
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Movies
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82 Chs

toward next step

Raj drove towards home, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He decided to stop by Dr. Srinivas's hospital for a thorough check-up, needing to ensure his own well-being amidst all the recent turmoil. As he was leaving the hospital, the receptionist stopped him.

"Mr. Raj, Nurse Sulochana has gained clarity today. You were inquiring about her, right?"

Raj's heart skipped a beat. He had been waiting for this moment, but now that it was here, he felt a knot of anxiety in his stomach. He made his way to Sulochana's room, bracing himself for whatever she might reveal.

Inside the room, Nurse Sulochana lay weak but conscious. She turned her head slowly as Raj entered.

 she whispered, her voice barely audible. "There's something you need to know… A person named Valmiki… He exchanged his biological son with Jayaram's son."

Raj's heart pounded in his chest as the words confirmed what he had already known from his previous life. Sulochana took a few more labored breaths and then, with a final sigh, she passed away.

Raj quickly called for Dr. Srinivas, who rushed in and confirmed that she was gone. Raj stood there, staring at the lifeless body of Sulochana, feeling a mix of sorrow and confusion. now he was left with the weight of this revelation.

Leaving the hospital, Raj was lost in thought. He knew this information could shatter his family. The knowledge that Valmiki had swapped babies, making him Jayaram's son and not the biological child of his loving parents, weighed heavily on his mind.

As he drove home, he pondered whether or not to reveal this secret. His mother, Yashu, and father, Jayaram, had been through so much already. The truth could destroy them, or it could bring them closer together. But could he risk it?

Once home, Raj found himself sitting alone, contemplating the impact of this revelation. The memories of his previous life and the responsibilities of his current one collided in his mind. He knew he had to protect his family, but he also knew the truth had a way of surfacing, one way or another.

Raj took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges ahead. His family's happiness and well-being depended on his actions, and he was determined to navigate this storm with as much care and wisdom as he could muster.

Raj stood in the study, feeling the weight of the impending revelation. His father, Jayaram, his mother, Yashu, and his grandfather, Ananth Radhakrishna, sat quietly, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. Valmiki stood near the door, his face tight with tension. Bantu had been called from his job 

Yashu, sensing the gravity of the situation, tried to break the silence. "Raj, if this is about the engagement, we can discuss it now."

Raj shook his head. "Please, wait until Bantu arrives," he said softly, his eyes flicking towards the door.

Raj took a deep breath, his eyes scanning the faces of his family. "There's something important I need to tell all of you," he began, his voice steady but strained. "Something I've recently discovered."

Jayaram leaned forward, his brows furrowed in concern. "Raj, what is it?"

Raj turned to Valmiki, who looked pale and nervous. "Valmiki, I need you to call your son here. He needs to be part of this conversation."

Valmiki nodded reluctantly, pulling out his phone and making the call. A few tense minutes later, Valmiki's son, Bantu, walked into the room, his face reflecting the confusion and concern of everyone else.

Raj looked at each of them in turn before speaking. "I've recently come across some information, and I've confirmed it with a DNA test done at the hospital. They had blood samples from my father's recent visit, which helped verify this."

He paused, taking another deep breath. "Valmiki, you were involved in something many years ago. Something that has affected all of our lives."

Valmiki's face drained of color. He tried to speak, but no words came out.

"Years ago," Raj continued, his voice steady, "you exchanged your biological son with my parents' son. This means, biologically, I am your son, Valmiki, and Bantu here is the biological son of my parents, Jayaram and Yashu."

The room fell silent, the weight of Raj's words sinking in. Yashu gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. Jayaram looked stunned, his face ashen. Ananth Radhakrishna's eyes narrowed in disbelief.

Bantu stood frozen, his mouth slightly open as he tried to process what he had just heard. 

The tension in the room was palpable as Yashu and Jayaram turned their attention to Valmiki, their faces a mixture of betrayal and anger.

"How could you do this, Valmiki?" Yashu demanded, her voice trembling. "Why did you switch our children?"

Jayaram's voice was quieter but no less intense. "What could have driven you to do something so cruel?"

Valmiki, his shoulders slumped, looked down at the floor. "I... I wanted a life filled with luxuries for my son. I thought if he grew up in a wealthy family, he would have a better future."

Bantu, standing nearby, felt a surge of anger. He stepped forward and slapped Valmiki hard across the face. "How dare you!" he shouted. "You made my life a living hell! You treated me like I was nothing, like I wasn't your son. Now I understand why."

Valmiki clutched his cheek,. "Bantu, I'm not sorry. my son turn how i imagine him to be"

Raj stepped forward, his voice calm but firm. "Everyone, please, we need to control ourselves. This is a lot to take in, but we need to stay focused." He turned to his parents and grandfather. "I have a suggestion. Let's adopt Bantu officially into our family. He can have the life he was meant to live, the life of opportunities and love."

Yashu, still tearful, looked at Raj with a mixture of pride and sorrow. "But what about you, Raj? This affects you the most."

Raj took a deep breath. "I've thought about this a lot. I won't be able to connect with my biological mother. It's better she doesn't know the truth; it would only bring her pain. As for Valmiki," he glanced at the man who had raised him, "I will never consider him my father. My father is Jayaram, and my mother is Yashu."

Jayaram nodded, his eyes filled with unshed tears. "You are our son, Raj. And Bantu... he deserves to know the love and support we can give him."

Ananth Radhakrishna, who had been silent, finally spoke. "This is a difficult path, but it is the right one. We will adopt Bantu and make him part of our family."

Bantu, who had been standing in stunned silence, looked at Raj. "Are you sure about this? i can't forgot my mother who has raised me .i want to be both family son This is a lot to ask."

Raj nodded. "Yes, I'm sure. We will find a way to make this work. We're a family, and families stick together."

Valmiki, whispered, "I'm so sorry. For everything but i am your father"

Raj looked at him, his expression hard. "Sorry won't change the past, Valmiki. But it can guide your future. You'll need to live with the consequences of your actions."

The room fell silent again, the gravity of the situation settling in. But there was also a sense of hope, a sense that they could move forward together, stronger than before.

Raj's family began discussing the practicalities of adopting Bantu, their voices filled with determination and a newfound unity. Raj felt a weight lift off his shoulders, knowing that despite the turmoil, they would face the future together.

Jayaram, his voice choked with emotion, turned to Raj. "Son, how can this be? We've raised you, loved you... You are our son."

Raj's eyes softened as he looked at his parents. "And you will always be my parents. Biology doesn't change the love and the bond we share. But the truth is important, and we need to address it."

Yashu, tears streaming down her face, stood and hugged Raj tightly. "You'll always be my son, no matter what."

Ananth Radhakrishna, his face stern, spoke up. "This is a grave matter. We need to think about how to proceed, how to handle this information."

Bantu, finding his voice, spoke hesitantly. "I... I don't know what to say. This changes everything."

Raj nodded. "It does. But we need to stay united as a family. We'll find a way to move forward, together."

The room was filled with a heavy silence as everyone processed the information. Raj felt a sense of relief, knowing that the truth was finally out. But he also felt the weight of the uncertainty and the challenges that lay ahead.

As they stood there, a family grappling with a profound revelation, Raj knew that their bonds would be tested. But he was determined to navigate this storm with the love and strength that had always defined their family.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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