
Chapter 1 - Prelude (A happy childhood)

"I'm sorry James, there isn't an easy way to say this, but the latest result show that you only have 6 months left to live"

All the words Doctor McCulling said after that seemed to fade into the background.

6 months huh? Cant really say the news shocked me. I mean, I've been in a hospital bed for 5 years. kinda figured something was up with me. I'd be a fool to miss the signs

You'd be surprised how easy certain premature death is to take in. There is a certain sense of finality to knowing when you'll die that grants a weird sense of relief and serenity. The way I see it is that everyone is on a timer, my timer just so happens to be an old antique model. A model that for some reason seems to be only able to measure time up to 6 months. Kinda crappy but hey, it's my timer.

"Okay, I know that's a lot to take in so I'll leave you to come to terms with that. Sorry kid. I wish I could...could do something"

All I could do was smile wryly at him, he truly had been nice to me over these years, kinda like a big brother. I guess as a doctor, spending years with a patient only to find out you can do absolutely nothing to help them would be frustrating

"I know Doctor, but some things cant be changed. Kinda sucks, but atleast I have 6 months left. Some people dont even get that." I said whilst beaming a smile.

He stares at me, I think trying to find the facade that is keeping a smile on my face and tranquility in my eyes. After a few seconds he breaks the stare and stands up. Makes his way towards me and gives a few comforting pats on the shoulder, before making his way out of my hospital room. Leaving me alone once again.

With silence taking the room, I couldnt help but review my life.

It's been one of ups and downs. Sadly with more downs as of late. I was born into a loving family. A lone child with both my mother and father. Although we had other family that we saw sporadically, it was mostly mom, dad and me.

Mom was a famous pianist that travelled regularly around the world, playing at various venues and concerts. Dad was a university professor, so like mum, his life was very busy. But not once was I lonely, or was it that my parents didnt allow me to be lonely. They always found a way to be with me, atleast one of them. My childhood was truly great.

With mom I'd learn how to play the piano. I was bad. Like, really bad. But she was always patient, the warm smile she always wore when I constantly played the wrong keys kept me going. I practiced hard so that those smiles were rewarded. And they were. At the age of 8, I won a national piano competition. My very first competition. The smile on her face was uber bright that day. It was more of a prize to me than the trophy half my size could ever be. The family photo we took that day is kept on my bedside. The smile she has in it always reminds me that "aslong as I have a smile on my face, she would too." I always remember those words, she told me them one time I broke down crying for being useless at the piano.

Mom would always take me with her to her performances when they were in the school holidays. Dad would come when he wasnt busy, but mom said these trips were our little thing. I loved music so being able to see renowned musicians play in person was amazing. Although dad had no love for music, he said he loves mom so he should be able to join. Mom always snorted when he said this. The slight upward curve of her lips would always give her away tho.

I always though that Mom was very beautiful, but when she was on stage, playing in front of a passionate crowd, she seemed to glow. And by the proud smirk always on his face when watching mom perform, I'd say dad agreed.

Now dad. Dad was what mom would describe as an "Oddball". As a History professor at a top university in England, dad was naturally smart. Really, really smart. But it wasnt just history. No dad knew everything, and by everything, I mean everything. The study in our house was a treasure trove of the greatest wonders. Our family would say "If you want to know something, TO THE STUDY". Sitting at the desk in the study, on dads lap was where I'd spent a great portion of my time. I'd read and dad would read along, just waiting for me to ask a question so he could "show his might". I'd ask a question and he'd throw me his signature cheesy grin mom often called creepy, and he'd answer 9/10 of the time with the answer. If on the rare occasion he didnt answer. He would disappear. And always on the same day he would return, with a cheesy grin of triumph and announce the answer.

I remember one time I was in school. The teacher approaches me during lesson with a peculiar look that I couldnt determine on her face.

"umm James"

"Yes Miss Penny" I replied kinda on edge thinking I'm in trouble.

"Your father has just been to the school office and delivered a note for you. Apparently its urgent."

Confused I take the envelope she hands me. Opening it and reading it, I was even more confused.

"inland taipan"

Once home I got the answer to the cryptic note. Apparently the snake with the most lethal venom currently know. A question I remember asking but totally forgot about. Dad felt the need I know, as "knowledge waits for no man.". Maybe he is an "Oddball" hehe.

It always confused me why he was a history professor, it was one of the lamer of his interests. The answer I received ingrained into my mind, even until today I remember it clear.

"Keeping history, learning history and teaching history, let's us remember the deeds of past greats. I love teaching history because im telling the tales of greats to the future of our world. And by doing so, i hope the future will one day tell the tale of my greats. I hope my name is remembered for years to come." The shimmer of dads eyes whilst speaking his dream was blinding.

"But dad, you will always be remembered. Me and mom always remember you."

The shimmer of his eyes brighten and joined with a cheesy grin.

"And I couldnt ask for more, aslong as you remember me I will be happy" His grin reaches his ears as he playfully ruffles my hair, getting a resentful glare from me in return.

Thinking back, there were rarely times when dad didnt have a smirk on his face. It made him seem like he knew something you did not, or maybe that he was planning something that wouldn't end well for others. He said that not smiling would be crime when having such a beautiful wife and son. I though dad was truly an inspirational charmer, but the dirty look he received from mom, maybe I was mistaken.

Growing up I had everything I could ask for, loving parents, a safe household, family that would visit often, a great school life with many friends and caring teachers. I was blessed. The only thing missing was a bunch of little sister running around, cutely calling me Big brother. The sadness in moms eyes and the complicated look of my dad when I asked for a one made me drop this matter. They said I was enough for them. They loved me and I loved them

Truly a happy childhood.

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