
Frontier town (3)

This restaurant was exactly the small wooden building he saw when he first checked the surrounding environment. It was very prominent in a bungalow courtyard.

Obviously, the barbarians thought the same way, so this restaurant was the first to be targeted and looted. Looking from the corner where Xia Ruize was hiding, the restaurant was in a mess.

Listening carefully, there was no abnormal noise coming from the restaurant, it should be that the plunder had ended, and the barbarians had turned to other targets.

Xia Ruize looked around and heard screams sporadically and saw the figure of the barbarians. He waited patiently until there was no one on the street, turned over the courtyard wall closest to the street, and quickly ran to the Jixiang restaurant.

There was silence in the restaurant, and Xia Ruize moved his eyes unbearably when he saw that the customers and waiters who had not had time to run were chopped on the ground.

The first floor of the restaurant was connected to the backyard. The kitchen and warehouse were in the backyard, but the warehouse was already empty and the kitchen was messed up.

There were also the second and third floors in the Jixiang Restaurant. Xia Ruize held the crossbow in front of him, and carefully climbed upstairs to check. There were a few customer bodies on the second floor. It seemed that they were rushing downstairs, only to be blocked by barbarians coming up the stairs.

On the third floor was the private room of the restaurant owner. The fat boss´ body fell on the stairs. Contrary to the others, he seemed to want to run up, but was probably chased down by the barbarian from behind.

The room on the third floor was turned over in a mess, and all the contents of the drawers were gone.

Xia Ruize avoided the mess on the ground and hid beside the window on the third floor, using the crossbow to sign outside the window.

The view from the windows on the third floor was very good, condescending, suitable for the crossbow.

If he chose to ambush with sneak attack on the barbarians here, the advantage was that before the barbarian could react and rush over, he might be able to release several arrows.

The disadvantage was that once the barbarians point out his position, it would be difficult to escape if he was surrounded by multiple barbarians.

So, Xia Ruize just made two gestures for the time being, and didn't make any rash moves.

When turning to another window to observe, Xia Ruize suddenly realized something strange. The direction in which the owner of the restaurant fell was not towards the stairs but towards the corner. He was staring at the ceiling. It was kind of weird.

Xia Ruize followed his line of sight and looked towards the ceiling. After careful observation, he found that the ceiling seemed a little strange. He simply lifted a nearby chair over his head to reach the ceiling.

With a "click", a square ceiling was lifted and moved aside.

There was a secret room in the ceiling of the building above?

Xia Ruize put down the chair, stepped on it and stood up, and saw that there was an attic space on the ceiling and a ladder at the entrance.

Xia Ruize reached out on tiptoe, grabbed the ladder, and pulled the it out from the attic. The ladder was thin and long, just enough to reach the attic from the ground.

Since there was a ladder, there was no need for a stool. Xia Ruize set up the ladder and climbed to the attic.

This attic was a small space with vents on all sides, stacked with food and water, some daily necessities, and a lot of gold and silver jewelry.

Thinking of coming to this attic, it likely was the escape route left by the restaurant owner, but the barbarians came too fast, he was killed before he could climb the attic, and the barbarians eager to loot everywhere could not find this attic.

Xia Ruize looked out from the vents on all four sides of the attic. The vents were not very large but sufficient. For him, he could launch the crossbow, and hide himself to the greatest extent. It was really the best place to ambush.

Xia Ruize retracted the ladder into the attic and paved the ceiling so that even if someone entered the restaurant, it would be difficult to find that there was an attic on the top of the third floor and him hiding in the attic.

After staying in peace, Xia Ruize began to observe the situation in Bianlu city through the windows on all sides.

In the streets and alleys of Bianlu city, only the barbarians were running rampage, and the common people hid in their homes. The difference was that some people's pre-prepared hiding places were very concealed, while some people hadn't had time to hide.

During the observation, Xia Ruize accidentally discovered that a courtyard on the west side of the restaurant was very strange, because many corpses of barbarians were scattered all over the backyard, and the courtyard doors were wide open. Other than that, there were no other changes in the place.

Since the barbarians were killed, they belonged to the same camp. After thinking about it, Xia Ruize decided to try the crossbow with the barbarians on the ground in the backyard.

The front end of the crossbow came with a viewfinder to assist in aiming. Xia Ruize had good eyesight and his hand didn´t shake. After aiming well, he decisively pulled the trigger. Immediately, an arrow shot out. In an instant, two-thirds of the arrows were shot. All shot into the barbarian's body.

After the first arrow was shot out, the second one was automatically reloaded, just waiting for him to pull the trigger again. This convenient long-range weapon was very friendly to Xia Ruize.

The drop point of the arrow was not far from the point Xia Ruize aimed at. After one test, Xia Ruize knew about the range and power of the crossbow.

Just when Xia Ruize tried to aim at the second target to practice his hand, out of the corner of his eyes, he found that a separate barbarian was slowly approaching the courtyard. Xia Ruize immediately stopped his actions and stared at the barbarian.

When the barbarian walked by, he noticed that the courtyard gate was wide open, and immediately turned around to walk in. After entering the courtyard, he turned to the wall and untied his pants.

It turned out that the barbarian wanted to relieve himself, he did not go to the back of the courtyard, and he did not see the body of the same clan behind the courtyard.

Almost instantly, Xia Ruize realized that this was a good opportunity for him to attack.

So, he raised his crossbow to aim at the back of the barbarian who was releasing the water.

For the first time to fire the crossbow at an active target, Xia Ruize did not dare to directly aim at the neck, which was a deadly but too small target, he chose the back.

After holding his breath and aiming, Xia Ruize decisively pulled the trigger and shot an arrow.

With a "swish", the arrow plunged straight into the back of the barbarian. The barbarian who was in a relaxed state let out a scream and immediately turned to look behind him, thinking that someone was hiding behind the courtyard and attacking him.

Realizing that an arrow could not directly solve a barbarian, Xia Ruize did not panic too much. After the next arrow was automatically set up, he aimed at the injured barbarian again.

At this time, the barbarian had already rushed to the backyard and found that the backyard was full of corpses of the same clan. He immediately realized that it was not good, but he had no chance to leave or report, because another arrow flew straight forward, it shot directly into his heart.

This time the attack was fatal, and the barbarian tried to cut off the tail to save himself, but finally fell powerlessly.

At the last moment, he discovered that the original crossbow attacks did not come from the courtyard, but from the restaurant next to him. His hand was lifted up to point in the direction of the restaurant, and finally fell unwillingly.

At the same time, the watch on Xia Ruize's wrist vibrated slightly again. He looked down and immediately saw two messages scrolling on the screen:

[Kill a barbarian. Strength +0.1]

[Main Mission 2: Kill three barbarians, complete]

Xia Ruize clenched his fists and felt ample power.

The initial value of his power was 1. After killing three barbarians, his power had increased by 0.4 to 1.4, which meant that he had almost increased by one-third his power. Of course, it felt very obvious.

At this moment, Xia Ruize discovered that a white iron box appeared on the barbarian who had just fallen.

Killing ordinary barbarians would also drop something?

Or was it the reward for killing the barbarian that completed the main task 2?

Xia Ruize stared at the treasure chest and pursed his mouth a little entangled. If he ran down to get it now, the risk was not small. If he didn´t take it, maybe there was something useful in it?

Suddenly, the sound of killing that came from a distance interrupted his thoughts. Xia Ruize followed to look at the sound. After seeing the situation clearly, he was shocked and couldn't help but lean forward.