
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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82 Chs


The next morning, Rajen arrived at the address Raj had given him, which turned out to be Sathya's house. Raj and Sathya were already waiting for him, and together they headed to see Daya, with Rajen following closely behind.

Upon arriving, Raj and Sathya explained the situation to Daya, seeking his advice on the next steps. Daya suggested that they file a complaint at the police station. Raj and Sathya agreed to discuss this further with Deepthi before taking any action.

As they were leaving Daya's place and heading towards Deepthi's house, Rajen hesitated and then spoke up. "Raj, Sathya, there's something you need to know," he said urgently. "Daya is a corrupt officer. His name is associated with some very shady dealings. They say he would even sell his own father if the price was right."

Raj and Sathya were stunned by this revelation. They had trusted Daya, but now they had to reassess their strategy. Raj turned to Rajen, eyes narrowing. "How do you know this, Rajen?"

Rajen took a deep breath, clearly nervous but determined. "I've been part of this world for a long time. I've heard things, seen things. Daya's been involved in some very questionable activities. Trusting him could be a big mistake."

Sathya clenched his fists, his anger barely contained. "If what you say is true, Rajen, then we're in more trouble than we thought."

Raj nodded, trying to process the information. "We need to be careful. We'll confront Deepthi with what we know, but we need to approach this cautiously."

They reached Deepthi's house, where she was waiting for them. Raj, Sathya, and Rajen sat down with her, explaining what Rajen had revealed about Daya. Deepthi's face turned pale as she listened, her eyes wide with shock.

"Are you sure about this?" Deepthi asked Rajen, her voice trembling.

Rajen nodded solemnly. "I wish I wasn't, but it's the truth."

Raj placed a reassuring hand on Deepthi's shoulder. "We need to figure out our next move carefully. We can't trust Daya, but we also can't let this go. We need to find someone who can help us without compromising our safety."

Sathya nodded in agreement. "We have to protect ourselves and get justice for Kiara. But we need to do it smartly."

Deepthi took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I agree. Let's figure out a plan that keeps us safe and brings these people to justice."

Raj, Sathya, and Deepthi spent the next few hours discussing their options, determined to uncover the truth and bring those responsible to justice without falling into a trap set by corrupt officials. They knew the road ahead would be dangerous, but they were committed to seeing it through, no matter the cost.


After Raj and Sathya left Daya's office, Daya sat back in his chair, deep in thought. The visit from Raj and Sathya had stirred something within him, and his girlfriend's persistent pestering about Kiara's murder had made him curious enough to dig deeper.

Using his connections, Daya began investigating the circumstances surrounding Kiara's death. His network of informants and contacts provided him with some crucial information: Veeru Bhai, who was currently in jail in Hyderabad, had leveraged his influence to alter Kiara's autopsy report. This revelation shocked Daya, but he knew it was just the tip of the iceberg.

Daya also had a complicated history with Veeru Bhai. In the past, he had help solve a few tricky cases, earning verru gratitude and a debt he had yet to repay. Veeru Bhai's brother, who had been arrested recently, was a loose end 

orchestrated the release of Veeru Bhai's brother, making it look like a bureaucratic mistake.

Meanwhile, back at Sathya's house, Raj, Sathya, and Deepthi were formulating their plan. They were unaware of Daya's internal conflict and the steps he was taking in the shadows.

The next day, as Raj and Sathya were preparing to meet with Deepthi again to discuss their next steps, Daya's girlfriend called him, eager for updates. Daya shared his findings with her, expressing his concerns about the growing complexity of the case. His girlfriend, understanding the gravity of the situation, urged him to be careful and to consider the implications of his actions.

Daya, feeling the weight of his dual responsibilities, decided to dig even deeper. He needed to find concrete evidence linking Veeru Bhai to Kiara's death and to the altered autopsy report. He also needed to ensure that his involvement wouldn't jeopardize his career or safety.

As Daya continued his investigation, Raj and Sathya were moving forward with their plan. They decided to confront the college management and hostel warden, hoping to gather more information about Kiara's last days and the events leading up to her death. They also planned to keep a close eye on Daya, wary of his potential duplicity but hoping that he might still prove to be an ally.

The tension was palpable as the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. Raj, Sathya, and Deepthi were determined to uncover the truth, while Daya was caught between his past dealings and the pressing need for justice. The stage was set for a dramatic confrontation that would test their resolve and reveal the true depth of the conspiracy surrounding Kiara's death.

drop your on thoughts how story is progressing

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