
Inevitable Heritage (Moved to a New Link)

Miran has always known hate, it's been his constant companion ever since he could remember. The constant harboured hate never left his heart, but rather grew and extended to his life, towards whose whom he was supposed to love, towards himself and towards the world around him. He'd only realise when it's too late that he morphed himself into the very thing he despised the most - his father. This has been moved to - https://www.webnovel.com/book/inevitable-heritage_27903270208284605

iinadaism · Thành thị
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9 Chs

Chapter three.

Eren couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight of Irem and the neighbourhood's children. His eyes traced her every movement, captivated by the radiant smile that graced her lips and her demeanour. The memories of the previous day flooded Eren's mind as he watched Irem, she spent the entire day yesterday preparing homemade ice cream and baking cupcakes that she wouldn't let Eren touch despite his constant nagging. She insisted on reserving the food for the children, she told him it was the start of their summer and she wanted to surprise them for getting through the school year.  Irem's laughter blended with the joyous voices of the children as they vied for her attention. Their smiles widened as they received the ice cream and cupcakes she had made with love.

As he stood there, silently observing, Eren couldn't help but be further attracted to Irem. He admired her character and the impact she had on those around her. He thought she would be a great mother, a wonderful partner that he wanted to be lucky enough to have. In that moment, he longed to be a part of her joy, to contribute to the happiness she created, and to find his own place with her in the world she illuminated. Eren was mesmerised by her, she was like the light at the end of the tunnel to him, and to others too amidst the war-torn reality. He yearned to be more than a bystander to her, more than just a guy she met, he wanted to be with her.

His thoughts were interrupted by Auntie Viyan yanking on his ear, causing him pain and discomfort "Ouch, ouch, Auntie please stop - my ear -" He winced in pain. She released her strong grip from his ear as he instinctively brought his hand to his ear, trying to alleviate the throbbing sensation. "What did you do that for?" He whined at his aunt, a little bit annoyed by her gesture as she laughed at him.

"You're smitten for Irem." She continued to laugh louder, teasing her nephew with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She found amusement in his obvious crush on the other woman. 

"I'm not a man who becomes smitten, I'm above that, if Irem is smitten with me then she should work to impress me to stand a chance." He attempted to downplay and deny her accusation. Despite his attempt to maintain a composed demeanour, a subtle smile tugged at the corners of Eren's lips, betraying the truth behind Auntie Viyan's playful accusation.

Her laughter persisted at his statement, irritating Eren before she spoke again "Oh you're funny! I know you, boy. You've been helping her father to try and impress her, it's not like you ever do something out of the goodness of your heart!"

He was desperate to assert his self-control and downplay the impact Irem had on him and his actions, but it's difficult to do against Viyan who knew him better than he knew himself. That woman particularly raised him more than his own mother did. "Auntie Viyan, that man really hates me, he despises me but I'm just trying to smooth things and make amends you know." 

"Lying that doesn't work on me, I can't blame the old man, you've been nothing but rude to him before you got too infatuated by his daughter." She sneered at him, trying to discipline her nephew. Her tone carried her disappointment and frustration in him.

"You think Irem is buying it? Is she gonna like me now? Run into my arms?" He makes a joke, a playful smile spreading across his face. 

"She's not dense like you make her out to be, she's not buying into your acts young man, I'm sure she knows you're crazy about her." Auntie Viyan smacks his arm, continuing the light-hearted atmosphere with him.

"She loves me, she itches for me and I know that, you're the one who's got it all wrong, Auntie." He chuckles, trying to convince his aunt and himself of his own words. His words were a bold assertion, an attempt to exude his confidence.

His eyes wander back to her, her figure walking towards them both as the children finally left her. He felt a bit happy about that, now they're gone her attention is back to him. 

"Eren, I left some cupcakes for you since you wouldn't stop asking me for some yesterday." She handed him the box.

His hand reached out to grab a cupcake and stuff his face with it, he turned to his aunt with a smug smile playing on his face "See, I told you Auntie." he motioned his hands at Irem.

"You eat like an uncivilised animal and talk with food in your mouth and you want me to believe Irem loves you." Auntie Viyan poked fun at her nephew in front of the woman he was infatuated with.

"What? Did he say that?" Irem asked, cracking into a little laugh.

"No! No, I never said that. She's lying." He shouted, he shot his aunt a look before pulling Irem away from her to make sure she doesn't expose him even more to her.