
In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

On the night when the saviour of the wizarding world was supposed to be born, Harry Potter the saviour was killed by the Unforgivable Curse. The man who had made almost all wizards in Britain fear to call him by his name, regained the intelligence and ambition that had been rightfully his from the Horcruxes. Darkness completely enveloped the island of Great Britain. Wizards were divided by bloodlines, with purebloods firmly holding the power that belonged to those at the top, and those who were known as mudbloods were left to spend their lives as humble as mud to be trampled on. The Ministry of Magic, where justice should be served, is filled with evil villains, and the castle, where knowledge should be taught, is filled with oppression. It was in this grim time. Jon Green, who has transmigrated, is brought into the fugitive carriage that carries on the true spirit of Hogwarts....... === Author: sea ship === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.com/txt/44408.htm This is ongoing fanfic with more than 150+ chapters, so you can support original author in Chinese site.

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Chapter 463 Let the Night Disappear Completely (2 in 1)

"-Malcolm Daniels, Frederick Yunus, Semir Gomes, all of them were once brilliant young people who graduated from Beauxbatons, but they died before their big careers had begun. He took advantage of the spirit of defiance of these young people, aroused by indignation against injustice, provoked by oppression, he led them to the abyss of death by using this."

"No one can forgive such an evil deed, and no one has the right to forgive in the place of those who have been harmed, and his name will be nailed to the Pillar of Shame along with Bellatrix Lestrange, to be scorned by future generations."

The voice from the old radio had long since ceased to be clear, but the old woman in the wheelchair with the heavy blanket draped over her legs listened with unparalleled attentiveness to the speech coming out of this special radio channel known to only a very small portion of the world's population.

In the early morning of early November, there was already a lot more chill in the air.

But early in the morning, she still insisted on wheeling her wheelchair to the courtyard outside the house, staring at the not-so-strong apple tree in the garden.

It was just past the apple fruiting season, and the fruits on it had long since been picked and given to the neighbours, leaving only the branches, which were almost bare of leaves.

A neighbour's child passed by the fence, basket in hand, and looked at the usually amiable and strange granny in the yard.

"Granny Gomes, this is the bread my mother just made and asked me to bring it to you to try. She was actually going to ask me to bring some biscuits along for you, but my dad said you have bad teeth and bringing you biscuits would only bother you."

The old woman flicked the knob on the radio beside her so that the shrill howl that came from it from a man who looked like he was being tortured in some deadly way was reduced to a level that only she could hear.

Then she turned her wheelchair to the fence and took the basket of bread from the boy's hand.

"Want to come in and sit down?"

"Hasn't Uncle Semir come back? Papa says he's been out for three years."

The boy didn't say yes right away, but just stood on his tiptoes and looked around the house.

The old woman shook her head gently.

Receiving such an answer, the boy instantly looked like he was acting disappointed.

"Forget it then, Granny Gomes. You need to eat the bread early, or it won't be good enough for your teeth if it gets cold and hardens."

He waved and ran back in the direction of his house, leaving the old woman alone in the yard looking up at the bare apple tree with the basket full of bread in her arms.

"I'm the only one who knows that you've actually been here all along, Semir."

She murmured as she looked at the fruit tree that she had planted with her own hands with her five-year-old grandson, while Iniesta's icy voice from that old radio travelled all over France at the same time.

"Hang his body on the gallows and bring up the second convict."

"When you left you told me that this land was in danger. You didn't want your parents' devotion to being an Auror to be destroyed by these people, so you're going to go and join the right people to stop them."

The old woman's voice had become choked at some point.

"They lied to you, and I don't know if you thought before you died that Grandma was still waiting for you under this apple tree. But it's all right child, they have avenged us, and someone has protected this land for us."

She reached out her pale hand and stroked the rough trunk of the fruit tree.

"Rest well, Semir, and let me see what kind of future those people can really bring."

All over France, most of the families of the victims were crying out in pain as they listened to the voices on the radio.

Many of them couldn't control their emotions the way the old woman could, but those emotions were common to all of them at the moment, whether they cried out or not.

And Jon couldn't see how the people who had heard the public trial over the wizard radio would feel.

What he could see was the emotions that had been ignited in the hearts of the people at the site of this convention. Even though Voldemort hadn't occupied this land for very long, the effects he had brought with him had rippled through every part of the French magical community even before he had openly declared himself Minister of Magic.

Reclaiming a fair foothold did not erase what had once already happened here, and this was both a public trial and a liquidation.

The official who had co-operated with Bella to persecute the young Muggle wizard was a simple opening, and behind him, one criminal after another who had been apprehended in this Bloodline War was brought to the high stand.

Evil in the world could never be overrated, and with so many old scores being rehashed in just one small Hogwarts castle, it would only get worse in this land of France.

Jon hadn't uttered a word from the beginning to the end, he had simply watched in silence no matter what offence had been committed by those people brought to the high stand.

He could feel that Voldemort had brought something very special to the magical world that originally seemed calm and peaceful, but was like stagnant water.

This war of bloodlines and oppression had had a deep enough impact on everyone who had experienced it. Such an effect was certainly both good and bad, but again, it was a change from the idle and relaxed atmosphere that had previously been the norm for wizards.

The current muggle-borns were not willing to submit to pureblood rule, so they chose to rebel. After stirring up that sense of entitlement, would more people begin to wonder.

Are they now equal to the Muggles again?

And if they were equal, who was the Statute of Secrecy protecting?

Jon wasn't sure if any of the people behind him would make that connection, but what he was sure of was that someone must have thought of it by now.

After another loud and intense cheer sounded, and a pair of struggling legs stopped moving completely and hung down helplessly, Jon looked in the direction of the north.

There is a man who can see into the future, is it because of what he saw that he is planning what he is doing now?

Jon's thoughts drifted off, but soon drifted back again.

Still, whatever Grindelwald was doing now, as long as Dumbledore didn't make it clear that he was going to re-flip the script with him, that meant that for the time being he was safe.

The enemy they clearly had to face now is still Voldemort, who is still close by in Britain.

This public trial lasted for an entire day, not even leaving a gap for lunch, but not a single person left the room during the process from start to finish, and everyone witnessed the gallows go from being empty at the beginning to being filled with corpses.

One gallows was certainly not enough, but the most convenient part of magic showed itself, and soon a new one was transformed by Transfiguration and stood right next to the rack full of bodies.

But in truth, even if it had taken all day, it wouldn't have been enough to finish the public trial of all the convicts in the prison who had been arrested and committed crimes.

Iniesta and the others could only pick the most serious ones as the main characters of today's public trial.

The purpose of this public trial, of course, was not just to hold a trial for these convicts.

At dusk, just as the third row of gallows was being filled, the trial finally came to an end.

But while the public trial was over and Iniesta walked off, Dumbledore made his way to the high stand in full view of everyone.

Most of the people on the scene had a stunned look on their faces, clearly not expecting anything else at this point in the day that would cause Dumbledore, the de facto supreme leader of the Witching Horizon, to take the stage.

There was also a part of people who looked like they had already guessed something, and after seeing Dumbledore on the stage, their faces showed an unsurprising expression, and at the same time, they held their breath.

Even though they had already vaguely guessed it, they still couldn't believe it. Right now, did Dumbledore really dare to make that speech?

"To this land and this country, I am actually just a guest."

When Dumbledore's not-so-loud voice rang out, the entire venue became quiet, but after he spoke those words, the noises resounded once again.

These French wizards hadn't looked at Dumbledore as an outsider since he had led the Witching Horizon into the re-correction camp.

Perhaps a commander from a foreign country would still cause some people to reject him, but for a leader like Dumbledore, who was completely using his reputation and strength to hold up the entire army, he would only be regarded as one of their own by the locals no matter where he went.

To exclude him would be to exclude all possibility of success.

"Of course, we will always be the same people when it comes to the ideal and position. I don't really like to make long speeches. One of the things the students at my school liked most about me when they first met me was that I never talked any nonsense at any time everyone seemed happy or sad, and it's certainly the same today."

He stood right in front of those three rows of gallows, facing the hundreds of people crowding the venue.

There was also what looked like a microphone device at his side, transmitting every word Dumbledore was saying right now to all parts of Europe, and even in Britain, there were people from the Ministry of Magic listening in on the public meeting hall.

"Since the fall of Hogwarts Castle, we have been in exile in Britain for nine years, we have been in France for two years until now, and the Wizard Equality Front has only been in existence for two years. But it was during those two years that we shattered Voldemort's delusional intentions to rule France and shattered his ambitions to spread out from Britain. From what began as a group of bereaved dogs, we have now formed a confrontation with him, and it has cost untold numbers of lives and blood."

"Parents lost their children, wives lost their husbands, and young children lost their mothers and fathers. Countless families have been shattered over this, and for 10 consecutive years students have been forced to be separated from their families and have had all memories associated with them hidden, beginning this displacement and escape."

There was a cry that rang through the venue, it wasn't a strong voice, more like the sound of some people suppressing sobs.

And instead of being muffled by such a cry, Dumbledore's voice became more vigorous.

"Perhaps many have not yet had the time to be able to come to terms with the current situation, but the truth is before us. Whether to maintain this false peace at the moment or to invade Britain and hang those scum who cannot be called human beings on the gallows, I don't think any of us will have a second answer!"

Around the meeting hall, those original glass walls suddenly disappeared.

This made the originally bloated scene of the public trial assembly looser, but such looseness didn't last more than a few seconds before countless wizards dressed in white Witching Horizon's standard robes swarmed in from all directions!

This place had once been stormed by seven men in the same clean white robes, who had once blown up the French Ministry of Magic with their lives, which had just been claimed by Voldemort to rule.

And on this day, there were no longer just seven men in white robes, the white torrent spread throughout the entire venue, each of their faces excited and determined, their bright eyes lit up with a twinkling light!

Along with Dumbledore's words, the emotions of everyone present that had been released during the day's public trial were all mobilised.

Looking at the bodies hanging on the gallows, the French wizards who were sitting on their seats and those who were already standing stood upright.

They were dressed differently from the members of the Witching Horizon who wore white robes around them, but the same look flowed from their eyes!

"End this! Hang them!"

The shouts rang out like waves, such that they grew louder and more unified, and eventually it was as if they were about to lift the ceiling of the Ministry of Magic.

And directly above the French Ministry of Magic, on the Place de Furstemberg that had once suffered an explosion, some pedestrians who were strolling around also felt the ground trembling slightly, and the shouts that were like waves penetrated through the soil, making the sunset that had already slanted in the west met with the intensity of it as well!

All of this happening at the convention was not just limited to the eyes, through the wizard radio, almost the entire magical government of Europe heard this speech of Dumbledore, as well as the shouts of those French wizards under the stand.

Expressions of many people who were guarding in front of the radio changed on the spot, all came to this point, so no matter who, they could guess what Dumbledore really wanted to do!

Inside the British Ministry of Magic, the Auror Office has long been in chaos. The Aurors have been listening in on the proceedings from the very beginning of the public trial, and by now, they finally know exactly who the final spearhead of this public trial is going to be pointed at!

Some people rushed out of the Ministry of Magic, wanting to report the news at the first opportunity, and it was at this time that Dumbledore's voice resounded.

"This time, the war will be started by us! No longer will we have to passively suffer the oppression and injustice brought to us by our enemies, but we will use violence to eliminate it all! Gallows should not be erected only on French soil, as the British Isles need them more! It is more necessary that the source of all these evils, the man who calls himself Voldemort, be put on trial, that a noose be put around his neck, and that the darkness of the night that hangs over us be eliminated once and for all!"


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