
The new teachers


on an island where the students of IS academy were staying for their vacation, in the control room we could see a group of students along with two guardian soldiers and a woman in princess kimono, we could also see two beautiful woman who by judging by their clothes were the teachers,

"What are you doing here , hinata-sama??" asked the woman with black hair and brown eyes , to which the now named hinata turned and replied,

"I am here to make sure that the operation is taken care of properly, and also to talk to you about what i had already informed the principle of your academy, starting from today , the alpha team which were responsible for dealing with the rouge IS will be joining the academy as teachers so that they can properly assess the quality of education that your staff is providing to it's students" said hinata in a calm way towards the now dumbfounded teachers and students,

"With all due respect,hinata-sama but i think-" " Your opinion is not required on this decision Brunhilde" said hinata in a cold voice towards chifuyu,

the reason why the princess was so cold towards one of her countries most prized IS pilots is because of Ryan, in the past 14 years her grandmother had come to see Ryan and the others as her own children while she was like a mother to the alpha team,needless to say when she learned of their past all those years ago , she lost all the respect she had for the Brunhilde whom she had once considered her idol.

"Can i know who the alpha team is , so that i can introduce them to the students??" she asked to which the princess had a fox like smile and replied

"of course" she replied and sent a data file to chifuyu, after she read the file she dropped the tablet and covered her mouth with her hand while tears flowed from her eyes , in the tablet it showed the file of the leader of alpha team , Ryan sanguise.


while this was going on the alpha team were brought into the same hotel where the students of the IS academy were staying , they then changed their armor into standby mode and headed to the dining area which was filled with students, after they found an open table at the very end of the room they sat down and ordered their food, while they got their food, ichika and his group of girls headed towards their table ,

"can we sit sown with you??" asked ichika to which Ryan nodded, after they sat down they introduced themselves ryan showed slight surprise and the rest of the team showed slight hostility when ichika revealed his full name, this did not go unnoticed by the girls .after they were done eating the team left the dining hall and headed towards their room which was assigned to them by the princess before their arrival, after they left the girls turned towards ichika , houki suddenly asked

"ichika , do you know any of those people??" asked houki towards ichika shook his head

"Then why were they leaking killing intent when you said your full name ??" asked laura

"I have never met them in my life , hell the existence of the guardians was only announced a year ago remember , and at the time i had not even arrived at IS academy " said ichika


after the alpha team had arrived to their room, the indifferent expression on ryans face changed into a frown, he turned towards his team and asked,

"Why were you guys releasing killing intent on the kid??" he asked to which the team had an expression of fury, especially sarah and jane,

"That boy is the brother of that woman right, how can we stay calm after knowing that??!!!" shouted sarah to which jane nodded ,

"look, we are here on a mission, we will not compromise it because of our own personal feelings , is that clear ???" asked ryan in a stern voice to which the team reluctantly nodded . his eyes softened and then said

"We only have to contain ourselves for a few months , after that we will leave this place, so try to be civil okay, after all we cannot blast them to bits like the precursors" the team nodded , after that they had gone to sleep but unknowingly the leader and silently left the room concealing his presence so that the others would not be alerted. he then walked to the beach and walked along it so that he could calm himself, the truth was that he was the one who was most effected with ichika's reveal of his name , it brought back all the emotions he had suppressed during the war , his feelings of betrayal was the strongest of those feelings,in two days time they would return to the school and he did not know how he would face the woman that he had loved for most of his life,

"Is there something on your mind sanguise??" asked a voice to which he turned and fount it to be none other than hinata,

"nothing princess" he replied to which she sighed

"Ryan, there is no one else here , you can tell your sister what's wrong right??" she asked to which ryan sighed and told her how he was feeling to which she replied

"That is only natural,ryan, even thought you have undergone surgeries to give you strength on par with an IS barehanded , that doesn't change the fact that you are still human, you will have to face your fears one way or another" ryan then nodded and headed back to his room leaving behind the princess

"Seriously, what would you do without me and the rest of the team??" she mumbled to herself while watching her adoptive brother head towards the hotel