
A voice

"What's up, bro! I didn't expect you to be here."

A smiley and bearded face came all at once in front of Tom. He was shocked, because of the introvert nature he hardly talks to strangers. But it didn't take much time to recognise his old friend Harry. He was meeting with him after a very long time. It's been six years since they had talked with each other.

"I was just roaming around, trying to know this place better," Tom replied.

"when did you come here. you never told me?"

Harry asked with curiosity. he seemed to be more concern about his friend.

"Oh, I was posted in this city last month for my project work. I'll be here for the next six months." Tom replied.

"by the way, I didn't have your contact number," he added.

Harry: "damn! my bad"

And they exchanged their number.

By the way, the city they were in was called Tormo. Harry was living there with his uncle, and the place was very much familiar to him. on the other hand, Tom was new to this place and didn't have friends over there. although they were not so close friends earlier. they had the same school but they didn't share the same classroom.

"I don't have casual clothes to wear. will you help me to find a convenient shop? this place is new to me." Tom requested hesitantly.

It was inappropriate to ask because they have met all of a sudden.

But Harry was a cool minded guy who doesn't bother anything. he instantly replied:

"Let's go, man, I will show you the best out best"

They entered into a shopping mall called 'Maskarita'. it was quite a huge mall filled with plenty of different items. they went to the clothing section. it was an afternoon time, so there were not many people inside. They were just looking for clothes having a discount offer. Although the festive season was going on that time, so it's easy for them to get a good deal.

After exploring the entire section Tom finally got two shirts and a T-shirt.

"Dude it fits on you." Harry complimented with a smile.

Tom was a guy who always had confusion while choosing things. he couldn't pick one out of many. Everything he looked on, seemed good to him.

He was very much satisfied by his recommendation. Now they were done with exploring things.

While they were heading towards the billing counter, accidentally Tom bumped into someone. All of a sudden he blanked out. He didn't understand what to do at that moment. All the stuff which he had been carrying all over the mall, was felt in the floor. The incident drew everyone's eyesight towards them who were standing nearby. However, he managed to control himself.

"Sorry... it's my fault".he said confusingly.

His eyes were still on the floor, looking for his stuff. Then he started picking up things. unknowingly he was ignoring the other person.

" no..no it's not your fault. don't be sorry. actually, I didn't notice." A soft and sweet voice just came through.