
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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82 Chs

Fight 2

As Raj and Sathya stepped out of the bus, they spotted a fierce battle unfolding nearby. A young man, Charan, was bravely fighting off a group of thugs led by a menacing man, Dharma. Raj's eyes widened as he saw someoneone attempting to backstab Charan. Without hesitation, Raj sprinted forward, delivering a powerful kick that sent the would-be attacker sprawling to the ground.

"Watch your back!" Raj shouted to Charan, who nodded in acknowledgment, his focus never wavering from the fight.

Raj joined the fray, his fists flying as he helped Charan fend off the remaining thugs. Sathya, not one to stand by, grabbed a nearby log and rushed into the fight, swinging it with precision. Together, they created a formidable defense, their coordinated efforts overwhelming the thugs.

Charan, meanwhile, faced Dharma head-on. The thug leader sneered, underestimating Charan's resolve. "You think you can take me down?" Dharma taunted, brandishing a knife.

Charan's eyes burned with determination. "I know I can."

Charan and Dharma stood face-to-face, the tension palpable in the air. Dharma, a menacing figure with a knife glinting in his hand, sneered at Charan. The surrounding thugs were either unconscious or too dazed to intervene, leaving the two men to settle their fight.

"You think you can take me on, boy?" Dharma taunted, brandishing the knife. "You're just another dead hero."

Charan's eyes were steely, his muscles tensed. "I'm not here to be a hero," he replied. "I'm here to stop you."

With a roar, Dharma lunged forward, slashing the knife toward Charan's midsection. Charan dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the blade, and countered with a swift punch to Dharma's jaw. The force of the blow staggered Dharma, but he quickly recovered, swinging the knife in a wide arc.

Charan ducked under the swing and delivered a powerful kick to Dharma's knee, causing him to stumble. Dharma snarled in pain but retaliated with a backhand swipe, the knife slicing through the air. This time, Charan wasn't fast enough. The blade grazed his arm, drawing a thin line of blood.

Ignoring the pain, Charan pressed his advantage. He grabbed Dharma's wrist, twisting it sharply. Dharma yelped, dropping the knife, but he wasn't done yet. With his free hand, he landed a solid punch on Charan's ribs, forcing him to release his grip.

The two men circled each other, breathing heavily. Dharma's eyes flicked to the fallen knife, and he made a desperate dive for it. Charan anticipated the move, kicking the knife away and tackling Dharma to the ground. They rolled across the dirt, exchanging blows. Charan's fists hammered into Dharma's face and torso, each punch fueled by determination and anger.

Dharma managed to land a few hits of his own, one punch connecting solidly with Charan's ribs, making him gasp for breath. But Charan's resolve was unyielding. He knew that Dharma's defeat was crucial to protecting the people.

With a surge of strength, Charan pinned Dharma down, raining down punches until Dharma's resistance waned. Grabbing Dharma by the collar, Charan lifted him slightly and slammed his head against the rock, finally knocking him out cold.

Panting, Charan stood up, blood trickling from his wounds but his spirit unbroken. He glanced around, seeing that Raj and Satya had managed to subdue the remaining thugs. The bus passengers were safe, and the immediate threat was neutralized.

Raj approached Charan, a look of admiration on his face. "You did it," he said, clapping Charan on the back. "That was intense."

Charan nodded, his expression grim but relieved. "We all did. Now, let's make sure everyone's okay "

With Dharma defeated and the thugs subdued, the group worked together to ensure the safety of everyone present, knowing they had averted a major disaster.

Sathya, catching his breath, joined them, offering a nod of respect. "That was some fight. Glad we could help."

Charan looked at the fallen thugs, his expression grim. "These men... they were after me . But it seems they bit off more than they could chew."

Raj nodded. "We need to make sure they don't regain consciousness. The police are on their way, but we should stay vigilant."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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