
Your Girlfriend?



"Do not try what you did today again, okay?" David said to me immediately I finished the stairs. I was dumbfounded, but I ain't that kind of girl that keeps what she thinks to herself.

"And don't ever come into my room with knocking or letting me know, okay?". I replied him in a cold manner. wasn't he the one who came to my room when I was in the shower.

" It's okay let's just forget about it, dig in before your food gets cold." He nodded his head towards my food. And that was how we finished the whole food in awkward silence.

After we finished eating the food, I settled in the sitting room to watch a movie when I heard the door bell rang. Louis went to answer the door and then walked in a beautiful woman.

"Hey baby am home". Is she Louis girlfriend.

"Hey Pamela, but can you please stop calling me your baby' "It makes me look ok like a young boy".

" Who is she?" She asked as she swapped her head towards my direction.

"Ohh, she is my new P.A" David told her shortly.

"Hi my name is Pamela, and I am David's very close and childhood friend" Pamela introduced herself.

"Am Abigail, and I am David's P.A" I told her too in reply.

"So David how could you forget your bestie's birthday?". Pamela said to David when settling down. Then David sat beside her.

"How could I forget, your birthday is tomorrow, right?". David appeases her.

"Yes, I need to get some dress and I need company". Pamela told him

"I can take you" " Where are you off too?" He added like a chopper.

"Just a mall down the road, you don't need to take car" Pamela said standing up and walking towards the door.

"Who is she, your girlfriend?" I asked David.

"No she is my best friend, we may be late so you can go to bed" "That is if you can't wait any longer for me". David added winking at me.

"Off we go, bye". David waved me.

"He has a girlfriend" I told myself. But why am I disappointed. I went to bed but I locked the door of my room. And for the first time in ages a guys image appears In my head. David's