
Wake Up Call (1)







The sound of an alarm going off would be cut short due to the suddenness of a large pillow being thrown at it. Followed by a frustrated young man scratching his head and groaning with exhaustion.

"Augghh, I hate Monday's.."

He'd get up slowly stretching his arms and yawned for a moment, shortly after he'd get up from his bed to pick up both the pillow and alarm clock. Realizing how late it was the young man frantically panicked getting himself fully awake to start his day.

Although…he'd fine himself struggling just trying too multitask everything with the little time he had to get ready, he'd end up stumbling over a couple of things.


After he put his clothes on and finished eating after brushing his teeth, he grabbed a backpack and bolted out of his apartment, straight to his bicycle riding off to work. And the only thing on his mind was..

"(SHIT!, SHIT!, I'M WAY BEYOND LATE!, I'LL GET FIRED FOR SURE!!!….NO, no!, don't panic Ru!, you have only 10 minutes before your initial clock in shift…YOU JUST-HAVE TO GET THROUGH THIS TRAFFIC JAM AND IT'LL ALL BE OKAY!)"

As reckless as it was, Ru rode his bike fast down the highway onto oncoming traffic managing to narrowly miss cars from hitting him. His legs felt like they were on fire from peddling so fast, but he never gave up…the company building was just around the corner!.

After managing to make it past several cars, he rode his bike through the parking lot of the company he worked at. 'R-Cove' a general company managing things like, Small Relics Imbued with magic spells such as, Protective spells, Healing Spells, and Defense Spells.

With no more than 3 minutes left to clock in, Ru rushed through the halls and break room managing to sign in for his shift.


Cold sweat dripped down the poor young man's face, luckily managing to catch his second wind after resting for a brief moment. He then grabbed his ID card and headed off into the section A where he'd meet up with the rest of his coworkers.

"(Hopefully today will be a good day..)"

Ru crossing his fingers hoping. He manages to make it for the regular briefing about safety guidelines for the use of securing the merchandise and disarming the certain spells that give them their values. The team Ru is apart of is stock management, his job is to simply scan and gage the power of certain relics & materials that sustain high concentrated forms of magic energy.

"Yo, Ru!."


The sound of a familiar voice echoed over to Ru from afar. As Ru turned around he saw a man with short light blonde hair and dark green eyes, he recognized him right away.

"Oh!, hey Arthur"

"Pff, that's all you gotta say to me?,it's been nearly a year!. Guess your the same like usual"

Arthur made his witty remarks at Ru, however all Ru could do was tilt his head slightly confused at what he means.


Some time passes as the two conversation grew more about their working schedules, and personal lives.

"So tell me something Ru, got any one special yet waiting back home?"


"I-, well…"

Ru struggles to answer Arthur's question. Meanwhile Arthur couldn't help but make fun of his close friend.

"Hah, you really haven't changed at all. Your more laidback then you were, when we were in high school"


"Yeah…I guess your right"

Ru slumped over letting his lazy personality get the better of him. Arthur chuckled while moving some packages with some antiques in them.

"Also..I've noticed you haven't fully awakened yet"

Arthur's question made Ru a bit bothered but, he couldn't blame him for noticing it.

"Yeah, I'm already 20. And my magecraft still hasn't blossomed yet…I'm starting to think I may not have what it takes to even wield magic"

Ru felt a sense of disappointment and relief wash over him. Arthur on the other hand patted his friend in the shoulder.

"Hey, don't go and beat yourself up over it. I have a feeling your gonna get your magic soon, bet it'll be pretty sweet too hehe~"

Arthur's enthusiasm slightly rubbed off on Ru. But Ru being the lazy guy that he is kindly shrugged it off.

"Eh, if anything I'm kinda okay with it…at least this way my peace and quiet won't be jeopardized by the 'Association of Mages' "

"Hymm~, yeah your right even though their's people with unimaginable forms of magic. The Association doesn't want anyone to run rampant and they give mages strict rules on how to live their lives"

Ru sat on the ground next to some boxes scanning some of them with the little use of borrowed magical energy he could use.

"Well in any case, I'm alright with how my life is. And if there was a way for me to awaken I probably wouldn't want to up an throw away my freedom"

Arthur stood there smiling nodding his head. Ru smiled back and the two continued there work as fast as they could before any of managers came by.


Hours would go by and it would be 4:30pm the time where Ru was scheduled to get off work. He quickly put specific packages and merchandise in certain boxes and containers meant to hold and fortify things with raw output of magic energy.

"Phew…that takes care of that. Now I better hurry before someone makes me do extra work…"

Just before he could remove his ID, a woman with long dark black hair and silver colored eyes, came by. She would be none other than 'Yuri Northwood' she'd be one of the many managers that help keep things in check and organized. Her strong points are her leadership skills, and her ability to manipulate the magic particles that sworn the near by area's and keep them from being hazardous to the employees.

"Hey Ru!, glad I caught you before you left. Got a moment?"

Ru turned to meet her gaze, and felt this odd sense that she wanted something specifically from him.

"Oh, Ms.Northwood sure I got time need something?"

Yuri's face turned from happy to annoyed. She'd reach out her hand and pinch Ru's earlobe.

"OW!, OW!, OW!, hey! Stop that!!!"

"What did I say about calling me by my last name hm?. Call me Yuri"

Ru's face looked a bit annoyed himself and took a deep breath.

"Fine, fine!, just let go of my ear Yuri!!!"

Yuri's face lit up with joy and she slowly let go of Ru's ear. Ru rubbed his now red burning earlobe giving Yuri a look that can only be described as 'how immature'.

Yuri mere stocked her tongue out at the now frustrated Ru.

"Anyways what is it that you wanted again?…"

"Oh!, right thanks for reminding me!. Are you free this weekend?"

Ru's face went from frustrated to confused. He questioned what she might've had in mind, maybe a date?, more work?.

"Uh, yeah I am, why though?"

"Hehe~, that's a secret!"

"What?!, at least give me a clue as to what your gonna do with me!"

Yuri's face showed signs of deviousness and smiled at him happily.

"If you show up~ it'll all make sense to you~"


"Anyways I should stop wasting your time, the management team needs me for the 1st shift groups, and remember show up!, I'll email the address!~"

Yuri walks off still smiling at Ru. Leaving him conflicted on how he should feel right now, luckily he manages to shrug it off and head out to clock out of work, making it to his bike.

"(Haaah~, I wish she'd just tell me what we'd be doing…damn that woman…she's been like that ever since we were in middle school..)"

As Ru rode his bike back home, unpleasant memories of Yuri from middle school crept in his mind. Ru shivered with fear as he peddles faster.


Night would come and Ru would be in his apartment thinking about what Yuri's invitation.



Suddenly the sound of small bells would ring indicating that he just got a couple of notifications from his phone. As lazy as he was Ru manages to wiggle out from his bed and check the messages.

"Oh speak of the devil, it's from Yuri…and another notification…from the General Mages Corp. why would they be messaging me directly?"

Ru reads the message from the 'G.M.C' the General Mages Corp, is a specialized corporation in charge of determine which kind of magic affinities you have, and which class of mage you would be identified as.

In rare cases which class you get comes with their own benefits, such as full coverage over your financial services, personal access to the corps medical institute, and fair use over specific relics of your choosing.

Th G.M.C only seeks out people who have the potential of awakening by using certain magic to identify citizens magical energetic output. No matter how little or great, a person with magic flowing within them is still a case that should never be taken lightly. Which is why in most scenarios people with magical affinities must be monitored at all times Hanse granting them the special 'Treatment' of the benefits.

Ru inhaled deeply, then finally exhaling releasing all of his stress and anxiousness. After determining his current circumstances…it would appear that Ru's peace and quite life….

"..Is now coming to an end…"

Ru now in the dumps rolled around in his bed trying to ease his mind, but to no avail….he'd have to get up really early to head over to the G.M.C in order to get identified and properly get submitted within the G.M.C's data bases records.

"…Even though I feel like all my efforts of trying to remain normal have just been thrown out the window, I can't say I'm not curious as to what kind of magic I'll be able to use.."

Ru let his imagination run a bit rampant thinking of what kind of magecraft he'd be able use. But he'd end up shrugging these thoughts off when he'd remember the other message, the one Yuri left him.

Ru let out one last sigh gazing at his phone and opened up the email that was sent to him by Yuri, the message read out.

[ "Hey there Ru!, I know this is late in all but like our previous discussion at work. I'd like to formally invite you to a hang out spot with me and a couple of other coworkers, I do implore you to come, though this is only a request you can reject it if you want. But I INSIST you come I'd really love to have you there!"

- From Yuri <3

P.s also look at what's attached to this email, I think you'll like it!".]

"A hang out huh?….I wonder what that'll be like, maybe the attachment folder would give me a clue as to what the place she's referring to might be like-"

Just as Ru's thumb hovered over the attachment folder, he pressed down on the 'Open' option and witnessed something that made his face glow a faint red, making him very timid suddenly.

"….she…really, hasn't changed at all…"

Ru glanced over at his phone again, to see the attached folder again. It was a photo of Yuri in a very small Black Bikini, she would also be making a seductive look on her face.

Ru deleted the email afterwards. He'd stretch his arms and legs laying back down in his bed ready to fall asleep yawning the night away.

Though once again the thought crossed his mind…as to what kind of magic he'll acquire. His thoughts could only run amuck while slowly slipping into unconsciousness.

This is one of an older kind of series I worked on with a buddy, (got the okay that I can continue it for him in his stead, wanted to change a few things though :D)

Aldric_creators' thoughts
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