

She tried her level best to catch some sleep but it was all in vain.Alexa on the other hand went to work a troubled soul....she was worried about her daughter....the only thing that makes her complete.She felt like her baby was not ok."I know Elly is not ok,I just can't get hold of what is troubling her,she just can't allow me to know.Am I a bad mother??I know all mothers know what troubles their kids but am here...I don't know what's eating up my own child....Oh God,help me out here.....Help me understand my little girl."

With these words she drove to the parking lot ..... she was finally at work but one could tell that she was not in the moods for anything.She walked Straight to her office ,sat there confused.Nairobi her colleuge and best friend too came in.

"Hey girl!! What's wrong with you??I have been calling after you and it's like you were snobbing me...I even interrogated myself assuming that I have wronged you."

Stood there infront of Alex's desk waiting for answers.She just looked at her gave a sigh of relief and finally spoke to her,"Nairobi would you please leave me alone.I just need time alone."

"Are you serious right now??Like you are asking me out of your office?!Am not leaving till you tell me what's going on with you."

"please just leave me alone.I just want to be alone....I just want to think...I need time to meditate that's all."

"Since when did you start to meditate??C'mon Alex stop lying to yourself.....Stop playing hard to get and...

"For crying out Nairobi just leave me be?!!What part of I want to be alone don't you understand??Why so you like getting me tight?!!Don't makee lose it."

"Fine?! Am sorry then..I didn't mean to make you mad....am sorry ....am I forgiven??"She fell back into her chair and buried her head on the desk."Please just leave.....close the door behind you please.....thank you."

Nairobi just stared at her and left her office.....it was her lucky day for there were no meetings for her to attend.The day looked longer than usual,she just couldn't wait to go home and for the first time ever she was more than Willing to prepare dinner for her daughter.She felt as if she had not been a good mother to her child.

She couldn't stand being in the office anymore...She decided to leave work earlier than usual.....she really wanted to talk to someone so badly....

one who will not judge her..one who will give her a listen ear and advise her accordingly.The only person who can understand her is her own mother.She grabbed her phone and called her mum.

On hearing her mother's voice.....she broke down and her mum encouraged her to let it all out and she assured her that she would always be there for her.After two hours of crying over the phone she was able to have a decent talk with her mum.

"Mummy am I that bad at parenting??

"No!!Why are you saying so??"

"Well....it's just that of late Elly has not been herself,she will come back from school and lock herself in her room.Like she doesn't not eat anything....I was used to dropping her to school every morning but this days she prefer taking the bus to school.Yesterday she went out to drink and guess what she never came back till this morning.I know my daughter is not ok and you know as they say,a good mother knows what troubles her child without the child telling her but as for me .....I just can't read in between the lines.I feel like the worst mum in the world."

"No .... Don't judge yourself and my dear nobody is perfect.You not knowing What's troubling your daughter doesn't make you the worst Mum as you put it.Maybe it's nothing serious,you know how teenagers behave,don't let it stress you.What matters is you being there for her.Offer protection to her and always give her a listening ear.Don't just be her Mum...

be her best friend....bring her close to you and I assure you ..... everything will fall into place.I'be visiting soon."

"what will I ever do without you Mum??I count myself lucky for having you as a mother.I love you Mummy."

"I love you more my girl.....I also count myself lucky for having you as my daughter.Say Hi to my grand daughter when you get home.... Will visit you guys soon."

After speaking with her Mum.....she felt as if a heavy load had been lifted off her shoulder.She drove home but passed by the church to pray for her mum and thank God for giving her as her Mum.

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