
Chapter 5: Life is not Sugoi

Chapter 5: Life is not Sugoi

Hey, everyone! It's ya, boi Aruto Igarashi! As you guys know, my life took a positive turn after the two incidents with the two cops that I caused.

Mrs. Tanaka is the real GOAT.

If she didn't mistake me for someone else, the good-for-nothing kid. I would have struggled even more with the cops after my ass.

(Wait a minute, does she mean that I look like a good for nothing!?)


Anyhow, I would have also been broke if not for the job at the Takoyaki stall. As for the kid's identity that I stole? It is not my problem if that kid never showed up at the job. He could only blame himself for the opportunity that fell on my lap.

Still, I'm surprised my cover didn't blow up after a long time. 

I guess I'm just that good.

Aruto Igarashi, who?

Nahhh, never heard of that handsome bastard.

My name is Takayuki, the next Takoyaki King!

So that's basically how my life went for the next few days as I spent my days working at the Takoyaki stall and practicing my Takoyaki skills.

Honestly, I don't mind since I'm making a lot of money. I never thought it would be so profitable to run a Takoyaki stall.

So yeah, my life was peaceful as I took the time to enjoy the few moments of peace I could get before this nonsense. 

Moreover, I also promised Grandma Tanaka that I would make her stall explode in popularity before I dipped. At the same time, it is an enjoyable job to experience. 

Well, I can add this to my resume now!

Takoyaki skill getto daze!

Unfortunately, I can't stick to this place forever since I stole the identity of a kid that Grandma Tanaka personally knew, and who knows when that kid might pop out, or anyone who knew that guy would come. 

Awkward doesn't even begin to cover it.

I also didn't want Grandma Tanaka to get dragged into my shit when she provided such an opportunity for me, even if she mistook me for someone else. I would feel really guilty if she got into any problem because of me.

In some people's eyes, I might be a fugitive and cancerous, but I know how to repay kindness with kindness.

Now, where I've been sleeping lately? Brace yourself – it's been these shady love hotels. It's cheap, gross, and definitely not winning any awards for the best spots in Japan. I had few options since I couldn't wipe out my IDs to those usual places. Man, I miss my own apartment big time. 

The struggle is real, guys.

0/10, never again.

Of course, I didn't simply work and sleep comfortably for the past few days. I still put my guard on any case of an unexpected ambush from some cops.

So, that's why I took some time after work to find materials to create human face masks. It wasn't too challenging to make since I had some knowledge of this subject, but the material for it might be a hassle.

It was expensive but would not instantly ruin me, but it was close enough. I also found a dude who knew a dude who also knew a dude who knew someone's brother who knew someone's uncle who created fake IDs.

Hey, at least I also got a discount for all my difficulties.

That's a dub.

The whole search ordeal was a real pain, and I seriously considered calling it quits halfway. But, you know, my determination kicked in, and I decided to up my game.

After all that, I went to some place where I bought some wigs in bulk, stocked up on makeup, and bought various outfits and some materials to make a human skin mask. All this purchase made me broke, and I'm not even joking. After this shift, I also had to fetch and pay for fake IDs.

So yeah, all the money that I made this past week was gone entirely, but I don't regret it if it means that I could live a life without worrying about when I'll get caught and experimented on.

It would be worth it in the end.

Today's agenda entails making my way to the Takoyaki stand. Dressed in my employee attire, recognition from passersby won't pose an issue.

"Grandma Tanaka!" I called out upon spotting her busy with the Takoyaki stall setup. It was pretty early in the morning, but after working with her for the past few days, I knew she was performing this early morning every day, even with her old age.

That was something he could respect. 

I quickly joined in to lend a hand with the Takoyaki stall setup. The clatter of utensils and the sizzle of the hot plate filled the air as we worked in tandem.

"Takayuki, my dear, could you check the fresh batch of octopus? We wouldn't want anything less than perfection today," Grandma Tanaka requested, a glimmer of appreciation in her eyes.

"Absolutely, Grandma!" I replied, heading to the fresh ingredients with a sense of purpose. As we continued, our conversation flowed seamlessly, a mix of shared laughter and anecdotes from her long-standing experience in the Takoyaki trade.

Time seemed to pass effortlessly as we prepared for the day's business. The rhythmic routine of setting up the stall became comforting, with Grandma Tanaka's occasional words of wisdom and encouragement.

As we put the finishing touches on the stall, we were ready to welcome the first wave of customers. The Takoyaki stall was prepared for another successful day!

At the same time, the market welcomed a growing crowd, signalling that it was time for us to whip up the first fresh batch of Takoyaki. The tantalizing aroma wafting from our stall acted like a siren's call, enticing early risers with the promise of flavorful food.

With her generous spirit, Grandma Tanaka ensured I didn't go hungry during my shift. It created a familial atmosphere that made the job all the more enjoyable.

"Here, tell me if the Takoyaki tastes good," Grandma Tanaka offered a tray adorned with six piping hot Takoyaki, each generously drizzled with our special sauce.

"Thank you again, Grandma," I expressed my gratitude before taking the first piece of Takoyaki in one swift bite.

I closed my eyes and allowed the symphony of flavours to unfold in my mouth. The tender and fresh octopus, perfectly cooked, paired harmoniously with the rich, savoury secret sauce. It was a culinary masterpiece in a single bite. The combination of textures and tastes was nothing short of divine, creating a burst of flavour that lingered on my buds.

As I savoured the moment, Grandma Tanaka observed with a twinkle in her eye. "Well, how is it?"

Unable to contain my enthusiasm, I exclaimed, "Grandma, it's beyond words! The balance of flavours and the octopus's freshness—it's absolutely divine."

"I feel like I could never surpass you and become the Takoyaki King at this rate!" I confessed, acknowledging Mrs. Tanaka's Takoyaki mastery once more.

She paused, then chuckled. "Takoyaki King, huh? What a peculiar aspiration, my dear. Don't worry about it! You're still young, and I've had years of experience. Becoming a Takoyaki King is a journey, not a race. You'll get there in your own time."

Once again, Grandma Tanaka bestowed me with her wise words. It felt like a door had opened, and my goal suddenly seemed more apparent than ever.

"I understand! I shall abide by your wise words, Grandma!" I replied, embracing her advice as I continued with the rest of the preparations.

She chuckled, pleased with the reaction. "That's what I like to hear. Let's share this delight with our customers and make their day as delightful as that first bite." And with that, we set out to create a memorable Takoyaki experience for each customer who approached our stall.

As the first customer approached, Grandma Tanaka stepped forward with her characteristic warmth. "Good morning! Would you like to try our freshly made Takoyaki? Guaranteed to start your day with a burst of flavour!"

I mirrored her enthusiasm, expertly maneuvering the Takoyaki utensils. The familiar routine felt like a dance we had perfected together. Customers, both regulars and newcomers, began to form a steady queue, their anticipation evident in the glint of excitement in their eyes.

Throughout the morning rush, we both shared the task of cooking the food as the other talked and entertained the customers. We even had to take our break much later, seeing the insane queue in front of our cart.

No joke, but it felt like we had more people than the last days. I guess we became famous on the internet? I should probably take a look when I have the time. They were no doubt conquered by the fantastic taste of the Takoyaki.

As the sun climbed higher, casting a warm glow over the bustling market, I couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of these moments. The sound of sizzling batter, the laughter of satisfied customers, and Grandma Tanaka's gentle guidance created a tapestry of experiences I would carry with me, even beyond my time at the Takoyaki stand.

From the depths of my heart, I sincerely wish I could continue working here for much longer. Alas, reality can be a bitter pill to swallow.

I scanned my surroundings, and an overwhelming sense of discomfort enveloped me. The reason? Simple. There was a girl in the queue who caught my eye, fidgeting and staring in my direction from afar. I doubted she knew my real identity, but her fixed gaze unsettled me.

The growing unease made my paranoia surge, and my trouble-o-meter started ticking higher. Licking my dry lips, I pressed on, serving Takoyaki to the customers. Despite my focus on the task, I couldn't help but throw occasional glances towards the girl, wondering about the source of her intense scrutiny.

My attempts at hiding behind a mask seemed futile, and my natural charm managed to shine through.

What a peculiar curse I seemed to carry...

It didn't take long for the queue to go because of our fast serving as the girl who seemed to spell trouble arrived right in front of me.

…Let's play dumb and see how it goes.

"Hello, customer! How many would you like?" I asked, mustering a friendly smile while bracing for whatever conversation might unfold.

Observing the girl, I couldn't help but notice her striking beauty. She possessed a genuinely cute face framed by short brown hair, and her brown eyes, with their long slits, added a unique charm. A pretty nose line with a rounded tip accentuated her facial features. Moreover, she boasted a formidable figure that didn't go unnoticed.

The girl appeared hesitant, struggling to open her mouth. She looked at me with an emotion I couldn't quite decipher. A sinking feeling settled in my chest as I confirmed this was a troubling customer.

I waited for her to continue, and honestly... it didn't unfold as I had anticipated.

"...I would like six Takoyaki, please, Takayuki-kun."


(Fuck me sideways… No shot. Is this really happening right now?)

I honestly blanked at this moment as this kid's relationship finally caught up to me.

"Ha… uh! Of course, my dear customer, six Takoyaki to go!" I responded with a stiff expression, my face concealed behind the mask.

I began cooking robotically, unsure of how to navigate this unexpected encounter. Although mentally prepared for such a situation, in practice...

If only I had more information about the identity I stole, but... yeah.

"...Are you playing dumb with me, Takayuki-kun?" the girl shouted, dropping her head and obscuring her face from my vision.

"Eh?" I dumbly uttered.

Unfortunately, it seemed like the wrong thing to say as the girl erupted in front of the cart.

"Of course… I shouldn't have expected much from a heartless guy like you! How could you end things without saying anything? Weren't the moments we shared together worth anything to you?" she exclaimed, her face full of tears and grievance.

A growing headache wormed into my head as I fully understood the situation.

(Fuck me, not the ex-girlfriend at work…)

Takayuki now became the second person I despised the most.

The girl wasn't discreet about it either, and the people nearby expressed their surprise, their mouths running without much thought.

"Did you guys hear that?"

"Yeah, no shit, bro, she was pretty loud about it."

"Never knew that the boy was such a scumbag…"

"Oh wow. In public, too? That's crazy…"

"That's so much better than TV."

"I wonder what he did. She seems pretty upset."

"Is my Takoyaki ready yet?"

Panicking, I found myself clueless about how to handle such a situation. Having never had a girlfriend before, this was entirely out of my field of expertise.

"Wait, hold on... uhm, you? Let's not talk about it here!"

Her laughter began, and it sent a shiver down my spine. The other melon eaters seemed to share the discomfort, taking a step back.

"HeheheHEHEehehe HEheheheheheHEHE"

"You even forgot my name, didn't you? TA-KA-YU-KI-KUN?" said the girl as she stared deeply into my soul.

Yep, this chick officially started to scare the shit out of me, and I involuntarily took a step back.

(I honestly wanted to roar at the top of my lungs that I was not this scumbag but Aruto Igarashi, the runaway dude!)

The crowd of melon eaters wasn't silent either; they became even more lively.

"Yikes, he even forgot the name of his ex?"

"I thought he was a charming guy…"

"All the guys are the same!"

"How dare he dump a chick this fucking cute!?"

"He should burn in hell!"

"No, seriously, when is my Takoyaki coming!?"

Takayuki, do you know her?" asked Mrs. Tanaka with some worry in her eyes.

I didn't know how to respond. "I… Uh… You know…"

I could only fumble in my words as I panicked my ass off.

As if my trouble wasn't enough, three cops who came out of nowhere appeared in front of me and stared impassively at me with suspicions in their eyes.

"Hello, gentlemen; we received an anonymous tip from someone who said you knew where Aruto Igarashi was?"

Yep, I almost passed out right here.

(Life was really not sugoi right now.)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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