

Selene is an aspiring young actress who's been in the industry for about 5 years already- but without any significant role that could make a drastic change to her career. She finally gets a role as a second female lead of a movie and meets Leon, a flourishing actor with good looks and fame, quite the opposite of herself, yet he's still taken an interest in her. But something isn't right. She is convinced that someone has been stalking her and tampering with the cctvs as well but she just can't get any evidence. Even though Leon's trying his best to help her, things just don't seem to be getting any better. Just what is going on?

divaxffs · Thành thị
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

"He's watching you, Sel.."

"Sorry?" Selene blurts in surprise, snapping back to reality as she looks at the hazel-eyed man in front of her who seemed utterly disappointed, evident from his frustrated sigh. The man turns to look back at the camera with an annoyed expression. "She messed up. Again. This is already the 5th time for God's sake! Because of you now we'll have to do another take and I am already exhausted!"

"I am sorry I just-" She tries to come up with a good explanation for her act, his words piercing her right through her pride but before she could do so, she gets cut off by the director himself.

"Everybody, let's wrap up. Tomorrow, 8. Remember, if you come in late, just don't come at all." The director of the movie that Selene was starring in was a cute short round man, who was a perfectionist. Though for some reason, surprisingly, he didn't yell at Selene for messing up her dialogues. Everybody starts wrapping up and Selene sighs to herself, still standing on the set, thinking to herself for a few minutes before making her way to the changing room.

"Are you alright, Sel?" She hears a familiar voice call out to her, making her stop in her tracks and turn around. Jia looks concerned as she hands her a package with a weird look on her face as Selene eyes the package, confused. The package had no address, nothing that would indicate who it was from. Except- of course, her name was written in a beautiful handwritten cursive.

Selene Stirling

"What's this?" She asks looking at the package then at her but Jia only shrugs. "No idea, some crew guy said somebody left this for you. I thought nobody could enter and leave the shooting scene..?" Jia mumbles to herself, questioning about its origins suspiciously.

"Maybe it was a fan who somehow sneaked in? It's alright." I reassure her as I enter the changing room and invite her inside. Jia still looked sceptical but nodded anyway and Selene mentally thanked her for not asking her to immediately open the package since she was too tired for this shit anyway. She quickly changes into her clothes and removes her makeup before grabbing her bag, all ready to leave. The movie she was starring in was a big one and it was her first time being the second main lead. Otherwise she mainly did other supporting roles that she auditioned really hard for.

It wasn't even her turn for the shoot today but since the shooting for the other scenes were finished earlier today, they told her they could shoot her scenes today as well. But for some reason, she kept on messing up. This has never happened before- not like she got many movies from the beginning to start with anyway, but still.

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been spacing out a lot, Sel." Jia takes her hands in hers as they stand near her car. Selene finally forces a smile and looked down at their clasped hands then back at her. "I'm good, Ji. Just- I think I ate something bad today." It's only after she had said it then she realised how bad of an excuse that was.

"Are you sure it's not the meds that you're taking?" Jia's question catches her off guard, but she ends up chuckling at it.

"Ji, I know you don't like Mr. Walton but he's one of the best psychiatrists out there so please," she pauses, giving her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry too much about me."

"Fine," Jia says, letting go of her hand. "Are you sure you can drive back home? It's really late so if you want you can stay over-

"Ji," Selene says softly, cutting her mid sentence giving her the knowing look. She rolls her eyes, huffing as she crosses her arms against her chest. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Go now." Selene smiles at her as she gets into her car to leave, not before waving.

"Ah! I am so exhausted!" She mutters to herself as she arrives at her house, the door automatically locking behind her as she takes off her heels and throws the car keys on the table, plopping on the couch, exhausted. 

"No constant chatting and bickering of people is all I need. Peace finally." She tries not to doze off, yawning.

"God I could fall asleep right here and now.." She mumbles to herself but finally gathers enough strength to go upstairs to where her room was and change.

Once changed, a part of her scrolls through her phone mindlessly, and another thinks about the events of the day. It was like she was forgetting something. Her eyes widened slightly in sudden realisation as she got up and dragged herself towards her bag, taking out the package and putting it on her bed, scanning it with her arms crossed against her chest.

"I'm not even that popular of an actor so why would this be from a fan? Ugh, let's just get over this." She mutters to herself before tearing off the package and keeping the box on the bed, slowly opening it.

A look of horror and surprise flashes her face for a quick second at what she sees inside, remaining frozen in my spot for a good few seconds before shutting the box and throwing it on the floor, some of its contents spilling.

"This must be some sort of a joke. I can't be dealing with this shit right now. I have a shoot tomorrow and only a few hours left to sleep." She ignores it and switches off the lights, getting under the covers and shutting her eyes tightly.

Suddenly, she hears a glass shattering downstairs, making the hair on her body stand as she gulps in fear.

 "The fuck was that?" She turns on the lamp beside her on the table, standing up to lock the door to her room. 

'Whatever or whoever was there downstairs, until I don't hear footsteps coming up, I can't be bothered to call the cops or check myself. There's nothing to steal either. I'm just a broke actress. Yeah only an idiot would go 'Oh there's a noise downstairs by probably a murderer so let me go check' she thinks to herself, half yawning.

She sits back on her bed, half asleep even though she knew this wasn't a situation she should be sleeping in. She couldn't help it though and ended up falling asleep with an emergency knife beside her, just in case. 

Ring Ring

"Hello?" Selene answers the call without even looking at the caller ID half asleep, yawning, her eyes still shut.

"Ma'am! You finally picked up!" Lindsey, her assistant's voice pierces her eardrums making her almost shriek in surprise as she finally sits up straight on the bed, wide awake, looking around.

"What the-"

"I called you about 20 times this morning ma'am! I thought something happened to you!" Selene is surprised by Lindey's voice, more because of the way she acted yesterday- all quiet and weird.

"Lindsey, I am okay. Why did you call?" She sighs running her hand through her hair, as her gaze finally falls on the knife beside her, the events of last night flooding in, making her cautious.

"Oh that- I just wanted to ask at what time you'll be arriving at the set?" 

"Is that it?"

"Um yes-?"

"Seriously Lindsey? OF COURSE I'LL BE THERE BEFORE 8!" She sighs frustrated, abruptly ending the call.

She then looks at the locked door, and dials the emergency number but doesn't call it as she unlocks the door to go check. Obviously which stupid burglar would wait till the morning to get caught?

She goes to the kitchen first and frowns when she doesn't find anything out of the ordinary, looking around the living room as well before searching the whole house. It's all clear then where the hell did that glass shattering sound come from last night?

Hello~ I just wanted to say that I appreciate that you clicked on my book! I am new here so I am not too sure about how things works here but I'll figure it out on the way. So please don't forget to vote and comment and let me know what you think. Thenks, cya!

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