
In The Shadow Of Crowns

Ember Greenfield, a sweet and innocent village girl, leads a carefree life with her beloved father, Rodric Greenfield. Everything is smooth until her Dad and Uncle take an interest in participating and selling their precious designed clothes at the Market fest, ending up getting imprisoned by the guards of Aurellia Kingdom. Meet Adrian Concordia, the Crown prince and the prince charming of the Eudimon Empire, who is recently searching for a fake fiancé to present in front of his very parents at the Annual Fest, just to secure his Crown and save himself from the bimbos clinging to him. When Adrian collides with the familiar brown orbs, which possess all the traits to be his fake fiancé, he drives a hard bargain with Ember to be his fake fiancé for two weeks. Without thinking twice, Ember accepts the offer and becomes his fake fiancée, but little do they know that the temporary drama will change the history and future of the Eudimon Empire.

Peace_Lover2002 · Lịch sử
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2 Chs

A Traitor?

Author's POV:

The Royal Chamber was filled with the sweet smell of cupcakes and desserts. The maids in pure white uniforms set up cups and saucers on the golden-plated mini table, while coaches in royal green were placed in the center of the massive room.

A man in his late fifties was seated on the left side of the coach, facing the couples.

"Vivi, where is my little princess?" King Lysander asked while sipping his usual lemon tea.

"Be patient, Dad."

His Majesty was so desperate to see his granddaughter.

"Patient? I have been waiting for her since summer," he complained, folding his arms across his chest.

"Dad, you are an Emperor, don't act like Adriana," Vivienne said with an astonished face.

Never in her life had she seen her Dad this excited.

"Darian, I think you could understand my pain," he said painfully, running his fingers through his gray hair.

"Your Majesty, Victoria will be here shortly," Darina said politely.

"Not only me, but the whole Empire is awaiting to see the next heiress."

"Dad… actually, I have a request for you," Vivienne said while nibbling her lips.

"What is it, my dear?"

"Dad, Adrian is your first grandchild. According to our tradition, isn't he the one who should become the next heir?" She said, holding Darian's palm lightly.

"Vivi, I think we have talked about this earlier. Yes, Madeline is also my daughter, but she is not my blood. Adrian is, of course, my grandchild, but he can't be the next heir of the Empire," he said, seriously.

"That's not fair, Dad. She has all the right to demand the title for her child. After all, she is a part of our life," she tried to negotiate with her father to accept Adrian as the next Heir of the Eudimon.

"Cupcake, it's not my decision but the Eudimon Empire's. We have discussed this issue with the five kingdoms, and four out of five passed the decision to make your child the next Heiress."

He clarified that the decision was to make his own daughter's progeny, instead of his adopted daughter, Madeline's son.


"No more 'buts,' Vivi. The decision is final. By the end of the celebration, the Chancellor will declare Victoria as the next heiress to the citizens," he said firmly, leaving no room for argument.

Vivienne was quite disappointed by his responses. Her brother, Eamon Reed Concordia, was selected to be the next heir of Eudimon. However, just before the day of declaration, their rival kingdom, Avalora, declared an emergency war with them, ending up murdering the prince. It was said that Princess Joseline, his fiancée, had a great role in his murder.

There wasn't any solid evidence to prove her contribution to the crime; thus, she wasn't imprisoned but cut all ties with her and her kingdom Verdantia.

"Darian, now explain to me why did you request the Chancellor to involve Princess Joseline for the event?" Lysander asked coldly, intertwining his fingers casually.

"Your Majesty, I have an explanation for that. We need to have a meeting after the event with Joseline.She need to clear her side in Eamon's murder. ," he said cautiously.

"What do you mean by that, Darian? She is the traitor who spied on my son, let him die," he said furiously.

"I can understand your feelings as a father, but right now, you must think like a king who needs to give justice and peace for the Eudimon," he tried to calm down the raging king.

Eamon was his first child and the only son. After giving birth to Vivienne, his wife Seraphina died of plague. Madeline wasn't in the picture until Vivienne's third birthday. A small two-year-old baby was left in the palace courtyard. The maids at the palace started to take care of the baby as there wasn't any claimer for the baby. They named her Madeline. Within a few months, baby Madeline gained the attention of Vivienne; they became friends and forced her dad to adopt Madeline as his daughter.

"Darian, then prove she is not the culprit. Only Vivi, I, Eamon, Madeline, Joseline, and some officials know about the secret passage in the palace. Avalora's have trespassed through the secret passage to his room," he was trying hard not to explode at his son-in-law.

"Dad, please calm down." Vivienne abruptly stood up from her seat and rushed to Lysander as he was shaking with rage.

She gently held his arms and tried to control him.

"Your Majesty, it's true that one among the royals has betrayed us, but it's not Joseline. It's true that she made a friendship with the prince of Avalora, but it was Eamon's plan. He requested her to make a fake relation with them to spy on their moves," he said with passion, taking out a parchment letter from his surcoat.

It was a letter sent by Eamon to Joseline to befriend the prince of Avalora and spy on their moves.

He extended the paper to Lysander, who was confused by his explanation.

"If she is not the one, then who is the culprit? Only Dad, I, Eamon, Madeline, Joseline, and some officials know about the secret passage. We can't suspect any of them," Vivienne said thoughtfully, glancing at the letter.

"We can't trust anyone in this case. The traitor is inside our circle" he said firmly, averting his gaze to the windows.

"Darian, you are like Eamon to me. If Joseline is innocent, find the real culprit and produce them in front of the court. I'll give the deadliest punishment for the black sheep," Lysander said, though gritting his teeth.

"Tonight, before the declaration, I'll find the traitor," he said confidently.

"I trust you. Vivi, I'll meet my little princess in the evening." Even after two years, it's difficult for him to accept the fact that his precious son has left this world.

Lysander stood up carefully from the coach and walked towards the balcony. That's the only way for the old man to get distracted from the cruel world.

Vivienne stared at her Dad with sorrow, knowing how hard it is for him to handle.

"Vivi, I need to go. There is an emergency," Darian said softly, startling Vivienne.

"Uh… but… you promised me to be here," she said with a hint of hurt.

"I'll be here by 7. I need to find a few more things to confirm my suspicions," he said darkly, making Vivienne arch her brows.


"Promise." He took her arms and kissed the top of her palm. Vivi blushed lightly and gave him a sweet smile.

Soon, the couples left the chamber.

Little did they know that the whole conversation, considered to be a secret, was eavesdropped by the one they were discussing the whole time.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to leave a comment; it means a lot to me ❤️

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