
In Naruto : Reborn with NEN

Vol 1: Naruto World-Ongoing Ren was born into the Hyuga branch clan with his memories sealed. A few years later, he discovers that he has access to NEN. What are those sealed memories, and what kind of monster will he turn into now that he has access to both NEn and Chakra? Learn about his adventures, how he gained access to NEN, and whether he will be able to survive till the end. Tags : Neutral_Evil_MC || Villain || Reincarnation || Dark Vol2 : One Piece World - Coming Next ======================== Updates: 1chp/week I did this fanfiction just for enjoyment. ======================== Warnings: 1. Do not expect any regular release schedule from this story, at least for now. 2. If I get serious in the future, I will probably make a separate Patreon Account. 3. This story might get really dark, so for the people who dislike this kind of thing, this is your trigger warning. 4. I am new author, so don't expect romance for now. ======================== Reader Disclaimer: Well... being a new author, I may do grammatical mistakes. If I do so, please criticize me and scold me. I would appreciate it if you don’t leave a one star...not that I can stop you. I hope you stick through it. ==================== Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the ones created by me for the fan-fiction. The book cover does not belong to me neither do any Pic in FF so If the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.

Novel_Guru · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 12 Parallel Mind & Ren's connections

Ren knew he possessed Absolute Mindscape Ability after unlocking my sealed memories, and he understood it was crucial to eliminating the adverse effects of the Multiple Shadow Clone technique.

Ren has been working on the design of My 6 Layer Mindscape Prototype since he was four years old, devoting half of his sleeping time to it. He is now eight years old and has been working on since he was four years old.

(Imagine the amount of time Ren devoted on this Prototype.)

Ren has almost finished the first and second layers of his mindscape, which takes up around 20% of his entire Mindscape space.

The third layer is almost vacant, it only has a few basic illusions and nothing else, and it takes up 3% of his total mindscape space; I'll save the fourth layer for later; the fifth layer takes up 60% of his total mindscape space and is completely empty; the sixth layer is his absolute mindscape ability and takes up 2% of total space.

As for why these layers are so unfinished, it's because Ren is not a seal Master. Sure, he knows how to construct seals, but the same seals can be easily cracked in hours by any seal Master. Ren simply learnt to make ready-made seals and modify some of them, but nothing on a whole new level.

How can I judge that his seal art is intermediate?

Only by understanding that a beginner shinobi can easily reach his seal level in 7-8 years if he or she trains seal art or 1 hour every day.

Remember when Orochimaru place cursed seal of Heaven on Sasuke he worked on for many years, but what was the result of that?, Kakashi suppresses this seal in minutes just after seeing it, FuCkkkkinGg HELL Ren don't want such situations, when anyone with experience can easily suppress his seals specially In his Mindscape, And Motherfuker JARAIYA even kakashi can suppress that seal, can't jaraiya do anything to that seal when jaraiya is known FOR Seal MAStery not Kakashi, huh poor Sasuke got trolled by Jaraiya.

Now coming to His soul Knowledge its basically 0 ZERO, although Ren have memories of soul fight against Meruem and Baby Hyuga who was still not born when he activated soulfit ability, But He had little fight with Meruem and Both of them were newbies when they fought, it Was like two 3 years old babies are punching each other and one of them call themselves Master in boxing after winning, As for ren's fight with unborn baby Hyuga, It was just like a fight b/w a bodybuilder and 5 year old kid so he easily won so suspense here.

Ren's illusion abilities are still increasing but nothing on level like Itachi MS ability Tsukuyomi, or Shisui MS ability Kotoamatsukami, If his abilities are still less than those MS illusion abilities then his 3rd layer mindscape will fail against Kage, Super Kage or Six path level opponents.

Now coming to 4th layer, it occupies 15% of total space he divided into 2 subsections, One have whole control over other sections, And the Other section is divided into 10 sub-layers occupying total of 5% space, and This IS where Ren DEVELOPED PARALLEL MIND ABility.

Each sub-layer works like 1st layer of my Mindscape Prototype while the other section of 4th layer act as degraded version of Absolute mindscape ability, So when he focuses on 4th layer Ren can instantly divide his thought into 11 parts, 1 Controller and 10 equal parts and due to controller part Ren can still maintain sanity, This is the Logic behind PaRaLLEL miND.

Now how did Parallel Mind Becomes Key to eliminate side effects of Shadow clone.

Now Since Ren can have 10 separate thought all he had to do is use Absolute Mindscape ability to eliminate clone thought and put 1 separate thought into that clone, So like this HE can control over 10 shadow clones with controller part in 4th Layer which is main Body original Thought.

And this ability is not limited to 10 clones, when ren can increase more sub layers in 4th layer Mindscape section then he can form more new Shadow clones.

There are many advantages of new Shadow clone

He can monitor all Clones in real time, Have shared vision like Nagato Rinnegan, IF he make solid clone like water clones, mud clones etc., then He can Maximize team Combat power by more then 600% than Ren would perform in Normal situation with 10 team members.

For example : If Ren attacks a shinobi squad of 100 members with 11 members, rest of his team will be will hesitate, some will think of giving up fight, some will become angry and charge mindlessly towards enemy and many more physiological situations which disturbs team coordination, While If Ren do this with my new clones such conditions will greatly reduce and adding to real time information and Vision sharing , Overall Team combat power will just Explode.

Another advantage is when Ren do Nen construct training , He can easily control 400 chakra line and but he faces great difficulty in increasing control from 400 to 401 this would take his week worth training, Now he divided his thoughts and his control drops to 50 chakra lines but its much easier for him to increase control from 50 to 60 or 65 in same week worth training and after that when he do same i can control 404 string.

And now He don't have to fear of something unnecessary happening to clones,

The only thing is that Ren fell uncomfortable and weird when he controls solid clone, He have move body part to make clone move forwards, jump, kick, punch, etc. this was not the case in normal clones all he had to do was give goals for clone and then it was up to clone how he does that task, Its Like if Previous clone was controlled by automated AI, now he had to do it manually but this what what he is willing to go through.


A/n : Ahh don't think about how he feels when He have 10 hearts, 10 stomachs or something weird like that...

That clone is just Chakra Construct With mud, water etc., if he doesn't want an organ in clone then clone wont have, Clone is just an appearance of original

ahh did anyone think of ╭∩╮, ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)


Ren also get tired quickly, currently if he maintain all 10 shadow clone then he would be mentally wasted in 7 hours, but in return, his mental strength is rising rapidly and it won't take him longer than a year when He can Complete his Fourth NEN ability.

[1st March, Konoha 34 Year..]

Its been 2 day since Ren completed his Parallel mind sub-ability.

Ren clone is now busy making his temporary Information Network, He bribed one after another traders who came to konoha to sell their products, Although most of them came to sell products in konoha honestly but Ren knows selling information was their second way of earnings,

These traders would roam from place to place, if they don't know about current affair of Ninja world then ghost believes them, If some trader would Not open their mouth for 4000 ryo then ren would just increase money up to 10K ryo's like this Ren nearly spent 10-20 million ryo Just for setting up this Information Network.

Ren can make prediction on any information type and to what extend its correct.

This is How Ninja society works, there's not a single soul who don't have their hands dirty, Successful shopkeeper, seller or store owners, who does not have dark dealing, Some suppresses others through their backing or status, while some Sells precious info to multiple customers at high price, medium price or low price, while some are willing to be dogs of any shinobi or high status shinobi to climb up and show off to other,

Rest of minority are suppressed and even if there are some with pure souls and still in minority category, heh HAHA they can just say TA Ta bye bye , Konoha is just not a place for those type, all they do either go to genin corps and become cannon fodders or obediently become experimental product for shinobi like orochimaru, Scorpion or Senju Tobirama or have root curse seal on tongue and sacrifice for konoha HAHA.

ha well where was I , yes Information network...

In konoha which chunin or above have time to remember and gather information themselves, they either get current affair new from some other shinobi which is 50% false, or from their squad team lead who gives only half information, some who have clans or organization they get monthly or weekly info updates which has 8 truths and 2 false.

Ren also used to get Info from Hyuga clan, He still gets it now but since his showdown with Hiashi Ren only believes that Hyuga Information scroll is only 20% correct, so He decided to buy information from already established information Networks in Name of Hiashi, like Public Bathroom where this owner will record every good juicy info he hear's from customers, Or Flower shopkeeper because Many Shinobi like to buy flowers for their dead relatives, some even share their mission stories to owner while rest don't,

Generally these information know almost everything in Konoha village they even knows if any child disappears from XXX address but these type of information sellers have one thing in common that they all have strict requirement of customers Like Granny cat usually prefers Uchiha as customers then Hyūga's, Public bathroom owner will prefer Hokage side then others and so on.,

So ren Spent 50 millions to have their favours, currently Ren have successfully formed friendship with 2 Public bathroom owner, 4 Flower shopkeepers, 8 Restaurants, and he bribed Hyuga weapon dealer to give first hand Information.

Chapter word count : 1626

Total word count : 24365

Thank You

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