
In The Shadow of Death: The Villain's Survival

What the hell is this? I was reincarnated in the novel “Breaker of Destiny,” which I read as the protagonist. What is the protagonist? No, the third-rate villain, Ash von Agnus, the illegitimate son of the Emperor, the most hated person in the novel, is initially a minor antagonist in the novel, and he serves as a starting point for the hero and is destined to die in the most tragic ways, but regardless of this, this accursed world is headed for ruin. Oh, whatever, nothing connects me to my previous world, no family, no one, I was alone and I still am, nothing has changed. For better or worse I will live this life. I still remember all the details of the novel, and with my knowledge I will kill, survive, change my fate, and save this damned world.

Rayen_Yeager · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

The Imperial Family [4]

Ash Von Agnus's POV

[After a day and a half]

"How is your injury?"

I asked jenny, her face and hands wrapped in bandages.

"I'm fine, master, thank you for your concern," she replied.

Jenny added hesitantly, "Excuse me, sir, but did you have to go that far? You could put yourself-"

Before she could finish, I interrupted her.

"I won't let anyone lay a hand on any of my disciples."


"Without but. I had to do it. I must protect you. Don't forget that."

I'm not sure about Ron, but I can confidently say that no one in this mansion cares about me, I mean Ash. According to Ash's memories, when he was six years old, suffering from fever and delirium, it was Jenny who carried Ash's burning body to the healing center and watched over him for three sleepless nights. Without her, Ash might have faced an early and unnoticed end in the mansion. In that sense, she is the one person I cannot afford to lose.

Jenny's eyes widened and a beautiful smile spread across her face.

"You have my deepest gratitude. I vow to serve you until my last breath."

"Alright, go prepare something delicious for me to eat."

Jenny bowed her head with a smile and said, "As you command, Your Highness."


In the afternoon, as the sun rose high in the sky, there was a strange feeling at the lunch table, surrounded by more food than one might expect for a single meal.

"What is all this, Jenny?"

"I don't know, sir. I haven't heard anything about additional help..."

The usually overlooked servants in the mansion were now crowded in front of me. The maids who had prepared the food looked at me with eager eyes, waiting for me to taste their dishes. My table was now accompanied by an overwhelming force of servants.

Is it that just because I dismissed Aigon, I became popular with the servants? Initially, I only had Ron and Jenny as my servants, but now it seems nearly fifty maids have gathered. Humans tend to reciprocate. When someone succeeds, they receive support from many people, including those who care for them, like nurses and maids. It is common for nobles to remember those who raised them and treat them well, a habit that has become familiar. However, this was an absurd display. Those who never welcomed me now flocked for scraps of favor. It's a sarcastic reality of the world – surviving through necessary humane acts.

"You can all leave now, I wish to eat comfortably."

"Don't take it personally. The food is wonderful, but I want some peace during my meal. If I need anything, I'll call. Please leave."

Exchanging glances, the servants slowly withdrew. I then completed my meal quietly, and after the meal, Jenny immediately brought tea.

Thump, thump

While having tea, heavy footsteps approached. It was a large knight wearing shining white armor.

"Marius Euclen greets you, First Prince."

He was an S-rank Awakened.

Jenny was startled by his sudden appearance and retreated with her head bowed.

"I apologize for intruding during your meal."

"What brings you here?"

"Your father, the Emperor, requests your presence."

A summons from Ash's father – I had heard about the delayed return, but I did not expect to be summoned so quickly.

"Understood. Shall we go now?"

With the meal concluded, I followed Marius to the Emperor's office. Accompanied by such a high-ranking soldier was not trivial. Messages could be delivered even by the lowest soldiers. Having one of such stature accompany me here indicated my rising status.

Zarax von Agnos, what are you planning?

As we walked, the servants bowed their heads in respect. I was under the unreachable protection of a powerful guardian.

"Young master!"

Jenny, who followed silently, pointed down the corridor. A group of noble figures was approaching.

Margaret Ilfenheim, the Emperor's wife and Aigon's mother, had always despised Ash according to his memories, and had insulted him many times. Well, it doesn't matter as long as she doesn't mess with me, I won't care about her. It seems she came from the infirmary, likely to check on Aigon.

Noticing me, her expression naturally tensed.

She was upset.

"Aren't you ashamed to show your face after brutally beating your brother?"

Brutally beaten... The same could be said about Aigon's cruelty towards Ash in the past. Did she not know about it?

I could understand her grudge. Her child was hurt by me, so it's natural to have resentment. As long as she doesn't cross the line, I'll let it slide.

"So maybe it's true that blood reveals its class. Born of a lowly mother, what chance does the child have to become decent?"

She crossed the line.

Any semblance of civility I held was cut off at that moment. If I were still in my previous life, maybe, but now, her words were equivalent to a death wish.

"You should have been begging in the streets. The Duke took you in out of pity, and you dare to act above your station? But then, trash like you wouldn't understand even if it was explained a hundred times!"

Her words became white noise.

What to do? I wanted to kill her.

If I were to kill her here, what would happen?

Should I decide after the act?

If I were fast enough, Euclen wouldn't even have time to prevent me from slashing her neck...

After a brief pause, I dismissed the idea. Killing her simply would be pointless.

She was insulting Ash, the original owner of the body. Not me.

"Won't you step aside?"

I ignored her and closed my eyes.

"What is that look? How dare you stare at me?"

"What do you intend to do?"

My words froze the air.

"How dare you speak with that wa-."

I scoffed.

"Since when do I need to care about your feelings?"

"I should."


"What do you think I'll do to Aigon?"

Her eyes trembled with fear.

"At least he should be in one piece for the academy, right?"

My smile revealed my true intentions.

She shivered in response.

"That lowly wretch, daring..."

I ended the conversation, and our paths diverged now. If she stepped out of line any further, it wouldn't be overlooked. She retreated and released the other servants to make way.

"Send my regards to Aigon!"

She called over her shoulder with a gleeful smile.

She was left speechless, glaring fiercely as I calmly continued down the hall.

As if to say: When did this happen?

I passed by her with a bright smile.

The Empress remained frozen in place, not uttering a word, glaring at me with a furious look.

I walked away indifferently down the corridor.