
C2: Lin Jiayi

• {In Ascension Realm: Neutral World} <Year 0> •

It has been 2 days since the birth of the new life and the heavenly tribulation. The mansion that had been flattened already got re-built, and hopefully, won't be destroyed again.

In the baby's room, the young woman was trying to think of a name for her daughter. While she's thinking of one, her husband along with several others has been investigating why the heavenly tribulation came for their daughter and who the scary voice was.

"Hmph, idiot husband. Leaving our child alone."



The said-'idiot husband' sighed sadly. A young man near him saw that and asked what's wrong, "Brother Lin, what's wrong? Why are you sighing, actually, why are you even out here and not with your daughter?"

Twitching his mouth, he replied, "my wife, Mei'er, told me to find who the booming voice was..."


The young man and his group of three others took a cold breath and looked pityingly at Brother Lin. "...Good luck, Brother Lin."

"W-wait! You're with me too!" Brother Lin retorted.

"Yeah, but not for your realm-wide search..."

"D-damn! Realm-wide?! I thought it'd be world-wide!" He cried indignantly, 'if I had known this, I wouldn't have suggested to thank the damned voice! Even with my Ascension Realm: God King cultivation, I won't be able to find him!'


"I can't think of a good name for you, my little child," Mei cooed her daughter sleeping in her arms. "You're too cute, what if somebody kidnaps you...?"

As if going on war, she resolutely decides to protect her from all, including her husband. 'Not even my ancestor will stop me from protecting her!'

Snapping back to reality, she told her sleeping daughter, "oh right, you'll meet your grandparents and your other sister soon. We'll leave in a week when your pathetic father comes back."


"A-ah-choo!" Pathetic father sneezes out there. "Is somebody talking about me? Ah! It must be my daughter worrying about me. Don't worry honey, I'll come back right away!"

Others near him starts to be not-so-near him, 'I don't know him.'

• {In the Ascension Realm: Auspicious World} <Year 0> •

After a week of traveling, a group of 15 flies into the Auspicious World from Neutral World. Even with their cultivation they could go from Neutral World to Auspicious World in a day, but the Young Master Lin kept running into trouble as if he attained Bad Luck Aura suddenly. Also he keeps...

"Come on, honey! Let me hold her at least once!" Young Master Lin asks his wife once again. 'She hasn't let me hold her at all! And-'

"No!" She coldly shot back. "I let you see her, isn't that enough?!"

'She thinks seeing her is enough for me!' He cried inwardly. 'Oh, my daughter~!'


The daughter woke up from their antics, opening her mouth, "aa ah?"

Switching from cold demeanor to pampering, Mei cooed, "Ah, you woke up because of your annoying father? Do you want me to shoo him away?"

A certain annoying father points his trembling finger at her, "Y-you're slandering me!"

Mei, the slanderer, coldly questioned, "So?"

The group of 15 cried at their antics, 'Dignity? What's that? Can I eat it? Damn it, you two! Where's your dignity of being in the higher cultivation?!'

Daughter of those two above, a giggle resounded all over the world.

• <A few hours ago...> •

In a mansion of Lin Family, there lies a young girl, looking about 8 years old. She has doll-like face, cute cheeks, pitch black ponytailed-hair, and wearing traditional pink Chinese clothes. Besides her is an woman who looks like about 30s, 5-10" feet tall, and she has distinct similarities as the girl only more mature. Instead of pink, she's wearing light blue.

"Grandma, when are they coming here?" The young girl asked the woman beside her, pouting. "It's been a month since the birth date..."

"Hoho, impatient aren't you, little Qing?" She told to her granddaughter. She then patiently explained, "It's not confirmed that she would give birth at that date, it may be wrong by a week or a month."

"Oh..." Little Qing looks down, and tentatively wondered out loud, "do you think it has something to do with that scary voice we heard two weeks ago?"

"Mmn, let's hope not," she replied back. 'Otherwise I'll rage a war against the heavens.'


As if hearing that declaration, a sudden thunder flashed by the sky for a moment.

'Hmm, seems I still have my edges.' She thought.

"Yin'er! Little Qing! They're coming, we confirmed them coming into the Auspicious World!" A muscular tanned 40s man with brown hair shouted from in front of the entrance to their mansion.

"Grandma, they're coming! Let's go, let's go!" Little Qinq excitedly pulled her grandmother to the Center Hall of their mansion. 'I'll finally see my little sibling!'


Almost everyone of Lin Family waited for their arrival in the Center Hall. Two men and a woman sat on their chairs, sitting chair by chair, showing they're the children of the Patriarch of Lin Family. The spouses of two men are also sitting with their husband. Their sons and daughters stood behind them, waiting patiently, whispering with each others.

The two men's and three women's cultivation is in Ascension Realm, while their children's in Immortal Realm. The names respectively are Lin Mu, Lin Chang, and Lin Rong. They've lived over a hundred years, but compared to others, their cultivation are higher than those at their age.


Lin Mu (323, the oldest son) has a wife, Fang Huan (310), a son, Lin Mubai (130), and a daughter, Lin Yu (129).

Lin Chang (203, the third son) also has a wife, Dai Zhenzhen (311), and two sons, Lin Cong (110) and Lin Fan (110).

Lin Rong (143, the first daughter and fourth child) has no one in particular.


The Patriarch, Lin San, sat at the main seat at the middle end of the hall, looking at the opposite of him, the entrance to the room. He's in Ascension Realm: True God rank. His wife, the matriarch sat beside him, patiently holding Little Qing back. The Matriarch, Lin Ruo, is also in Ascension Realm: Ancestral God, just one below of her husband. Both of them has cultivated for 1 thousand years, and that's very short compared to others in Ascension Realm of cultivation.

Little Qing is at peak of Mortal Realm: True Saint. She was considered as a genius when she broke through True Saint at 7 years old. It became known that Lin Family gave birth to geniuses to everyone.

Little Qing couldn't wait any longer than a day for her new sibling. She was going to have a new brother or sister of her same mother!


A giggle was heard from far away, scaring those people except Little Qing. 'What was that giggle?! It sounded so far yet we heard it here!'

"What was that sound?" Little Qing asked, confused. "Ah! Was that from my little sibiling?!"

"W-what?! That can't be! That giggle was far away, only those of Great Emperor can do that!" Lin Mu quickly shot that down. "It must've been someone else."

"But that giggle... it sounded childish." Lin Chang said. His wife nodded at his side.

"Forget it! They're here," the Patriarch told them. "Let's see if the child is safe!"

Then they saw a young woman holding a cute child and a young man c-crying at her side...?

Young Master Lin, "S-she slandered me in front of my own daughter!"

Mei, "It was simply the truth."

Little Qing, "Mom, dad!"

The new daughter, *looks around with her eyes*.

Everyone else, "..." 'W-who is that cutie?!'

Little Qing ran to her mother's side, begging to see her new sister, "let me see! Let me see!"

"Alright, little Qing." Crouching down, Mei showed her new sister. "This is Lin Jiayi, your little sister."