
Frontier town (14): Night attack

"Which jar of wine was delivered to the tower?"

Facing the middle-aged chef, Cheng Huaiqian had a cold face, his whole body and the weapon in his hand put a lot of pressure on the chef.

The chef pointed to the two jars of exquisitely packaged wine placed next to the stove, and decisively said: "those two jars are for the barbarian leaders, and the barrel next to is for the ordinary barbarians."

Cheng Huaiqian gave Xia Ruize a look. Xia Ruize immediately tied the young helper's hands with hemp rope, stuffed a piece of linen into his mouth, and then pushed the young helper into the corner of the kitchen.

After ensuring that both of them were under control, Xia Ruize took out the packet of Mongolian sweat medicine and poured half of it into two jars of exquisitely packaged wine, and all the rest was poured into the wine barrels for ordinary barbarians nearby.

The introduction of the Mongolian sweat medicine that dropped out of the treasure chest did not mention the dosage, and the two had to guess and put it. Fortunately, they only took this plan as an alternative, which had the best effect. If there was no effect, it was a matter of changing to another plan. They weren´t afraid.

Seeing Xia Ruize's movements, the eyes of the middle-aged chef and the young helper also lit up, and they became excited inexplicably.

At this time, the chef suddenly reminded them: "Strong man, the barbarians are coming soon for the wine, you hide first!"

Cheng Huaiqian stared at him deeply, his eyes full of threats, and then dragged the young helper and Xia Ruize to hide behind the clutter in the small kitchen.

Sure enough, two elite barbarians soon opened the door curtain of the small kitchen and shouted loudly. The chef only carried out two jars of beautifully packaged wine. In addition, he also brought two large bowls of dishes.

Two elite barbarians, one holding wine and the other with vegetables, returned to the city with a smile and laughed. When they passed by, they laughed at the three barbarians who had been arranged to guard the kitchen, as they thought they were already drunk.

They were anxious to return the wine and food to the leaders' table and didn't notice that the companions they though were only drunk, actually didn't even breathe.

Not long after, two more ordinary barbarians came, one carrying a barrel of wine and the other holding two large pots of potted vegetables, and returned to the camp where ordinary barbarians gathered.

When passing by the compatriots guarding the kitchen, one of the barbarians even stretched his legs and kicked one of the barbarians, who was fixed by Cheng Huaiqian in a drowsy look, and slowly fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, who were secretly hiding by the door observing, felt tight in their hearts. Cheng Huaiqian's large knife was already clenched, and Xia Ruize's crossbow was also set up. The two were ready to fight at any time if the barbarians were to find the truth.

It didn't take long for the fine wine with ingredients to be delivered to the castle tower, and it took no time for the barbarians on the castle tower to drink more and sleep more deeply.

Fortunately, the two barbarians themselves were too drunk. After making self-righteous jokes, they continued to move forward happily, and found no abnormalities in the fallen compatriots at all.

Seeing them walking away, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The chef had always been very cooperative, looking at them with bright eyes at this time, pleading:

"Strong man! I beg you to save us! We were forced!"

"You continue to cook in the kitchen, no matter what happens outside, hide and don't come out."

Cheng Huaiqian ordered coldly, and after taking the collar of the young helper, he took him out of the kitchen.

"Don't worry, we are also Daxia people. We are here to deal with the barbarians and won't hurt you."

Xia Ruize looked at the chef eagerly trying to pull his son back and fearing Cheng Huaiqian, he soothed a word, and then left the kitchen with Cheng Huaiqian.

This was not the time to be soft-hearted. They were not sure in which side the two people in the kitchen were, but it was better to be cautious. One hostage was in their hands and at least the other would not be scrupulous.

While there was no patrol team, Cheng Huaiqian took the young helper to a courtyard, pushed him in, tied the hemp rope to the doorpost, turned and left.

Cheng Huaiqian didn't plan to do anything to this young guy, he just needed him to stay there quietly.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian found a place where the barbarian patrol team rested. Tonight's patrol mission of the barbarian camp was completed by the around 30 barbarians under a big leader. One team would have four or five barbarians, there were a total of six teams, taking turns patrolling.

The patrolling barbarians were not allowed to binge and drink in order to stay awake, so they rested in two separate courtyards a little farther away from the barbarian camp, in order to separate them from other barbarians who indulged in joy and to reduce their temptation.

Each team was responsible for patrolling for two hours, so, except for the one that was constantly patrolling around the camp at this time, the barbarians of the other five patrol teams had already lay down to sleep.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, these barbarians had been sleeping for four or five hours and had already entered deep sleep. Therefore, there were only snoring noises in the small courtyard, and there was no movement of barbarians.

The only barbarian who watched the night bowed his head, bit by bit, almost falling into the fire in front of him.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize hid outside the courtyard to observe for a while, then Xia Ruize aimed his crossbow at the barbarian who watched the night, shot two arrows in a row, and the barbarian fell backward.

Cheng Huaiqian walked into the courtyard lightly and quickly, before the barbarians who watched the night finally touched the ground, he barely made much noise.

After confirming that the barbarians who watched the night had been resolved, Cheng Huaiqian carefully approached the farthest room.

Xia Ruize held his crossbow at the door to watch out, while Cheng Huaiqian carefully pushed open the door. After entering the room, facing the sleeping barbarians side by side on the big bed, Cheng Huaiqian was not merciless. He raised his long knife and then fell, ending up their sleep one by one.

Cheng Huaiqian, who had just learned the [Thunder Sword Technique], moved the knife more easily, without a sense of jerky, and solved the barbarians in their sleep with cleanly.

Soon, the five barbarians in one room all fell asleep forever.

Cheng Huaiqian took the knife and walked out of the door, exchanged a glance with Xia Ruize who was watching at the door, and the two walked to the door of the next room together.

Just as Cheng Huaiqian entered the room to solve the sleeping barbarians, the door of the last room with barbarians in the small courtyard suddenly opened with a creak.

He saw a barbarian walk out from the door and face Xia Ruize who was guarding the door of the next room. In an instant, Xia Ruize felt that his heart was about to stop. He widened his eyes, held his breath, and subconsciously got ready to pull the trigger and shoot.

As a result, an unexpected scene happened to Xia Ruize. The barbarian who was up at night seemed to have never seen Xia Ruize standing two meters away, he rubbed his eyes, and continued to fumble towards the courtyard wall.

"They are very likely to have night blindness."

Cheng Huaiqian had already settled the barbarians in a room again, and walked out lightly, just seeing this scene, so he leaned over to Xia Ruize's ear and whispered.

Xia Ruize nodded approvingly. These barbarians were not rich in recipes, and if they lack vitamin A, it was not difficult to understand that all of them had night blindness.

Fortunately, Xia Ruize was not night blind, and he could see a lot of things clearly in the moonlight. He had been staring at the barbarian walking in the night and walked to the courtyard wall, then set up his crossbow, and aimed at the neck of the barbaric who was releasing water1, he shot two arrows.

The barbarian, who was not fully awake, clutched his neck blankly and fell down. His sleeping brain couldn't figure out what was going on until the end.

After solving the accident, Cheng Huaiqian took Xia Ruize into the last room.

The barbarians in the previous two rooms were solved by Cheng Huaiqian himself. It was not that he wanted to monopolize the record, but Xia Ruize's melee sword and body skills were not as professional as his. If they accidentally awakened other barbarians, their plan would fail.

But in the last room they could be a little bolder.

Therefore, Cheng Huaiqian stayed on the sidelines ready to help, Xia Ruize stood by the bed and shot arrows one after another to the other barbarians that were sleeping.

The final commotion was a little bit louder, the barbarians who did not die immediately struggled to fight, but fortunately the two of them joined forces to suppress the resistance and smoothly resolved all the barbarians in the room.

In the night, Cheng Huaiqian took Xia Ruize and left the small courtyard together. No one knew that the small courtyard had fallen completely into silence, and there was no more movement.

The action of the two was not over yet, there was another small courtyard next to the one they were in. Of the three rooms located in the courtyard, two of them belong to the asleep barbarians, and the other was empty, belonging to the barbarian squad that was currently patrolling.

As usual, in the first room, Xia Ruize watched at the door, and Cheng Huaiqian started to solve the barbarians in the room with ease.

In the next room, the two walked in together, and then noticed that there were only four barbarians on the big bed in this room. Glancing at each other, the two guessed that the room probably belonged to the four guards of the big barbarian leader.

At this time, there was no need to worry about what tricks these barbarians could reveal. Cheng Huaiqian prepared to help on the side, and Xia Ruize used the crossbow to solve these barbarians one by one.

These guards were worthy of being the barbarian elite fighters. Xia Ruize had just solved two, and the other two woke up, they grabbed the big knife by the bed and slashed in Xia Ruize's direction.

It was a pity that their knives were blocked by Cheng Huaiqian's large knife before they could touch Xia Ruize. Cheng Huaiqian easily attacked the two barbarian elites causing them serious injuries, and then left it to Xia Ruize to kill.

In less than half an hour, the two teamed up to solve the barbarian combat power of the two yards, which made them feel a lot better.

If the city gates became lively after a while, the drunk barbarians were not very threatening, but the squad of barbarians who stayed awake was the most dangerous ones.

Unfortunately, this team of barbarians didn´t patrol the entire camp, and never dreamed that someone would dare to attack them at night.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were very pleased of successfully eradicating the threat in advance, not to mention that this team of barbarians not only provided them with a lot of physical fitness values, but also dropped a lot of useful items.