
In The World Of The Boys:Homelander Is Nothing Before Me

Synopsis: Traveling through the void is no easy task, but for some it couldn't be simpler, for there exists a God of unquestionable power and might, unmatched by anyone. But even such a being has a weakness, a weakness that has plagued even the creator of all, The Great Defeater, Boredom. In an event to cure this problem once and for all the Great God accidentally created a Rift in space-time where he was snatched up and flung through. Now he has awoken in an entirely different universe, the universe of The Boys. With no power, no system and no world travel ability, what will he do to return home to his girls in DxD. [Take a peek at Supreme General Reborn In DxD With One Wish For Reference To Mc Way Of Doing Things] ~~~ It's me, infinityGod, this is a kind of side story where I place my Main Character Haile Supreme into the world of The Boys with homelander and shit, you know to fuck shit up and stuff, grab your popcorn and chill. I'm like stuck on some kinda fucked up creators block and it's driving me nuts as it's never last this long before, but thankfully these things are normal and will pass eventually. Thanks For Reading, Bye Oh, one more thing, I'm following more the TV show, but because Haile is from as you may or may not know an anime world I have translated the world that way to a degree. So technically it's an anime type world now in terms of setting, but it will still read like a "normal world" Bye again

infinityGod · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

×Chapter 3×Discord


*The Boys Universe*

*Great Country America*

*Next day*

*Campbell house*

It was early in the morning and Hughie was pacing up and down the living room, from time to time he sighed and other times he peeked through the window.

One could see that he was visibly stressed and sleep free from the black circles that coated his eyes, plus the bloodshot gaze.

.""Did you kill a priest or something, all this stressing isn't going to do anything you know, it will only make your father worry"".

Haile who was on the couch spoke, his eyes were still closed as his arm propped his head, he opened one eye."Do you need some counciling?."He asked as he sat up.

."You're a therapist?."Hughie asked confused, he would've never seen that coming in a million years.

Haile smiled as he nodded."Of course not, but can I do therapy, sure, one of the greatest in the universe, come over, have a sat next to me."He said, he wasn't joking either, he was a great therapist, dealing with all those girls problems back home, he didn't have a choice.

Hughie went over and sat next to him, he looked up at Haile and did a double take."Huh, did you always have glasses."He asked seeing Haile with glasses and a notebook.

."Details really, look, Mr Hughie Campbell, tell me what's bugging you, explain to me the specific thing that's bugging you."Haile said with a soft and gentle voice as a smile spread upon his face.

Hughie looked at him then looked down as he played with his finger."I...I, just feel so helpless, a man, a superhero blew my girl-friend to pieces, and now I'm told not to, and that I can't do a damn thing about it."He said.

."Alright, and tell me how exactly that makes you feel, do you feel angry, enraged, or maybe even furious?."Haile asked as he wrote something in his notebook.

Hughie stared at his fingers as he carefully considered, then he sighed."I guess....I feel..frustrated and lost."He said choosing his words carefully.

."So you feel frustrated at your helplessness or frustrated that you even have to be frustrated."Haile said writing down some more things, this time it took a while so it must be alot.

Hughie took a deep breath."It's just not fair, why us, why me, Robin never did wrong to anyone, neither did I, so why, it's wasn't fair."He said with a heavy heart.

."Woah woah woah, as your temporary therapist, I feel the need to let you know that there's no such thing as fair, no one is dealt a fair hand from birth, not even the son of God."Haile said seriously as he glanced through the window.

Hughie cleared his throat."Um, yeah, he was dealt a very bad hand wasn't he."He said nodding his head.

."Uhhh, not exactly what I meant but yeah, let's go with that for now, just remember you're operating on a mortal plane, most of all concepts you see or know to exist actually means nothing to any greater life-form."Haile said as his smile came back, he was speaking from a place of experience.

Hughie opened his mouth to say something but Haile held up a finger stopping him"Let's get back on track, I want to know, say I did support you taking action against the superheros, what exactly are you going to do?."He asked.

."Of course I'm going to call..., I can,..can't I file a..."Hughie suddenly became extremely confused."...Wrongful death lawsuit?."

Haile chuckled."Sure, and let's say you succeeded and win the case, all that would do is give you a bit more money, is that what it's about, did they give you too little money."He said and asked again this time with more pressure.

Hughie lowered his head as he Interlocked his fingers and squeezed."..No, it's not, about the money, I just, I just want closure.."He said, then his eyes widened.

."Congrats, you want closure for yourself, a selfish desire, but the sooner you accept that fact, the sooner you can calm down and truly think logically."Haile said with a smirk seeing the look in Hughie's eyes, he clapped his hand and gave him applauds.

Hughie then raised an eyebrow at tye over exaggeration."So you're really a therapist then, you should be able to find a job easily."He said impressed.

."Therapy is not really my thing, I'm more into the destroying of minds and bodies than fixing them, manipulation is a great weapon."Haile said, then he took off the glasses."Anyway, let's end it with that for now."

Hughie shook his head and smiled."You're so weird, you're like...the bipolar of normal people."He said as he laughed at his own joke, then he noticed the notebook Haile was writing on."By the way, what did you even write down?."

Haile raised an eyebrow as a smile tugged at his lips."Hmm, who said I was writing anything."He said and showed him the notebook.

On the notebook page to the left was a somehow extremely detailed drawing of Hughie being punched in the stomach, and beneath it was a word, failed.

Then on the right side was Hughie again but this time happy and smiling, while Haile was giving him applauds and telling him congrats, beneath this was another work, success.

Suddenly Hughie felt a cold sweat as he stared at the notepad, Haile chuckled."Just a drawing don't worry about it, you succeeded anyway right."He said smiling wider.

.'Who have I allowed into my house, the devil?.'Hughie was now questioning everything, this was definitely not normal.

Haile chuckled and shook his head having fun teasing him."Either way, I'm not telling you to completely give up on revenge, I'm telling you to have some not so common sense."He added."Not all heroes are super, same as not all supers are heroes."

Those words struck Hughie deeply, it was like a thunder bolt to his brain as he thought about it and he facepalmed wondering why he only saw it now.

."Vought, they covered it up!."Hughie stood up with a sudden outburst, his eyes having realization and anger."And they want me to help them cover up another of their crimes!."

Haile on the other hand rubbed his chin as he observed Hughie.'Mmm, it's as I thought, he is the main character of this world, he gave me the same feeling I got when I met Issei, Baki, Eren and the other's for the first time.'He thought and smiled.

.'Good, now I can use him to maintain control of whatever fate decides for him, also I can guarantee my survival until I regain my powers at least.'Haile thought with a grim and ruthless light in his eyes.

Right now he was in survival mode, seeking and searching for a way to survive and keep on living, he could already tell just from the few minutes he went online that this was a dangerous world.

Especially with that one person, the highest seat, strongest hero, leader of the seven great heroes of Vought, Homelander.

He saw a few videos and from them he could make some basic guesses upon analysis, Homelander was probably about a peak prime ultimate(DxD Scale) in terms of power he'd seen so far.

It was good for homelander, but nightmares for him, what if Vought sends him to "clean up" the mess, then he would be defenseless and could only die if he can't run.

.'Never thought the day would come again where I would be wary of a weak ultimate class entity, *sigh*.'Haile thought almost depressed, but then he smiled amused.

Hughie paced the room with clenched fist, at the same time his father Hugh walked in and froze in surprise."You two sure are up early, killed a priest or something."He said going into the kitchen which could be seen from the living room.

Hughie looked at his father with hesitance, he glanced at Haile who shrugged."Dad, I have something important to tell you."He said seriously.

."Hm, What is it Hughie just tell me."Hugh said casually, he glanced up at Hughie as he poured out a cup of coffee for himself, he motioned with his head to go on.

Hughie swallowed the cold hard pill of what he's about to do."Dad..I made up my mind I'm not, taking the money, from Vought."He said as his eyes lowered before he heard Haile's ahem behind him, then he looked directly at his father.

Hugh paused as he stared at Hughie, soon the glass overflowed spilling on the counter and burning him."Ah shit, hot."He exclaimed putting down the coffee cup.

."No Hughie, you can't do this, *Deep Breath*."Hugh looked up to the ceiling and covered his mouth with his closed fist."Hughie."

Hughie looked at his father's reaction and now didn't know what to do, he glanced at Haile who just sighed in disappointment making him feel a bit uneasy

."Alright, look dad, it's not right they are trying to cover up Robin's death on purpose, we have to do the right thing, there has to be some authority."Hughie said desperately, he was at his wits end with this.

Hugh looked at Hughie then glanced at Haile who sat down to watch tv, Hugh went over to his son and brought him over to a corner.

."Look Hughie, I-I'm not trying to stop you from doing the right thing, b-but you have to understand the world is not so black and white, some of it is white, another part is gray, a-and alot of it is pitch black even."Hugh whisper glancing at Haile twice.

Hughie was looking at his father with a different gaze, he didn't know his father was like this."What are you trying to say."He asked chewing on his teeth.

."What I'm trying to say is that the world can be pretty white and sometimes gray, but we have betters, if us the worsers try to poke at our betters, the world can get dark very quickly."Hugh stated with low self-esteem steaming in his eyes."Plus..."

At this point Hughie was already slightly dazed from this side of his father he was seeing for the fist time, the image of his superhero dad in his mind just collapsed in on itself at this moment.

."45,000 is alot of money Hughie, you could put this towards your future children's education and help their upbringing."Hugh said trying to make his see logic."Don't waste this opportunity."

Then Hughie lost it, he took up one of the dining table chairs and threw it at the wall breaking it."HOW CAN I HAVE FUTURE CHILDREN IF THEIR MOTHER IS ALREADY FUCKING DEAD!!!."He roared with bloodshot eyes,though instantly he regretted it, but it was already too late so he could only stay firm.

Hugh jumped back in fright, he looked at the damaged wall, the broken chair and the angry Hughie."S-son."He murmured beneath his breath.

."I-I'm, I-I think I need a moment to breathe."Hughie said as he got goosebumps from the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Haile "watching tv" smiled gently as a golden light flashed across his eyes, he glanced around but then something happened that caught him off guard.

."Haile, could you please talk some sense into that boy, y-you've seen the blac-d-darkness of the world."Hugh said with defeat, he could only sigh.

Haile raised an eyebrow, he wanted to ask him if he was sure he was a man, also he wasn't at all suspicious on why Hughie even lashed out for what seemed to be the first time.

."Um, ok I can do that, I'll let him see logic."Haile said with a calm smile, he graciously accepted the mission given by the boy's father.

Haile got up and left going after Hughie with delight.'Now to make Hughie reliant on me, he doesn't seem to have a mother, father is a bitch and his girlfriend is dead, tragic main character.'He thought as he sped up his pace a bit.

He quickly found Hughie, it was easy to know where he would be going, it was the place where his girlfriend Robin met her tragic end.

Hughie was staring at the place her bloody chunks once was, Haile casually walked up beside him as they both gazed at it seeing the vivid picture of when it happened.

."You know Haile, I thought he of all people would understand, what it's like for their woman to just...disappear, just like that."Hughie said as he snapped his fingers, he sighed.

Haile carefully choose his words."I think your father does understand, he does, but difference is, he's not as strong as you."He stated casually."He seems to think you're just like him, not having the will to fight against oppression."

Hughie clenched his fist tightly."Then I'm nothing like him, I do have the will to fight, I just....don't know how...cause you're right we are still weak and preach good and evil, while they are strong and don't care."He said with dread.

Haile went silent for a moment."Then I will teach you, how to fight, how to use that burning will."He said firmly."I was once also weak with nothing but burning will in the form of anger, but without the means to release what was building up, it could only cause self destruction."

."But how, I'm not a super anything, I can't fight no superhero, I'm not even that strong among ordinary people."Hughie said shaking his head.

Haile smirked."Alright, evidence, punch at me with your strongest, give it your absolute all, with the intention to break my skull."He said casually."Don't hesitate."

."W-what you can't be serious."Hughie said as he cracked a smile and chuckled, then he got a chill in his spine as he met Haile's eyes.

Haile was looking at him with eyes completely void of all emotion, they were heartless and cold."Punch at me or I'll kill you."He said with an icy tone.

."Eek!."Hughie made a weird shriek in fear as all the instincts in his body as main character and as human jumped, his right arm moved by itself as he struck out full force.

Haile took a deep breath, then he pushed out his little finger, as soon as he felt it touch he withdrew his hand at the same speed as Hughie's punch.

Then in a matter of pure skill he waited till some of the momentum died out and in that exact moment he pushed forward his pinky finger again successful blocking the punch and nullifying the force.

."Impossible!."Hughie was shocked, there's no way that just happened.

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Thank You Very Much!!!

infinityGodcreators' thoughts