

What happens when you are transported into a fantasy world? What happens when you become friends with the main characters ? What happens when you get the opportunity to change things in it ? Let us find out.

Ayush2605903 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

chapter 7

Teacher Ashley entered class 1-A.

The best class of the 1st year. We definitely have very good talents this year. Oh , how wonderful that I was selected to help these talents take their first steps…..

Hehehe let me make their 1st day miserable and welcome them all to their new life of hardships and torture….. I mean hardwork and happiness

Ashley had a sadistic smile on her face while thinking this.

All the students gulped. They knew all about this teacher and her nickname – "Sadistic maniac."

Ashley was pretty famous earlier as an adventurer but her dream was to teach. Thus after making a name for herself in the world she retired and applied to become a teacher of Red divine academy.

She was definitely one of the best teachers of the academy and had helped numerous students who in the future became great adventurers.

Every year she would become the class teacher of the best class and why not ? The best class deserved one of the best teacher.

The only problem ? – She was too sadistic. She derived her happiness from tormenting students. Many a times while setting the exam she would even put questions of so high level than not even other teachers could solve them easily.

She gave a lot of homework too and her punishments ? Well lets just say you don't want to be punished by her.

But at the same time , she was able to help all her students to go in the correct path. She had a knack of identifying the strengths her students had and helped them work on it and also identify their weaknesses and help them work on it.

Ashley took out the attendance register and started calling names one by one.

"Light". "here"

"chrome" "here"..




"Turner" There was no response.

"TURNER VISION" again there was no response.

Ashley looked around the class and was about to say something when the whole class heard a "HERE" but not from inside but outside.

Ashley and all the students looked at the door and Ashley started moving towards it.

When she came near it and was about to open it, the door opened in front of her with a loud bang and in front of Ashley was none other than Turner.



Turner was running down the hall with full speed and mind you after eating the fruit of poison his speed had definitely increased a lot since before.

He had overslept this morning and thus was late and that too on the 1st day of the classes.

Turner could see the door of his class and thus he accelerated further.

Suddenly he heard a "TURNER VISION " from inside the class and without even thinking about it shouted "HERE".

He then quickly opened the door but in front of him , he could see a person whose eyes had such a cold look that it was sending shivers down his whole body.

Damn , I forgot that the best class got Ashley as their teacher….. Oh god please save me

"Mr Turner, come in and close the door behind you"

Ashley after saying this turned around and started moving to her desk. Turner followed her.

"Can you please explain to the class why are you late on the 1st day ?", she asked.

"uhmmm…. I overslept."

"Oh its fine , overslept ? that's normal for your 1st day. Don't worry about it and go sit on your bench.", Ashley said this with a very sadis….uhm uhm a beautiful smile.

Oh Im so dead


Hidden mission – Get into trouble with teacher Ashley- complete

Points gained – 50 / points now - 850

Author's comment – oh you sorry soul. Bless you for what is coming ahead*

F*** you author

Turner sat down on the only bench left which was near the window. While moving till here he hadn't noticed his classmates.

Scarlet was sitting at the frontmost bench nearest to the teacher's desk.

typical Scarlet thought Turner

Chrome was sitting right in front of him.

Ashley was sitting at the desk next to chrome.

And Light, Light was sitting just beside Turner.

oh, what nice luck. Like this I can atleast talk to Light regularly. While thinking this Turner was looking at Light.

Light noticed this and he looked towards Turner.

Turner smiled at him, "Hello. I'm Turner "

Light too smiled and said "Hello. My name is Light."

"Ofcourse I know you , Light. Afterall who doesn't ?"

"Haha, I'm not that famous" , Light replied with humbleness exuding from his voice and eyes.

"Oh , come stop being so humble Mr. Rank 1", Turner replied jokingly.

"Even I know you. Afterall even you are rank 1 , no ? Plus you even broke the national record."

"Well coming 1st in studies and coming 1st overall is different , no ?"

"Well, now who is being humble ?" Light said with a smile.

" Well though now I am aiming for rank 1 overall , you know ? For that I guess I'll have to defeat you Light." Turner replied cheekily.

"Haha you're most welcome to try" , Light said this with a big smile.


Hidden mission – become friends with Light – complete

points gained – 50/ points now 900

Author's remark- haha, finally befriended the hero of the planet. Do a lot of hardwork and you may become as strong as his pinky finger*

Meanwhile , the students sitting around Turner and Light were listening to this conversation too.

Chrome turned back and looked Turner with dead eyes. " You , who couldnt even pass the physical exam, defeat him, who even I cannot beat till now ? Dream on."

"Well , it is true , but who said I cannot defeat him in the future. Afterall the life is full of miracles, no ?" Turner replied with a smile.

"A big fool" ,Chrome sighed and looked forward

*Ding secret mission – get called a "a big fool" by chrome complete- complete

Points gained – 50/ points now 950

Author's mark – oh heard Chrome's tagline ? get ready to be called that a lot from now on*

Emilia was looking at Turner now with interest in her eyes.

Turner noticed this and looked at her and smiled at her. "Hello, I'm Turner"

"Emilia", while saying this she smiled back too. "You know my sister has mentioned you many times in her talks"

Her sister , oh she must be talking about Scarlet. Yes, Scarlet and Emilia were sisters, cousin sisters to be precise and she was Emilia Rockford, the daughter of Scarlet's father's sister.