
in the university


Beniei · Thanh xuân
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36 Chs


Fear gripped Alicia's entire being the moment she realized that those were actual gunshots. ' what was happening'

Sophie's eyes had gone all wide in shock and disbelief,she couldn't believe it was happening again, however, Tammy was quick to take action and rush towards their door to bolt all locks because that was the first thing they were told to do in situations like this.

At this point,the hallways of all floors in hostel hall 3 had been thrown into chaos as everyone had taken to their heels to run to their rooms for safety and lock them,wth the gunshots outside of their hostel,no one needed to tell them that it was a cult clash and the girls were all aware that during fights like this,the hostel's weak security system was greatly taken advantage of and most girls were sexually assualted,all in the pretext of fighting.

"W-whats going on" Alicia stammered in fear clinging on tightly to Sophie as soon as she noticed Tammy closing all windows except hers.

Unlike Alicia and Sophie,Tammy who had been used to this kind of happenings looked more worried rather than scared,she rushed towards her bedside window and peeped outside only to see the dimly lit Campus ground totally upside down with students who were still outside running for their lives and bullets whizzling in the air.

"I,I think it's a cult clash" she replied and Alicia's body shivered from the word ' cult'

"C-cult" Alicia stuttered before she and Sophie moved close to the window to have a look and from their position,they could see some figures claded in black engaging in a fierce fight with one another.

The night erupted in a cacophony of gunfire, punctuating the once quiet serenity of the girl's hostel with chaos and fear,masked figures darted from the shadows,their bodies hidden by dark clothing as they unleashed a barrage of bullets into the air.

The sounds of girls screaming and shouting with the deafening reports of guns pierced through the night in Montgomery university.

Alicia was so petrified as she soon found her entire body shaking from fear as she witnessed the scene down there,it felt as though she were in a horror movie,one that she quickly wanted to turn off but couldn't.

Sophie and Alicia were so much scared now unlike Tammy whose only prayer was for them not to enter the hostel because she could see that the useless Securities supposed to be guarding the gates tonight had fled upon the sounds of gun,they were just as good as nothing!!.

However from up there,Tammy was quite surprised to see that in the middle of the fight, that they suddenly started to retreat from the hostel's gate!!

It seemed another group had just arrived,one that they happened to respect and dread,it was blantly obvious that they were the bigger because the first group upon noticing them were quick to whisk away even though they were still firing guns in the air.

Another surprising thing to Tammy was that the group that had just arrived seemed to be warding off and preventing anyone from entering into the gates.

'what!!!, impossible' Tammy thought.

A while ago,the battle between two cult groups was just about to turn fierce and bloody but with the emergence of the new group whom they obviously dreaded more,they began to retreat.

"Retreat!!" Zoddy who was on a white mask screamed at his boys looking disappointed as hell.

His members who were still trying to hold their ground were forced to listen to their boss,the other cult had long ago disappeared with the arrival of the new group but Zoddy had intentionally ordered his boys to stay back because he was determined to go into that hostel tonight and get what he came for,he had never really wanted a fight with anyone in the first place but unknown to him,that place had already been designated as a meeting place for two popular cult groups whose leaders had wanted to settle the differences between themselves but then with the emergence of Zoddy and his team on the ground,the two groups mistook that the other had set them up and that Zoddy was here to help the other and hence,a fierce fight broke out between the three cult groups thereby causing a commotion on the ground.

Now Zoddy's group ' The Reapers ' was known to bea very dangerous cult in Montgomery as a whole and even though no one knew it's members,they knew they were dangerous and although many people suspected Zoddy to be a cultist,no one had any evidence to prove it.

Now back to the present, Zoddy's face had hardened the moment he noticed the arrival of the new group, making it four cult groups on the ground.

His face turned sour when he saw that it was the No 1 most feared and dangerous cult group on Campus,a mysterious faceless entity that struck fear in the heart of students,known only by their ominous nickname." The Red Death" whose identities remained shrouded in secrecy,their faces and names unknown,it was a cult group in which students were scared off to the core but at the same time dying to meet it's ruthless leader,it was one famous yet very scarce cult group on campus as they hardly had fights with any one but then if there were to be any fight involving them,it sure was gonna be a blood bath!!

Zoddy at first didn't want to cower away like the other two groups who took to their heels upon the sight of ' The Red death' but when he noticed that they were still not able to get inside and that the millitary nearby who had been informed of the situation were already on their way,Zoddy was then forced to shout 'retreat' because if they were to be caught,it was expulsion straight away.

Because the millitary personnels were already closeby,they were forced to leave the scene quickly to spread out and disseminate themselves so they weren't caught easily.

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