
Frontier town (28): Hell

What surprised the cavalry was that they saw a torch lit on the opposite side.

Cheng Huaiqian saw the fire from a distance. He expected it to be their cheap subordinates, but he wasn´t close to the fire. He didn't dare to continue approaching, fearing that the horses would trample on the cavalry, so he simply slowed down. Letting Xia Ruize light a torch to show their location.

After an hour of running wildly, these frightened horses finally vented their horror with a large amount of sport. At this time, they calmed down a lot and slowed down together with the lead horse. So, the two teams of twenty cavalry just watched. Slowly approaching them with a bunch of torches.

The flames reflected the faces of their two new officers, as well as the black horses behind them.

Cavalry: ? ? ?

Cavalry: ! ! !

The cavalrymen rubbed their eyes vigorously, until Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize pulled their horses down in front of them, they still maintained their silly movements and dumb expressions, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Go, count the total number of horses. Send two people back to Bianlu City overnight, and ask the Colonel for more reinforcements. Don't disturb us to rest."

After issuing four orders in a row, Cheng Huaiqian didn't pay attention to what these cheap men thought, and directly dragged Xia Ruize into one of the tents. He didn't care if others slept, he set the alarm clock and fell asleep.

"I can sleep for four hours. Let's get another one in the morning."

Patting Xia Ruize comfortingly, Cheng Huaiqian put his head on Xia Ruize's shoulder, and soon fell into a deep sleep. He was a little addicted to the feeling of being able to fall asleep with the teammate pillow, no insomnia was really a happy thing.

Xia Ruize adjusted his posture and fell asleep quickly. He had followed Cheng Huaiqian for the past two days and had become accustomed to the rhythm of going to bed at every opportunity and being energized and ready for battle at any time.

When the two were asleep, the twenty cavalries outside looked at each other, surprised to the point that they didn't know how to move.

Someone wanted to say something, they were immediately slapped by their teammates and made a few gestures, so everyone had to walk a little further away from the tent, and then lower their voices to discuss with each other:

"Are these two commanders really human? They ran all night. Did they rob the barbarian camp's war horses?"

"I told you not to underestimate our commanders. I asked the Bianlu city people. These two commanders are fierce men who have killed hundreds of barbarians with their own hands.

I also heard from the logistics soldiers that at least more than 300 barbarians had been killed outside the city Lord's mansion and the north gate of Bianlu City. Not to mention that there is a restaurant that is burnt. Tsk tsk, our commanders are truly stepping on the blood of the barbarians."

"Oh my God, we dared to question the commander's orders before. I have experienced firsthand what 'I don't know what is good or bad'. What should I do now?"

"What else can we do, follow the commander's orders, first, count the horses, second, send it back to Bianlu City overnight, and third, don't quarrel with the two commanders!"

The two cavalry teams that reached an agreement tacitly led the horses away from the camp. Then, under the reflection of the fire, they divided the labor and worked together. After counting for a long time, they finally counted the horses that had changed their nests in the middle of the night. The total number was 195 war horses!

Among them was a best-of-breed BMW-level horse, which was the one Xia Ruize rode when he returned.

In the end, the cavalry left the best two horses among them. The other 193 horses were all handed over to the two cavalrymen. Even if it was dark, they would not dare to ride a horse. The horses rushed back to Bianlu City

Who knew if the barbarians would catch up and try to get back the horses, they must go as far as they could go before the barbarians caught up, they swore to send the horses back to Bianlu City!

The two in danger1 cavalrymen held the torches and led the war horses on the road. Relying on the guidance of the guide star, following the barely visible road, taking advantage of the night, they drove a large group of war horses back to their camp.

Although they were awakened in the middle of the night and asked to do this kind of errand, they were full of joy from body to heart.

They were cavalry, and the horse was their most valued partner. The barbarian warhorses were famous for their high quality, and nearly two hundred high-end barbarian warhorses were captured at once. This was an amazing harvest!

They could all imagine how big a reward they would receive from the colonel, not to mention the two commanders who had made such a great achievement.

Now, the cavalry no longer doubted or envy the two new officers in their hearts. Some left only admiration. They were able to put so many horses back like white wolves with empty gloves2. The two officers were really amazing!

The eighteen cavalrymen who stayed at the camp had counted so many horses by themselves, and their excitement could not be calmed down for a long time. They simply had a lively discussion in a place far from the camp, and finally left two of them to watch the night, and the others squeezed in another tent to rest.

The small camp that belonged to Daxia here fell into silence, and the camp of the Barbarian tribe fell into silence after tossing around the middle of the night.

No way, they were awakened in the middle of the night and were tossed again. The barbarians couldn't help it. After clearing the camp, seeing that there were no Daxia people coming to attack again, they went to sleep separately.

The barbarians who drank milk tea that had been hot on the fire before going to bed slept especially sweetly.


At four in the morning, Cheng Huaiqian's watch alarm rang. He immediately opened his eyes, his eyes quickly changed from being confused to awake, and he sat up.

Xia Ruize moved his hands, rubbed his eyes, and sat up.

"Let's go, give them another lesson before dawn."

After waking up, Cheng Huaiqian immediately entered a state of full energy, gearing up to get involved.

Xia Ruize was almost there. He sat there for a while before he became sober. Looking silently at his teammate´s eyes gleaming in the dark, he deeply sympathized with the tragic fate of the enemy he was staring at.

The movement of the two were discovered by the cavalry guards who watched the night, and they secretly notified the teammates in the other tent. When Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize walked out of the tent, the remaining 18 cavalry had stood behind the fire and waited for orders.

"Sir! We…"

Seeing Cheng Huaiqian coming out, the tall man who insisted that he couldn't walk in the dark before took the initiative to stand up and prepare to plead guilty and confess his mistake.

"Want to follow us?"

Unexpectedly, Cheng Huaiqian interrupted him directly and asked rhetorically.

The tall man was stunned for a while, and quickly replied: "Yes!"

"Pack your things and get ready to go."

Cheng Huaiqian calmly gave orders.

The previous disobedience had passed so lightly. The two cavalry teams were very surprised. In their perception, which officer's authority had been provoked, and it turned out that the officer was right, would he not ridicule his subordinates severely?

The two new officers did not take the opportunity to punish them.

The cavalry could feel that Cheng Huaiqian really didn't care. He gave a good order and went to clean up himself. Xia Ruize was more kind, and even smiled at the cavalry.

As a result, the two cavalry teams had an inexplicable mood, cleaned up the camp quickly, and then turned on their horses and waited for the command of the two commanders.

Cheng Huaiqian released his amber horse and pulled it out from the dark jungle. After turning on the horse, Cheng Huaiqian stretched out his hand to Xia Ruize who was about to ride the best BMW he had recovered:

"Ride together, the journey is still long, and you can still get a little sleep."

No matter how good the barbarian BMW was, it was still a bit worse than the amber horse. Even if two people were loaded, the amber horse ran faster than other horses without delaying the journey at all. It was also very stable and comfortable, and the riding experience was better.

Cheng Huaiqian had been very busy at work. He had become accustomed to spinning and keeping the most energy at all times, but he could see that Xia Ruize was not. After fighting for two days and two nights, the biological clock of his teammate was disrupted and he was supporting him.

It may be that his head was not fully awake, Xia Ruize accepted Cheng Huaiqian's invitation, was pulled in front of his teammate, and then fell asleep in the arms of the teammate, and soon fell asleep in the regular ups and downs of the horse.

The night was still dark, and even before dawn, the night was especially dark, but there was a commander in front of them, and a group of cavalrymen chased one by one, bravely embarking on a night march that was prohibited by the cavalry.

Cheng Huaiqian did not bring all the cavalry around the barbarian camp. On the contrary, when there was still some distance from the barbarian camp, he kept arranging the cavalry to stay in place and dig pits to create traps according to his requirements.

Eighteen cavalrymen, in groups of three, were arranged by Cheng Huaiqian to make more than ten traps.

After arranging these cheap men, Cheng Huaiqian continued to ride with Xia Ruize close to the barbarian camp. Approaching the barbarian camp, Cheng Huaiqian shook Xia Ruize, waking up his teammate who had been asleep, and the two dismounted together.

Xia Ruize drank several mouthfuls of the mineral water that dropped out of the treasure chest. Feeling energetic, the two again approached the barbarian camp quietly in the dark.

The camp was attacked while sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, and the losses were heavy. It was a great shame to the barbarians. With an angry count of the losses, cleaning up the camp, and even discussing countermeasures, after a busy half-night, the whole camp finally became quiet again.

The darkest time before dawn was also the time when the barbarians slept the most. They couldn't imagine that the Daxia people dared to attack again.