
Chapter one: getting shafted right off the bat

hello, there my name is Walter Hugh, a 22-year-old man that has no idea about games even more so for an old game such as diablo.

So I sort of dropped a rock, no, a boulder on my leg.

why? well originally I wanted to just go home as I didn't understand the consequences of picking hardcore mode compared to the regular one if I had chosen the regular one, not only would I get a free class to choose from but I could get strong enough to rule the world.

But I had to get back my little adopted sister who was only 13 years old and she would be on her own if I stayed here I can only fear for the worst since the location of our house wasn't the best location.

Ha~ well back to the point as to why I literally fucked myself, I chose the hardcore mode as long as I can finish the game 'completely' I can go home with everything I gained and learned, however, I will not have a class meaning that I won't have a skill tree to follow as I grow from what I can understand, so I'll need to find a way on how to get strong the unorthodox way.

but it wasn't all that bad I was able to get a good amount of gold to start which was 10,000, all of my stats were this.

Health 100/100

Health regen per second 0.02

Mana 100/100

Mana regen per second 0.005

Strength 1

dexterity 1

vitality 1

energy 1

According to the information that I had gathered, to make things more simple for a non-gamer like me, the overall stats of everything was recalibrated for my little human mind can understand as I really ain't a gamer I have the overall average strength of an adult in this world and I also have 3 spare skill points yet I cannot use it on anything!

The place I am at was a makeshift Rogue Encampment within Khanduras.

The encampment is populated by the survivors of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye, who were ousted from their Monastery by the Demon Queen Andariel.

According to the mercenary that was trying to stay alive within the camp while trying to woo one of the girls from the said sisterhood, I was mistaken as one of the runaway mercenaries as I had no weapons on me yet my clothes consisted of a large hoodie that hid my average caucasian looks, jeans, and sneakers.

As I lack the taint of dark energy they treated me relatively okay but I don't think that this fair treatment that they are giving me will last for very long with the limited supplies that they have.

so I separated myself from the obnoxious mercs and looked around this camp made from logs, ropes, and torches to light up the area as one of the people I asked told me that it hasn't gotten any sunlight ever since one of the prime evils had awakened!

but I need information about who I can talk to, who I can get equipment from, who was willing to be hired by me, who I can learn from, and if possible gain some skills, it took me a few hours but here's what I got.

Though many of the Sisterhood perished in the battle at the Monastery, fortunately, many of the crucial members of the sisterhood survived, including:

Akara - High Priestess of the Sisterhood one of the head honchos of this encampment she looked young and beautiful but don't let that fool you as a certain blacksmith once let Akara's age slip through her lips, it became a field day for all of the sisterhood, she can heal you at any time for free as she also sells some magic trinkets, books and most importantly skill books!

Sadly though, each level 1 book costs 10,000 gold, and the next tier ranged from 20,000 to 80,000 so yeah I am guessing for each level add 4 zeroes after it to get a rough idea of how much it was I was down by two coins so I might as well hire one of the sexy yet deadly archers to help keep me alive as I try to get more gold!

Charsi - The blacksmith of the Order this flirtatious buxom of a woman tends to all equipment within the camp, I heard that she is pretty skilled, it is just that her personal hammer for smithing was left behind when they escaped the monastery, she often puts up a few jobs for minerals and supplies that their scout can't go to as it is too far and often dangerous especially during these dark times.

By the way, she pays quite a bit for helping out in her smithy as did Akara helping scrounge up a few thousand gold which mostly came from selling my hood!

Flavie - One of the elite scouts that checks the area around the camp, hunting and scavenging for supplies for the younger sisters.

This silent huntress nearly killed a few of the mercs when they decided to get a little rowdy, I wasn't able to learn much from her, as one, no man is allowed within ten steps of her or an arrow will make a new hole in your body somewhere, and two, she comes and goes too quickly.

Kashya - Captain of the Rogue archers, this hot lady was wearing some tight clothes that certainly attracted the attention of male mercenaries thanks to perfect curves, yet they knew better than to try their luck with her as she surpassed all of them in strength AND skills.

She does hire out some of her freshly trained sisters, however, each of them cost from 1000 to 3000 gold coins, and no, they will not whore themselves out unless their partner was willing to get married to them and their partner has to be at least two times stronger than them!

Another interesting thing is they are tied spiritually to Kashya so she can resurrect them.

So don't be stupid and try to kill them or betray them just for a quick fuck or to stay alive!

A few other helpful travelers who also live in the camp were:

Warriv - Caravan trader that came from the eastern kingdom of Lut Gholein that mentioned something about once the threats around here are dealt with he can begin trading again, couldn't really learn much from him despite his open and kind demeanor.

Gheed - Merchant with a lust for money, this bastard has a lot of good stuff, however, might be best just to buy stuff than to gamble as a few of the mercenaries went into a fury paying 500 gold coins for a rusty old knife... that can cost up to 2 gold coins as they are used to dismantle the local monsters.

Yeah, they were crying real bad at this~.

The girl that I hired left around the age of fifteen I guess, no, I was wrong she was younger than that when I asked, she answered truthfully after paying the hefty sum of 1,300 gold coins wasn't even in her teens yet and now that I have closer look at her turns out some of her clothes had a few things stuffed into it make her seem more mature adding to her non-existent curves despite being 5 feet tall, she is one of Kashya's new recruits the girl was second from the least-skilled archers of the Rogue Encampment.

Silvia greeted me with her hand held out waiting for a handshake as a strange smirk formed on her face.

"a pleasure to meet you, Gufta!"

The nearby mercs that were chatting suddenly went silent as their ears perked upon hearing the girl say that giving me looks of envy to which I ignored.

Since she was polite, I returned the favor with a polite greeting as I shook her hand.

"Pleasure meeting you too, young lady."

I smiled back as the silent mercenaries all clicked their tongues loud enough for me to hear as I failed to realize the implication of what I had just done at this moment.

her name is Silvia, this short curly brown-haired girl, with sharp green eyes, a slightly pointed nose, full lips, slightly pointed ears, specialized in ice magic archery and some skills with a short sword, draped in tight leather clothes, her sword, and a quiver full of arrows were strapped to her little hips, and a short bow hanged across her body.

She was going to be my sword and shield at least that is the oath each hired sister makes to their client as for why I hired her she was the only one willing to teach me the way of the bow, some sword skills then lastly the most important thing magic or at least how to use it.

without paying anything extra other than a single oath for me to keep, to bring her where ever I may go or she'll return the money and wait for someone else with the same offer as Silvia started to walk away, seeing that it wasn't a bad condition I agreed, only to hear from one of the nearby rogues tease me afterward almost immediately as Silvia was hopping around joyfully.

"hey, New guy did you really just make that oath? Tsk Tsk Tsk, to think Silvia got ahead of us with getting herself a lifelong partner!"

My eyes widened it hit me then and there, thinking about it there wasn't a promised time limit meaning it was practically a proposal all while Silvia had a fox-like smile.

"pleasure to meet you Gufta" that title had a double meaning that I didn't know at the time which meant boss and husband-to-be something I'll learn a few years later.

but I shrugged not thinking too much of it as she was still too young and I had no intentions of laying my hand on her I asked for her help on all of the necessary supplies, 398 gold coins for 120 throwables darts, 300 for 10 health potions, 100 for 4 mana potions, 900 for a book of appraisal 20 slots for scrolls five are currently occupied, then a scroll of town portal which cost me another 100 gold coins.

I was practically crying at the amount I had left and the armors available were stuff I couldn't equip for the ones that I could afford while the ones that I can equip would cost me an arm and a leg!

But regardless once I was prepared enough Lady Akara offered me a job the cleansing of the Den of evil which was once the living place of an upright monk now turned into a monster's nest!

there was no time limit so I decided to gain some extra coins and skills!

So how is it, guys? I have been working on this, a man with no skills challenging the world of Diablo 2 how do you think he will fare?

Rauoncreators' thoughts
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