
196 There Are No Secrets Here

They didn't have to wait long for someone to come looking for them and freak out at the appearance of the room, either. Stephanie only had a few minutes of enjoying the unoccupied bed when Ella came in to take a nap and stopped at the doorway in shock.


"What is all this? Is this the same room? Did you manage to change it all in the same way that the furniture in the Magi House we found was changed?" She asked in one long breath.


"It's not actually changed. It's just a thin layer of magic over everything, like an armour spell, that makes it look fancy. It's the same basic chair and table, and the bed made of vines, but I added some spells for comfort, so we can get a better night's sleep." Wolfe explained.


"I would take Stephanie's presence as a glowing recommendation, but that cat can sleep nearly anywhere. Even if there are people working nearby, she has no problem finding an out-of-the-way location for a nap."