

Tsienn: What an Academy?? Never!!

After saying so Tsienn jumped off the bed and ran out of the room, his face all sweaty. Dr. Elle and Venissa both were astonished by Tsienn's reaction and went after him to calm him down.

Tsienn ran directly out of the mansion with a horrid expression. The term Academy had sent chills down his spine. It was from Tsienn's previous life. It was something he could never get out of his head. It was the Academy where indescribable hate and despair entered his life. He lost all he loved, every single one of them.

After running for quite some time Tsienn entered a park. It was soon he lost his sense of everything. He kept running senselessly unless he crashed into someone.

Gyro: Aaaah!

After getting up and dusting his clothes Gyro turned to Tsienn.

Gyro; Hey better watch where----

Suddenly Gyro's sight went to Tsienn's terrified expression.

Gyro: Hey! Are you okay?

Then Gyro helped him up and moved him to the nearest bench. He stood beside him for a moment then rushed towards a nearby shop to buy a water bottle.

On the other hand Tsienn felt tremendous pain in his head. Suddenly a human figure appeared in his mind. He looked just like him, 6 feet tall, straight reddish brown hair and the same colored eyes. He looked fit and wore a white shirt, brown pants and black shoes. He had a proud look on his face as if looking down on everybody. Just like a King looking at a common citizen.

Tsienn: Who are you?? (still in a state of headache)

I'm Charles Evening Vers you dumb creature. Spoke the figure looking Tsienn from top to bottom.

Tsienn: What are you doing in my mind? Are you the one that brought me to this world? Speak you arrogant buffoon!

Charles: Quite you imbecile! You, who lack wisdom, have no right to question me. It's quite bold of you to ask me my position to be in your mind whilst taking hold of my body. Yes, the body thy reside in used to belong to me. I gave it up to gain something more precious than life itself.

Tsienn: wait a minute if you have given up this body, then why are you wasting my time. Go somewhere else like heaven or hell or somewhere else.

Charles:It seems you don't understand your position. I am the one who gave you this body and I shall make you follow my command. If you retaliate thy shall die a worm's death.

Tsienn: looks like you misunderstand something about me. I died once. I had no regret. I'll die again, no regrets again. If i live i'll live on my own rules. I'll life with a smile and die the same, with no one manipulating me whomsoever, shall fail.

Suddenly there was a smile on Charles' face and his figure started to fade away.

Charles:Seems like my decision was right. Live well Tsienn. Just one thing: go and meet Duke Harris and say to him I was successful….

Tsienn: what in the bloody hell?!

Tsienn suddenly came to his senses and to his utter surprise he found himself on the bench of the park.

Tsienn/now Charles: I walk in sleep now? Great!!

Charlie looked around and suddenly his eyes fell on a boy walking on the road with a popsicle in hand. Charles smiled a little and then moved his eyes towards the noise made by some over excited driver, listening to some loud song and driving some sort of vehicles which looked like a mixture of a sports car and a rocket, painted blue and white. He was driving straight in the direction of the boy without even giving a try to look at the road.

Charles: Looks like it's time for another transmigration, well this one looks cooler..

Saying so Charles ran straight towards the kid, but when there was only a gap of two metres, there was a loud sound and dust filled the air. When the dust cleared, Charles rubbed his eyes to get a clear vision and gasped for air while coughing.

He then saw the kid standing where he was standing before the whole commotion, but now Gyro was standing leaning over him with his one hand raised towards the car thingy. Then Charles' gaze went up to the car, which was hanging, covered in hundreds of strings, holding it in place using two poles as anchor. Then in the next moment gyro straightened up, smiled at the boy and spoke.

Gyro; Hey there! Kiddo, everything's fine. Stay here for a while this big bro needs to do some cleaning first.

Charles;( In his mind) What in the bloody !@#$!

Gyro then moved up to that car thing's driving door, lifted his hand and then suddenly many strings started to come out and clasped the door. Gyro pulled his hand back and with a loud sound the door came out instantly. Then by collar the driver was taken out of the car and thrown on the ground by Gyro. Then he went to the mad driver and squatted in front of him, putting his left hand on his shoulder, he asked.

Gyro; Do you know your error bud??

The driver; ( angry) You'll regret this! Don't you know me?

Gyro; ( in his mind) another fool! Seriously?

Gyro lifted his right hand and then clasped it. To everyone's surprise the car thingy behind him was simultaneously crushed. The string covered the car completely blocking the blast from hurting anyone.

Gyro; You were saying…?

The driver; ( shivering with fear) y..yy.you.. I'll let this matter slide and let you go with this..this.. Once!

The driver ran stumbling over a cat and stepped on it. As a result the cat drove him away scratching every inch of his face. Gyro stood there laughing at him. Then he turned toward the boy and moved closer, sitting on his knees he said.

Gyro; hey kid. Do you know you were at equal fault as that man? It's just that your fault was not done knowingly. Better walk on the road with keeping the surroundings in mind. Okay?

Kid; y.y.yes!

Gyro; Good. Now go where your mom is before she gets worried.

Kid; yes. Thank you big bro!!

The kid ran away towards his mom while Gyro gave him a selfless smile. Then he turned towards Charles and walked towards him with the bottle in his hand.

Gyro; ( smiling) So you woke up sleeping beauty?!

I hope you all enjoy the latest update and please let me know your views in the comments. also you can give your opinion on how you want the story to progress or what skill should the MC unlock. please let me know..

END_WRITERcreators' thoughts
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