
Infinitum Crystals [1] - The Magic Duel

Set in an alternative world where monsters and magic exist in our modern society and the entirety of its inhabitants has the ability to use said magic according to its still developing rules and restrictions. Infinitum Crystals centers around the protagonist, Cyclone White who came across one of the several highly rare Infinitum Crystals that grants him immeasurable potential to his unique magic, the ability to stop the time! The only downside to this amazing power was the immense energy it is required to be able to use properly. But that definitely won't be a problem for our protagonist, Cyclone White as he ventures into discovering the secrets of The Infinitum Crystals. - 'The Magic Duel' tells the tale of a group of friends who voluntarily calls themselves Team Stardust on a journey to win the annual school event, The Magic Duel. Join Cyclone White and his friends as he slowly builds his team to become one of the top young wizards in their high school and achieve

Cyclone_A · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 4.15 - Mei - Splitting Up Team Stardust

While White was with Blax, I happen to have the idea to go and see Team Stardust. As of this moment, White told me to go and talk with his friends and follow through what they had in mind next. I guess ,it was also the time where I should explain what happened when White suddenly appeared out of nowhere during the ending of the deathmatch the other day.

It all happened quite fast. But first things first. We had a conversation with each other on what we should do now that we were inside the magic seal that Escher made.

"What now, White?"

"I don't really know what needs to be done. Besides, we just got in here."

"Then should we gather information?"

"I think we can make that easier by just talking to my friends."


White looked at me with confusion.

"Why? Because they have probably been looking up for clues about Escher for the past few months. I doubt that those guys will just sit down and do nothing. As a matter of fact, Blax and Rulend might have something interesting for us. And besides that, who else should we go for?"

"I see."

I gently nodded as White turned his eyes back to the deathmatch that was currently ongoing. As we kept on observing the match, White sparks up another conversation.

"Somethings not right..."

White seems to be a bit tensed from the way he said his words.

"Is something the matter, White?"

"Stardust is falling apart for some reason."

"Does it have to do with you not being there?"

"I think so...But I also think that Stardust was interfered by outside source."

"Why do you conclude that?"

"Blax acted a bit different compared to how he usually is. I have to intervene before things get messy."

"What about me?"

"What about you, huh..."

White thinks for a moment.

"I got an idea. I'll settle the problem with Blax while you go and discuss with Stardust after the match is done. Just follow through what they are planning either to win the tournament or something else."

"What if they asked about you?"

"Just tell them that I'm with Blax. Tending his wounds or something like that."

"Got it."

And that's were we left off and that was exactly what I have told Rulend and the others when they asked about White and Blax.

According to Rulend, Blax discovered from a chaorrupted Sonozaki Wakana that Escher was planning to summon a Chaos Beast. In order to do so, he needs to find the pieces of the Runix Cube that was happen to be hidden around this magic seal which covers the entirety of the school compound and even some of the surrounding areas such as The Fairy Forest and The Stone Ruin.

As far as I could gather from my own 'library', The Runix Cube was split apart into three pieces. According to one of my books, The Runix Cube was made by a former sorcerer who decided to split the cube for unknown reason. The former sorcerer then decided that he would like to teach his knowledge of magic to the next generation and thus, Soul Power High School was founded. Soul Power High School has been around for ages. Even heading way back to some of our friend's parents being an ex-student there. And that was a long time ago.

Before his death, the former sorcerer now known as the founder of Soul Power High School split the Runix Cube into three pieces and hid one of it under his office. The other two was hidden on nearby areas outside of the school. From what I can conclude from the book, the founder hid it somewhere that has a very age long heritage and the only place that seems to be ancient around here were The Fairy Forest and The Stone Ruin.

I guess that's where we're going next.

"The Fairy Forest and The Stone Ruin..."

Rulend ponders around as he finishes reading the book that I have read. In the meantime, Zone, Airi, Lore and Haz had finally finished their meal after a long day of fighting the hordes of Escher's monster.

"I'm glad everyone is alright. Now we're all back together!"

Serena was in a good mood compared to what happened a few hours ago. Albeit, she was still recovering from the battle.

"You should lay down for a bit, Serena. You just barely got out of a tight situation, you know."

"I got it, Mei. I got it. I'll take my time and rest."

Serena made her way to a nearby bed that was prepared by us and slept on it. Meanwhile, the boys was busy having fun talking about all the lost times they have got for the past several month. In the meantime, Nif was quietly analyzing all the stuff that I brought out from my 'library'. I turned back to Rulend to see if he has figured on what we should do next.

"So, Rulend. What shall we do next?"

"I can tell you one thing that's for sure. We're going to have to go both The Fairy Forest and The Stone Ruin immediately. Once Serena has been fully recovered, we can follow through this plan. But then comes the problem..."

Rulend scratches his head, thinking of something.

"What problem?"

"We might not have enough time to go to both places before Escher's men got a hold of the cube. It will only be possible by splitting us up. But then comes another problem and that we might not have enough man power for any uncertainties.

"Don't you think 5 people from each of you are enough?"

"I'm afraid that won't be possible at all. Why you might ask? As of recently, some of us seems to be in a tight situation. Rider seems to have a beef with Lore. As of today, they haven't talked with each other. I mean look at that."

Rider was seen happily talking while Lore was quietly finishing his meal and left the table immediately.

"They do have a beef with each other it seems."

"As a matter of fact, Blax was distancing himself with Kin for the past few weeks. I don't really know what happened...but Kin seems to be in pain right now."

I took a glance at Kin who was quietly tending Serena's wound with a remorseful look on her face.

"Well this is problem, alright."

"It's not just them. Hosuke and Kaym is also fighting with each other. Although, they are more fighting in a friendly kind of way. They are currently in a rivalry with each other on who's better."

"Well that's that, I guess. At least there is some positive in that."

"Now how are we going to do this..."

"How about we ask for help from the other team."

"Like which team?"

"I don't know...Supernova perhaps."

"How are you going to make that work, anyway?"

"I think I know what I need to do about them. Just relax and it'll be fine." I assured him.

Rulend was delighted and got up from his chair.

"Well then, if that's the case then I'm assigning you as the leader of this operation."


"With both The Leader and the Temp. Leader not being here. We need someone else to guide us. Don't worry, Mei. You'll be only leading one half of the operation while I handle the other half. But for all sake, you'll be the head of this operation."

"Is that so...I guess I have no choice."

"So who are you going to bring along? Make a choice."

I think for a moment.

"I'll bring along Lore...Kin...Nif...Airi and Haz."

"That means I'm left with Rider, Hosuke, Kaym, Serena and Zone."

"Six on each team. Isn't that enough?"

"We never know, we could really use all the help we need, Mei."

"I guess so...Supernova, huh"

We finally come to a conclusion and decided to split into two teams with Team A will be heading to The Fairy Forest while Team B will make their way to The Stone Ruin. I grab out a little notebook from my pocket and scribbled some important things about the operation.

I even took as much as I could from my 'library' about the layouts and history of these two ancient landmarks that was placed for decades and probably hundreds of years ago. All that was left was for me to talk to White about what have transpired between me and Stardust.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, White. That's all of it."

"Well I guess you will make a good leader for now."

"What do you mean by 'for now'? Are you doubting my leadership?"

"No, I'm not. But then again...maybe I am."

"Oh darn it, shut up, White."

"Who are you talking to, idiot."

I heard a stern but feminine voice was nearby from White's side through my forbidden spell.

"By the way, Fitz and Rika won't be with you guys I'm afraid. Anyway, I gotta go. Bye." White cuts off the magic signal that I activated and hangs up.

Now what in the world was that all about. Now I'm beginning to wonder why was he so hurried up after hearing that girlish voice. Fitz and Rika? Now that is more suspicious...but still I better get ahead of myself and get prepared. I'm not here to think about trivial matters such as White...what lousy idiot...