
Challenge issued

The food here was something to die for! I had never had crispier bacon in my life. And while the bread had a sandpaper look about it, and was most certainly a little crunchy, it was delicious. The milk was super fresh too, and the water was so refreshing, I felt my insides become clean. The chill of the water spread out through my bronchioles.

And I had a very attractive eating partner with me. Diana sat opposite me with her own bowl, eating only with her thumb, index and middle finger while engaging with me in convos. We talked about a few things like the food first and foremost, the weather of the island, our awkward encounter in the spring. Getting questioned about my manhood was definitely embarrassing. I mean I wasn't all that well endowed in my last life, and while in this life it was definitely the most opposite of that, I was still conscious. And then came the subject of the War.

"So Luke, how is the world recovering from the World War? Is there peace now?"

I shook my head. I knew there was not going to be peace, and that one of the worst tyrants in Europe was on the rise to trigger a new war. I was not going to sugarcoat anything to this woman.

"Peace is but an illusion Diana. There is much political unrest at the moment. Already there are whispers of a possible second War on the way."

She sighed at me. I could sense the frustration seeping out of her.

"The world suffered enough in the last war. Do they not see how much people lost in it? What they sacrificed, what the endured?"

"The rich and powerful rule the world Diana, and war is the biggest and most lucrative means of profit for those dogs. They care nothing for how many lives they expend, for the common folk are nothing but fodder to them."

She shook her head, a thin smile on her lips. She'd leaned over a little bit so that her tunic was slipping off a little. I discovered that Amazons did not appear to know anything about bras. I found myself wondering if her skin tasted and felt as warm as it looked-


The residents were already on edge about me. I didn't need my wandering eyes to justify any any prejudice they had against me. Didn't help I was once a regular consumer of superhero girl NSFW arts, especially Wonder Woman themed ones. And the display I got today was better than all of those, even if for only a brief moment. Thankfully she didn't notice, and if she did then she made no indication and decided to change the subject.

"So Luke, you say you have come here to begin your journey on the warrior's way? Would you mind telling me what your skills are?"

I did not pass up on the opportunity to impress her...no that I, er, cared if she was. Nope, definitely not!

"I am a master of eight different sword arts, and my Grandmother trained me in the weapon arts of an Amazon"

She raised an eyebrow at me skeptically.

"That's quite accomplished for a young boy."

"Let's just say I have special talents and leave it at that."

"Okay, anything else?"

"I can use different kinds of magic."

"We have magic here too. The Amazons seldom use it. It's extremely difficult to incorporate offensive magic in our fighting styles. Magic does not really have a purpose here except for healing. What else can you do?"

"Can't be revealing all my secrets now can I? I'm sure there are plenty you have that you want to keep to yourself."

"Like what?"

"Like how those braces seem to be containing an extraordinary amount of power." Her teasing smile dropped a bit.

"I cannot use that power in a normal fight against my sister's, lest I wish them to day before they could lay a finger on me."

"Understandable. Having that kind of power is like walking around on eggshells."

"I use sword and shield for my duels. What about you?"

"Two swords."

"No shield?"

"My swords and my intellect are the best means of defense I have. A shield would genuinely weigh me down."

"Extremely confident to enter a fray without a shield aren't you?"

"It's not about confidence. I just fight better without one."

"You may want to reconsider that later on."

"Why do you say that?"

"You have come here with the intention of beginning a warrior's path. If my mother accepts, then you will most certainly be faced with a hard challenge before any of my sisters, most likely in the arena."

I contemplated what she said. Now that I remember, the Amazons had a mini coliseum here, where they watch gladiator entertainment. And there were mythical creatures here. I was beyond confident I could handle whatever they threw at me...maybe. I was in DC after all, all kinds of Bs happens here.

The door to the little guest room opened and in walked a guard with the queen. I stood up from my seat as did Diana and bowed slightly.

"Lucas George. You claim to have come here seeking a beginning to a warrior's path. And yet so far you have not showed anything to justify granting this boon. But no doubt you are aware of that?"

"Indeed, your Majesty. I anticipated I may be tested in some way when I came here if my request was granted. I am fully prepared for the challenge, or to leave if you wish me to do so."

I mentally heard the guard snort in her head, wholeheartedly agreeing on me leaving. But even she was curious at what an outsider had to offer on the battlefield. Warriors will be curious.

"Then Sir Luke, you shall be tested. I have decided to let you begin your warrior's journey here, on the condition you emerge victorious from a challenge in our arena. Survive the tribulations, and you may stay here until further notice. Fail and you shall either fall in the arena or be made to leave in disgrace and never return. Do you understand?"

"Yes your Majesty. I accept the challenge." Hippolyta nodded and I saw Diana smile a little wider. The guard scowled but I felt her interest peak.

"We shall begin, when the funeral is done."


The funeral was melancholy as any other would be. I was given the honour of lowering the coffin into the ground. My heart felt heavy doing this, but this was a way of showing respect and consideration to deceased loved ones.

I would miss my Grandmother dearly, but I understood that I had a life which I had not truly begin yet. I would heal in time, but for her sake I should enjoy my immortal life to the fullest.

I heard the thoughts of some Amazons thinking demeaning things about me, and there was no shortage of disgust or hatred. However, I would say half the population were intrigued. The young girls just would not stop staring at me like a rare specimen. It would have comforted if most of those thoughts were about my good looks.

And no I am not being a narcissist, my looks were genuinely good. They were so enthralled with my existence, and though there was a good deal of wariness mixed in with their curiosity, I sensed a brewing anticipation in all of them. They could not wait to see me fight in the arena.

The last bit of soil filled the grave and I gently patted it all flat, before sticking a bouquet of flowers on top. This apparently was not a custom among Amazons but they understood it to be a meaningful gesture and so let it be. They respected my blood link to one of their most infamous warriors enough to not enforce their own practices on me.

People eventually filtered out of the area leaving me alone with my thoughts. The last Amazon to leave me there was the same one that had been all huffy with me when I first met Hippolyta. She was still stewing at me.

What crawled up her cooch?

She eventually left with a no less angry look than before. I shrugged it off and stayed there standing for an extra hour or so. It is NOT unmanly to admit that I bawled a little. But I did.

Eventually dusk came, and the air got a little cold. I left the graveyard and was met with another guard who informed me that quarters had been set up for me. It was a small stone hit out of the town and near the beach.

Lonely but cozy. It had a small fireplace too. When noone was looking and I was alone, I conjured up some long lasting wood to burn and sat there warming by the fire, lost in thought.

I was allowed a three day mourning period before I was summoned to the arena. It was time to put my money where my mouth was.


I emerged from the gateway into the bright sun in the arena, clad in my cloak, my hood obscuring my head from the view of all. There was small cheering before it stopped as Hippolyta stood up in her stand. Her voice bellowed out throughout the stadium. She had some lungs on her.

"My dear Sisters! Today has brought forth an unusual challenge, and an unfortunate tragedy. Penelope, once my squire and later my mightiest warrior, was brought back to us three days ago. Although I had sent her away due to her wishes of marrying a male outsider, it did not make her any less of a noble fighter.

For that reason, I welcomed her back into Themyscira, and laid her down to rest among people she had once loved and fought beside.

But her influence has not yet left Themyscira. For her blood and descendant, her grandson down there, Luke George has expressed his wish to stay amongst us and learn our ways, so as to embark on his own honourable quest.

As much as we do not like men walking on our sacred land, are we ones to turn down the opportunity to show our honour and name as the greatest warrior race?!"

"NAY!!!" the audience screamed back at her. Some began cheering, and those on the lowest seats banged their swords on their shields, creating a reverberating thunderclap around the arena. Hippolyta allowed this to continue for a minute before she held up her hand. Instantly the noise stopped.

It just showed how much of a respected ruler she was.

"In light of this truth, I have laid before Luke this condition, that should he bring victory to his name in the arena today, he will begin his path with us, and stay amongst us until he's content to leave or I say otherwise.

May he show his mettle, and the true worth of his skill! And with that, let the match begin!"

The portcullis on the other end of the arena from me began rising upwards. I caught a glimpse of Diana in the stand smiling at me and giving a supportive and encouraging nod.

Immediately my opposition flooded out of the gates. I'd say about a few dozen lions and three giant minotaurs came out of that dark hole. The lions were most definitely bigger than normal. And the minotaurs were all about 15 foot clad in heavy armour but their heads were exposed, revealing their unsavory features.

One held a sword about the length of a car, one held a giant mallet that could probably topple a house with a swing and one held an enormous double bladed axe. Those weapons glimmered in the morning sun.

The crowd began roaring. I will honestly admit, that I did not expect women to be able to create such a booming cheer. It was louder than a football stadium and that was saying something.

I glanced at Hippolyta, and she merely lowered her chin, giving me a questioning look. I looked around the arena, cheering still ringing in my ears. I had to admit I was nervous.

And not because of the damn beasts on the other Ned before me. Okay, maybe the minotaurs would be a problem. But I had never been in front of a crowd before. And the expectation to entertain all these people who already had an innate prejudice against me simply because of my gender did not help boost my morale at all.

Well if they wanted a show, I'll give them a show! I walked up a little further to my opponents before stopping near the center. The beasts were well trained it seemed. They did not make a move towards me. They were waiting for me to make the first move. I unclasped the cloak and let it fall.

I had opted to wear silver armour that covered my entire upper body. Shiny vambraces covered my forearms and my hands had bandages wrapped around them to help grip my weapon better. I was wearing baggy go pants, below the knee my entire legs were wrapped in the same bandages. One my feet were metal armoured boots that glinted in sunlight. I opted to tie a piece of blue cloth around my waist, a strip of it flapping behind me from the knot in the gentle breeze. Around my forehead was a black bandana holding back my hair.

I stretched out my arms and a deep blue Force lightning began crackling around both my arms, climbing in intensity with each second. Yes, I was emulating Starkiller. But who amongst us has not wished to be in that badass position...well maybe not with the Gororg staring you down. Maybe I should create one and put on my own show one day. A plan for later.

The audience fell silent at my display. Even Hippolyta leaned forward to look at me. I had asked her if I could use all my talents in the fight. She replied by saying that I would not be a warrior if I was not willing to give it my all in a fight, even if I was only fighting dumb beasts. I had expected that my lightning display would shock and intrigue them all. After all, it was the weapon of their gods.

I lifted my arms on the air and held them there. Dark clouds gathered over the arena, swirling around my position, creating a dark hole in which lightning swam. All before there was a massive thunderclap and a bolt of lightning hit my position. It caused a bright flash that prompted to turn everyone away. When it died down, they looked to see me holding two katanas in my hands, lightning crackling around the blades. They were blue in colour with white lightning patterns on the blade. The hilt was shaped like a dragons head breathing out the blade as if it were fire. I named them the Raijin blades.

The crowd went absolutely ballistic, their hatred for men and disdain for me forgotten in a moments ad they boomed at my display. I smirked. Theatrics were always worth it!

With a great battle cry, I rushed into the fray.

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