
Inner Beast

Somethings happening in the province,something.Mateo went to watch his friend fight to support him,many minutes later the two fighters are tired after the punches they threw,they both looked angry.Suddenly out of nowhere,a lion just spawned beside the two fighters,wait,the lion,when did it get there?theres no lion existed around this area.

TheLegend · Võ hiệp
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74 Chs

Chapter 30: Tournament First Fight 2

Now what's your animal Ziek? He revealed his aura, yellow with black spots around it. The animal revealed itself, it looks familiar, is that a leopard whom I mistaken it's a cheetah? Wait let me search for it.

The leopard's big cat characteristics include a long, well-muscled body, thick limbs, and broad, powerful paws. Its small cat characteristics include the ability to climb exceptionally well: the leopard is agile and at ease in the trees, able to descend down a tree headfirst. The leopard also swims well.

There's nothing to climb here so the ability to climb is useless but powerful paws will gain Ziek advantage.

Ziek lunged at Janly with speed, his claw stretched and ready to strike. Janly unexpectedly dodge that.

Janly tried to do a multiple counterattack, but Ziek's newfound agility from where he gained it from his leopard allowed him to evade Janly's attacks with feline precision, leaving the crowd in awe. But through it all, Janly's determination burned brightly, and he refused to yield. Ziek tried also a multiple counterattack.

Janly moved with lightning-fast reflexes, dodging Ziek's swift attacks with deceptive ease. His recharge his fists and feet lashed out with tremendous force.

Ziek, imbued with the feline's prowess, possessed an uncanny agility and deadly instincts. His claws extended, ripping through the air like razor blades. Each strike was calculated and precise, aimed at Janly's most vulnerable points.

The people from The Elite Squad and my squad cheered with a mixture of excitement and apprehension as the fight escalated. Janly fought valiantly, fueled by an unwavering determination to defeat his opponent. However, as the battle raged on, Ziek's leopard abilities began to take their toll. His speed and strength surpassed Janly's, forcing him to retreat and regroup.

With each passing moment, Janly's stamina dwindled. The weight of the battle bore down upon him, weighing heavily on his weary body. His breaths came in ragged gasps, and his muscles screamed for respite.

Time seemed to slow down as the climax of the battle approached. Ziek lunged at Janly, his claws flashing in the fading light. A collective gasp filled the air as the blow connected, sending Janly crashing to the ground.

I watched in horror as Ziek advanced relentlessly, his predatory instincts kicking into high gear. Desperation sparked within me as I realized the gravity of the situation. Ziek went on top of Janly, he bashed his head to the ground and punched his face.

Janly raised his upper body and pulled Ziek's head and landed a headbutt. But he didn't let go of Ziek's head, he kept on headbutting multiple times, Ziek slip through Janly's hand and backed off. Janly stood up.

Janly lunged at Ziek with astonishing speed, but Ziek's feline-like grace allowed him to dodge and weave with effortless ease. Janly's strikes were met with unwavering agility, and he found himself struggling to land a clean blow.

Janly's frustration mounted as the fight dragged on. Ziek's leopard-like senses detected every move he made, giving him an unfair advantage. The crowd gasped in amazement as Ziek pounced on Janly, his powerful claws raking at his flesh. Janly managed to parry the attack, but the encounter left him gasping for breath.

As the battle raged, Janly's exhaustion became increasingly evident. His movements grew sluggish, and his attacks lacked the power and precision he was known for. Yet, he refused to give up, his determination fueled by an unwavering desire to prove his worth.

In a desperate attempt to gain an advantage, Janly feinted to the left, hoping to catch Ziek off guard. But Ziek, anticipating his move, shifted his weight and countered with lightning speed. Janly found himself trapped in a deadly grip, Ziek's sharp teeth bared inches from his neck.

Me and my squad held our breath, our hearts pounding in our chests. C'mon Janly release your animal but why he wouldn't release it.It seemed that all hope was lost for Janly. But just as Ziek lunged to deliver the killing blow, a flicker of movement caught his eye. A black big cat?

A big black cat jumped at Ziek before he landed at Janly, the black cat bit Ziek, the black cat fought with Ziek, wait who owned the cat?. I saw Janly, his aura revealed, a black aura, it seemed like he owned the cat but why is it big? It looked like a puma to me.

Ziek's leopard went to help his owner, the leopard and the puma started to fight on the ground.

A puma, a puma,a puma, what are the abilities of a puma?

They have strong back legs, giving them the ability to jump vertically around 20 feet (about six meters). They have a flexible spine, which helps them turn quickly. Many adaptations that enable cats to be exceptional predators are seen in this species, including sharp, retractable claws and large teeth.

Hmmm, the abilities of a puma looks a lot more than the leopard, I looked at Janly and Ziek readied their stance for a second round after Janly gained his abilities.

A big cat to a big cat, wonder who could win.

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