
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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82 Chs

Family Dinner and Post-Dinner Conversation

Raj and Jayaram have returned home after a long day at the office. The family is gathered for dinner in their warmly lit dining room. Raj looks visibly exhausted but determined. After dinner, he bids everyone goodnight and heads to his room to rest.

Raj: (standing up from the table) Goodnight, everyone. I'm heading to bed. It's been a long day.

Yasu: (concerned) Goodnight, Raj. You look exhausted. Make sure to get some rest.

Raj: (smiling wearily) I will, Mom. Goodnight, Dad. Goodnight, Grandpa.

Jayaram and Ananth Radhakrishna: (in unison) Goodnight, Raj.

Raj heads upstairs to his room, and the rest of the family remains at the dining table. Yasu clears the dishes while Jayaram, Ananth Radhakrishna, and Yasu linger around the table.

Jayaram: (with pride) You know, Dad, our Raj did an exceptional job today. You should have seen him. He handled Paidithalli Naidu and his father, Appa Naidu, with such confidence and intelligence. He managed to turn a potentially disastrous situation into a beneficial deal for the company.

Ananth Radhakrishna: (nodding) That boy is sharp. He's always been quick on his feet, but it sounds like he's really coming into his own now.

Jayaram: (enthusiastically) He didn't just negotiate; he outsmarted them. He proposed a deal that not only secured our funding but also aligned the Naidus' interests with ours. Raj suggested helping them whitewash their money through our offshore accounts, which they couldn't refuse. He also made it clear that if they wanted to be seen as legitimate businessmen, they needed to act the part.

Yasu: (smiling softly, clearing the dishes) That's wonderful to hear. I always knew Raj had it in him, but seeing him step up like this is truly heartwarming.

Jayaram: (beaming) He absorbed everything today, from the negotiation tactics to the way we handle our business. It's like he's a sponge, taking in all the information and using it immediately. He's going to take this company to new heights, I'm sure of it.

Yasu continues to clear the dishes, her expression softening as she listens to Jayaram's praises. She pauses, gathering her courage to speak directly to him for the first time in years.

Yasu: (softly, almost hesitant) Jayaram, how did Raj handle the meeting? Was he really that impressive?

Jayaram: (turning to Yasu, surprised and pleased) Yes, Yasu. He was incredible. He stood his ground, outwitted the Naidus, and showed a level of maturity and intelligence that I didn't expect. He's truly become a remarkable young man.

Yasu: (nodding, still processing) That's good to hear. He's always been strong. (pauses, then speaks more firmly) It's good to know he has your support.

Jayaram: (gently) He has our support, Yasu. We both want what's best for him.

Ananth Radhakrishna: (smiling) It's good to see you two finding common ground. Raj's strength comes from knowing his parents believe in him.

The family sits in a comfortable silence for a moment, the tension of the past years slowly beginning to thaw. Yasu and Jayaram share a tentative smile, both realizing that their son's success might be the key to bridging the gap between them. The evening ends on a hopeful note, with the promise of a stronger family bond forming in the wake of Raj's accomplishments.