
Assassination and Skipping Fun


"Now . . .

. . . Who's pointing a sniper at me?"

I said as I turned to face the sniper aiming for my head, giving him the Johan Liebert treatment.

'Man those observational skills helped, I would have been done bad like Riko Amanai'




--Sniper POV--

'I am [unnamed character], one of the best snipers in the world. There is not one mission I have failed up till now, I even shot a perfect headshot on a noble from 400 metres away.'

'Now, I have been hired again, that man called himself author, and hired me for almost double the sum I am normally paid, he also said "I'll give you your own POV" or something, but I guess that doesn't matter.'

'He asked me to assassinate Ryomen Sukuna, a noble kid who is told to be trash and lazy by most, while some call him the devil. This sheer contrast in opinions piqued my interest, and I accepted the job.'




Sitting between trees, [unnamed character] aimed at the head of Sukuna, perfectly still, readying himself to shoot, but suddenly, Sukuna stopped his punching and grinned.

'Why did he suddenly stop, and what the hell is that expression, it looks like one of those uncanny pictures from the internet it's scary.'

Until Sukuna slowly turned his head and stared directly at the sniper.

'He . . . knew?'

'No, it's impossible, I made no sound'

That's when a sudden feeling of unease caught him. He decided to suspend the assassination for now. He quickly tried to walk away.

"I messed up, I only have a day to--"

Those were the sniper's last words before he was chopped up into cubes.




--Sukuna POV--

'Man Dismantle is OP, I bet I could one shot D-Rank monsters now'

'Well, that was what he deserved for trying that on me'

[Sloth] kicks in

'Well now that I completed the quest I should go sleep'




I was really angry, of course I was completely indifferent from the outside, but I was just told that I would not be needed to take the first 4 exams as I was recommended into the school, and will be automatically entered into the top 200 from the combat sector who will take the 5th test.

'THIS SUCKS, I wanted some fun and test some abilities bruh, I was just made to skip out on all the fun.' I thought as I was looking at the examinees fighting the artificially-made monsters.

There were 2 other recommended students, sitting beside me, a high noble, the blue haired, Alexia Hadrian and the princess from England, the blonde, Anny Leonheart.

Yeah I know, her name's an AOT reference, but the creator of the game changed the spelling leaving the pronounciation the same, maybe for copyright reasons.

Anny had the demeanor of a princess, I saw her walking together while talking with Alexia, so maybe they are friends. While Alexia was . . . shaking and sweating for some reason, I thought that this was definitely because of me, but I was sure that I had never met her before, so what could the King have done unintentionally to etch fear into the heart of an innocent young lady?

'Well, who cares, let's sleep'




--Alexia POV--

Entering the room, my heartbeat froze as I saw who was sitting there

'It's him, Sukuna'

'Why is he here, AND I HAVE TO SIT NEXT TO HIM??'

-A few years ago-

'It was a stressful party, being the only daughter of a high noble is not easy, all these guys trying to seduce me has tired me to no end, I'll just go talk to my other friends'

While Alexia was talking to her friends, a drunk noble started to disrespect two other nobles.

"Aren't they the Ryomen family?" said Alexia's friend

"Yes they are, their rank is higher than the one talking too, but they aren't talking back to maintain their image." said another friend

"I really hate drunkards like those, I hope we can do something." said Alexia

"No, don't; you'll just drag yourself into the mess."

As this conversation was going on, the tapping of shoes was heard, the one coming was the heir of the Ryomen family, Ryomen Sukuna, called many names like trash and sloth due to his laziness and lack of mana.

A few of Alexia's friends giggled on seeing Sukuna trying to save his parents. Thinking that he will just embarrass himself.

Sukuna walked up to the drunk noble and just stared at him, the noble got pissed and started talking crap about him too, it was then that everyone saw him change his apathetic face for the first time into a condescending, evil, malicious grin that sent shivers down everyone's spines, as the atmosphere turned heavy and Sukuna released pressure from his aura.

Some of Alexia's friends fainted, while she fell to her knees, feeling dizzy.

'What is this monster? How can he have such an aura while I can only chant basic spells?' thought Alexia while hyperventilating.

Just on the brink of losing consciousness, she heard him say . . .

"You dare disrespect my family?"

"Since killing you here would cause problems, I'm forgiving you this once"

"Don't you ever try to speak ill of my parents again"

"Know your place"

"Foolish Insect"




--Anny POV--

I sat on a chair in the room with another boy, who had a bored expression on his face as he looked at me and her. Then he looked away and closed his eyes.

'He seems quite weird'

As I was about to pull Alexia into a chair I saw her staring at the boy, as cold sweat ran down her forehead, and her hands slowly started shaking.

I knew of the confidence Alexia had in herself, and her ability to stay calm in many situations, but never have I seen her so scared. She looked like a fox that has been cornered by a lion, giving up completely.

She didn't say anything and silently went to sit next to him, still shaking.

'I have to keep an eye on this boy.'

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