
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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82 Chs


Daya reached Deepthi's house, his heart heavy with the knowledge he had just acquired. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. When Raj opened it, he saw the anguish etched on Daya's face and stepped aside to let him in.

"Everyone, I have something to tell you," Daya began, his voice trembling. "It's about Kiara."

Deepthi, Sathya, and Raj gathered around, their expressions a mix of curiosity and dread. Deepthi's parents were in the next room, but they could hear every word.

Daya recounted the horrific details he had learned. "Kiara was taken by Kottai Veeran, a local gangster working for the chairman, PK. They drugged her, raped her all night, and then killed her in the morning. It was Veeru Bhai's brothers who orchestrated it and done the deed, and I... I helped them escape from the police station when they were caught . If I hadn't done that, Kiara would still be alive."

Deepthi's eyes flared with rage as she grabbed Daya by the collar. "You... you helped those monsters escape?" she screamed, her voice breaking. She slapped him hard across the face, the sound echoing through the room. "If it weren't for you, Kiara would still be alive. My little sister would still be alive."

Tears streamed down her face as she turned and clung to Sathya, her body wracked with sobs. "They raped and killed her," she cried, the words barely coherent through her grief.

Sathya held her tightly, his jaw clenched with fury. "We'll get them, Deepthi. I swear, we'll get justice for Kiara, even if I have to kill those monsters myself."

Deepthi's mother, who had been listening from the other room, went silent as the horror of what had happened to her daughter sank in. Suddenly, she began to convulse, her body shaking uncontrollably. Raj, who was closest, reached to her first and supported her frail frame.

"We need to get her to the hospital," Raj said urgently.

Everyone sprang into action. Sathya gently guided Deepthi, who was still sobbing, while Raj and Daya helped Deepthi's mother to the car. They rushed her to the nearest hospital, the urgency of the situation momentarily eclipsing their grief and anger.

At the hospital, the doctors quickly took Deepthi's mother into the emergency room. Raj, Sathya, and Deepthi sat in the waiting area, their minds racing. Deepthi's cries had subsided into quiet sobs, and Sathya held her close, whispering words of comfort. Raj paced back and forth, his mind working on the next steps they needed to take.

Daya stood apart, guilt written all over his face. He knew he had to atone for his mistakes. Approaching Raj, he said, "I want to help. I'll do whatever it takes to make this right."

Raj nodded, his eyes hard. "We'll need all the help we can get. But first, let's make sure Deepthi's mother is okay. Then we'll figure out our next move."

Hours passed, and the doctor finally emerged, assuring them that Deepthi's mother was stable but needed rest. As they settled into the hospital chairs for the night, a silent agreement passed between them. They would fight for Kiara's justice, no matter the cost.

raj start thinking "fuck! fuck! now the movie plot has become a mix of temper and bhairavaa . i know those fucker would have make a videotape of deed . but i don't know how to found that videotape . but i know i can fry pk that fucker had hide every piece of evidence of his life in his house . "


next morning 

The day marked the first hearing of Kiara's case. The courtroom buzzed with anticipation as the high-profile nature of the case had drawn significant public and media attention. Sathya, Deepthi, and Daya arrived at the court, ready to face the challenge ahead. Deepthi's father chose to stay at the hospital to take care of her mother.raj following discreetly .

 they entered the courtroom,After some time they were greeted by the sight of the female judge, who had been assigned to preside over the case. The proceedings began with the defense lawyer, Shanmugarajan, taking an aggressive stance.

"Madam Judge," Shanmugarajan began, "this case is an open and shut matter. Kiara, known for her partying and troublemaking, died from a drug overdose, as evidenced by her autopsy report. The family refuses to accept this and is wasting the court's time, causing unnecessary unrest in the public."

Deepthi and Sathya seethed with rage, struggling to maintain their composure as they listened to the slanderous claims.

The prosecutor then stood up, countering Shanmugarajan's assertions. "Your Honor, this is not a open and shut case .there are significant inconsistencies in this case that cannot be ignored. I'd like to show you by calling Deepthi to the stand."

Deepthi took the stand, and the prosecutor asked her about her sister's character. "Kiara was hardworking, studious, and always focused on her medical studies. She was not a party person and certainly not involved with drugs."

Next, the prosecutor called Geetha, Kiara's best friend, to the stand. "Geetha, can you tell us about Kiara's character?"

"Kiara was dedicated to her studies and never partied. She was always concerned about the lack of basic facilities at the college, and she protested against the administration for better conditions," Geetha testified.

The prosecutor continued, "Your Honor, we have a young woman who was known for her diligence and dedication, suddenly portrayed as a drug addict and troublemaker. This transformation is highly suspicious, especially considering Kiara's protests against the college's poor facilities."

The prosecutor then pointed out the failures of the initial police investigation. "The previous investigating officers have not produced any leads, while the family, on their own, has gathered substantial evidence. We request that the investigation be handed over to Officer Daya, who has a commendable track record."

Throughout the prosecutor's presentation, Shanmugarajan attempted to interrupt several times but was overruled by the judge each time.

After listening to both sides, the judge spoke. "In the interest of a fair trial, and given the previous investigator's inability to produce results, I hereby order that the case be handed over to Officer Daya."

The courtroom buzzed with approval as Deepthi and Sathya exchanged hopeful glances. Officer Daya nodded solemnly, understanding the responsibility that had just been placed upon him. The hearing adjourned, and they knew this was just the beginning of their fight for justice.

how is it ? progress in right direction ?

white_poisoncreators' thoughts