuto and approximately 40 Seated Officers with two of them being a Lieutenant."

"That bastard Koga. Hasn't he been sealed by Captain Yamamoto? How could he use his Zanpakuto?" Ginrei Kuchiki cursed and ignored the report from his Lieutenant for a while before he recompose himself and ordered. "Forgot about fighting them. Only a Captain could resist Muramasa's power. Just focus on reducing the damages and wait until a Captain appears to engage Muramasa. Don't ever engage Muramasa no matter what."

"Yes, Ginrei-sama." The Lieutenant bowed before he left, leaving Ginrei alone with a heavy heart for Koga.

"You crossed the line twice. Koga, don't expect any mercy from me." Ginrei said before he sealed his heart and chased after Muramasa.


Arrived before a massive gate that was painted red and gold. Adam saw a dozen guards wearing steel armor unlike Shinigami that wear only Shihakusho.

He walked forward with a confident stride while wearing a white haori with the symbol '9' which indicates it's the Haori of the Ninth Division captain.

"Wh—" Before he guards could finish their words, Adam unsheathed Kyoka Suigetsu and put everyone under Hypnosis and waltz into the vault unimpeded.

"Damn, is this how Aizen feels?" Adam felt great that he could walk into a forbidden area like this, like his own house. No one would even know he came here.

Anyway, past the gate is a dark void with the real entrance on the other end of the void. Here he should create a foothold with his own Reiryoku which makes any Shinigami with insufficient Reiryoku reserve and control, unable to enter the vault. However, Ad easily passed through this obstacle and reached the real vault door which requires Captain Haori to open. Once Adam stood in front of the door while wearing the haori, the door rumbled a little before it slid back and split open with a loud creak.

"Damn, they should really put some effort into maintaining the vault." Adam felt his ears hurt from the loud creaking and grating of the door opening up.

The interior of the vault is like any typical vaults. Items are sorted into sections and thank to that, Adam easily found the Quincy section that has their tools and treasures. Adam quickly emptied anything that he remotely found interesting before he moved to the second floor below where he found some forbidden and non standard Kidō manuals and various other books not found outside.


Adam proceeds down to the fourth floor that holds Asauchi of former Captains and High Ranked Officers like Lieutenant to the 5th Seat. Fifth floor is where he found the Hogyoku is being sealed inside an actual seal that is difficult to break and once it did, someone would be alerted and he is willing to bet that someone is Captain-Commander Yamamoto.

'Master. I don't think I can hold for much longer. Five Captains had been dispatched to defeat me.' Muramasa suddenly contacted Adam through telepathy very urgently.

"Give me a minute more." Adam replied before he unsheathed the pitch black katana and slashed at the seal.

"Devour." Adam mutters before the sword suddenly produces a powerful suction that absorbs and devours the Reiryoku from the seal, causing it to degrade very quickly and break apart.

Adam then immediately grabs the Hogyoku and places it into his inventory before running away as quickly as possible.

(Muramasa PoV)

After informing Adam about the situation, Muramasa received an order to hold for a little bit longer.

"Tch, they already sealed their hearts. My ability will not work."

"Surrender now, Muramasa." Ginrei Kuchiki ordered while the other four Captains still engaged with other Zanpakuto Spirits.

"Why should I listen to your words? Because of you! Young Master Koga who had loyally fought under you and served the Kuchiki family was unjustly framed and imprisoned. If not for you, he would have become an exceptional Shinigami. It's you that ruined his future!" Muramasa roared in anger before clashing swords with Ginrei who frowned and looked regretful.

"The Soul Society is rotten! The Seireitei is corrupted! Because of that, Young Master Koga who devoted his everything for the Seireitei and Kuchiki family was thrown into prison while the real criminals behind the rebellion still walk free!"

"Today I shall avenge him!" Muramasa charged again and locked the sword with Ginrei who looked momentarily shocked.

"Avenge? Did he d—"


When Ginrei's focus momentarily slipped, Muramasa immediately stabbed Ginrei in the heart(physical) which loosened the guard Ginrei placed on his heart(mental) and used his power to bring out Ginrei's Zanpakuto.

Muramasa gave Ginrei a last glance before he fled and ordered all the Zanpakuto to stop the Captains and cause as much havoc as they wanted.

Muramasa heads to the Senkaimon square as his new master ordered and immediately sees that he has already opened a gate into Hueco Mundo.

"Good work." Adam said before Muramasa unsummon itself and Adam entered Hueco Mundo before the Senkaimon closed.

With his body double left behind, to replace him. Adam will use the remainder of his six months to master as many techniques of the other race as he possibly could and also complete the Hogyoku using Aizen's memories of his research.


Arriving in Hueco Mundo, Adam went into hiding for a few days to digest Aizen's memories since he would need them to work on the Hogyoku.

Imagine his surprise when he learned that Aizen actually made contact with Soul King's will and that's the whole reason why he created Hogyoku and to transcend beyond the Soul King.

Aizen knew much about the future that Adam, as someone that has access to the internet, didn't know about. Ichigo Kurosaki, Yhwach and Wandenreich, the war between Quincy and Shinigami, everything was the Soul King's will.

The Soul King wishes to be freed from his position as the lynchpin. However, if he did. The world will collapse. Thus he needs a successor to replace him. But who wants to be the lynchpin? It's just a glorified prison that came with a fancy title for idiots.

Aizen discovered the reason for his birth, his exceptional talent and strength and his purpose is the candidates to be the next Soul King. But, Aizen is unwilling. Thus Aizen rebelled against the Soul King's will and decided to go beyond the Soul King to be free of his machination using Hogyoku.

The Hogyoku is like the Godhead, the vessel that contains the Divinity of Soul King. They key to godhood and transcension that Aizen used. However, the divinity inside it is miniscule. Very miniscule compared to what the Soul King holds but it's like a seed that will germinate and one day turn into a large tree.

As for its wish granting ability, Adam assumed since Soul King's power is literally omnipotence, he assumed a tiny fragment of the omnipotence is contained in the Hogyoku. Also, considering the Hogyoku have will and consciousness. It's not wrong to assume that Hogyoku is grooming a Soul King candidate. Perhaps that's why it helps its host to achieve greater power.


After nearly a week in holing up in a cave in Hueco Mundo, Adam starts looking around to fight strong Menos to train and hone his Quincy abilities.

Adam looked around and found a few rock formations that provide a high vantage point overlooking the desert. He placed some Hollow baits he *cough* borrowed from the expeditions and never returned, then he waited.

Few minutes later, several dozen Hollows rushed over in a frenzy like piranhas smelt blood.

Adam gathered the rich ambient Reishi from the landscape of Hueco Mundo and formed a light blue energy bow and an arrow. He pulled the string to the limit before he aimed at the incoming Hollows. "Licht Regen" he mutters before his finger releases the arrow. The arrow immediately split into a hundred and rained down a barrage that decimates the Common Hollows with ease.

"I wonder what Master is doing, killing weak Hollows?" Kyoka Suigetsu asked after appeared arbitrarily in her chibi form and sat on Adam's shoulder.

"Training. What else could it be?" Adam replied before taking a seat on the rock as he waited for another horder of Hollows.

"Training?" Kyoka Suigetsu looked confused and inquired.

"Yes. Like training in Shinigami technique, the more I use the technique, the more skilled I become as I analyze it, refine the technique and engrave it into muscle memory until using it becomes instinctive like breathing." Adam felt bored and decided to entertain his audience that increased from one into two.

"Is it related to the System thing?" Kyoka Suigetsu wondered as she always heard Adam mutter or thought something about it but neither she nor Muramasa could see the invisible thing.

"No. Not really. I have an armor that can link my brain directly to a supercomputer that allows me to analyze data in speed beyond comprehension. I had been using it to analyze my own technique for any flaw and adjusted the following usage according to the correction it calculated." Adam explained

The two Zanpakuto Spirit clearly didn't really understand the concept that Adam is explaining. But that didn't really matter since what they wanted was companionship as the Zanpakuto Spirit also had a will and consciousness of their own similar to humans. Being locked up inside their wielder's mind for dozens and centuries make them very lonely especially those with wielders that didn't see them as a person and as merely a tool like Aizen Sosuke and Koga Kuchiki after he fell into insanity.

An hour later, Adam baited over a hundred Hollows and killed them but still no sign of any Menos like Adjuchas.

Generally, Menos above Gillian will not stay in the Forest of Menos after gaining intelligence and would roam the Hueco Mundo in search of a place to make home and to hunt other similar strength Menos.

Since baiting wouldn't work, Adam decided to pack up and roam the Hueco Mundo instead.

Fortunately, navigating Hueco Mundo is actually easy. The closer it is to the center of Hueco Mundo, Las Noches, the denser the Reishi were. Also, he could sense a powerful Reiatsu being emitted rather openly from the capital from all the way in the outskirts.

Thus, Adam moves deeper into Hueco Mundo in search of stronger opponents.


In a cave somewhere in Hueco Mundo, a group of Menos. A Vasto Lorde and three Adjuchas sensed a particular Reiatsu signature which doesn't belong to a Hollow.

"This is… a Shinigami? Why is a Shinigami entering our territory? He's alone too." The blond and tanned Vasto Lorde mutters while looking at her companions who look a little unsettled because the Reiatsu of the Shinigami is definitely not below their own leader.

(Adam PoV)

After wandering a few hours across Hueco Mundo using Shunpo, he encountered several groups of Adjuchas. Most are disappointing and barely able to resist a few Heilig Pfeil. Not even useful for his Hollowfication experiment and succumbed.

"Haah… maybe I should find Vasto Lorde first and refine the Hollowfication procedure before testing them on weaker Hollows?"

Adam looks at another dead specimen that died due to being unable to withstand the transformation which he admitted is still crude since he is going blind with little to no experience and data to use. However, after analyzing the data from several experiments. He realized the Adjuchas cannot withstand the transformation. He still needs to figure out the perfect ratio of Shinigami power to inject into them to create a balance to not overwhelm their Hollow power or lacking that the transformation fails.

Then out of the sudden, Adam sensed a Reiatsu of a Vasto Lorde.

"Could it be that Lady Luck is finally blessing my luck?" Adam excitedly wrapped up his experiment here and quickly went over to the location of the Vasto Lorde.


If you readers feel generous or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip me here. Also for advance chapters and possibly +18 scenes.


Daoist_KittyKatcreators' thoughts