
In DC with James Lee’s perfect body and skills

this is not a reincarnation thing

Fuqyou · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Count Chocula

The silent streets of Gotham City were suddenly shattered by a blaring alarm, piercing through the stillness of the night. Four shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, their identities concealed by eerie clown masks. With swift and purposeful steps, they made their way out of the bank, clutching bags overflowing with stolen cash.

"Quick, let's move!" the driver barked urgently, his eyes darting around the dimly lit streets as chaos erupted around them. His accomplices followed suit, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they hurried towards the waiting van.

But their escape was suddenly interrupted by a sharp object, hurtling towards them at lightning speed. With a flick of his wrist, The Batman sent a bat-shaped throwing star towards the van, causing the criminals to spin around in shock. Perched atop a nearby building, his cape billowing in the wind, The Batman surveyed the scene with a steely determination.

But he wasn't alone. Standing next to him was another figure, clad in a purple and black cape with dreadlocks blowing in the wind. In each hand, they held a sai resembling a vampire's fangs. He also seemed to have a pocky stick in his mouth. "Looks like the bats have a new ally," one of the criminals whispered in fear.

"I told you the purple would be menacing," the shorter figure said with a cocky flap of his cape. "You look like a goon, you should've just been Robin," The Batman remarked casually, his gaze still fixed on the criminals. The shorter figure gritted their teeth in anger and attempted to punch The Batman, but his blows had no effect. "I'm a scientist, not a color engineer. And I'm not a sidekick I'm a real vigilante, so I chose to be a vampire trope," they retorted, using their cape to gracefully float down from the building and stand in front of the criminals.

"Enough talk, I'll leave this to you, a little test for your first time." The Batman declared, "But remember Sincere."

"I know I know, no killing." He nodded, a faint smirk appearing on his face as he faced the four goons, his sai at the ready. The goons charged towards him, their clown masks twisted into snarls of fury.

*3 weeks ago in Gotham High*

The students all escaped from the sound of the alarm blaring and Batman dodged and evaded Croc's attacks but he had some type of venom eating at his skin. "Come on Batman is that all you got!" Killer Croc exclaimed and punched Batman into 6 different classrooms. "Shit, I can't fight with this on my body." He muttered and looked around for something to possibly burn it off.

He then looked down at a chair that had a dark skinned boy with glasses looking up at him with a surprised look while eating pocky sticks.

Batman looked at him. The boy looked back. Batman looked at him. The boy looked back.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU ASSJACK!" The boy yelled as he saw Batman standing on his now broken computer. "Sorry kid I'm busy right now." Batman replied while pulling out a batarang and sprayed the venom with ice.

He groaned as the ice broke and the venom expanded. "Whoa you alright?" The boy asked and began mixing some chemicals together.

"Yeah, just need to get this off." Batman grunted, trying to break free from Killer crocs acid. "Here, this should neutralize the venom. By the way my name's Sincere." The boy handed Batman a small vial of liquid.

Batman then put the liquid onto the infected area and it quickly disappeared. "How did you…?" Batman said but soon Killer Croc came bursting into the classroom.

"Move kid!" Batman yelled and evaded the attack, as he was about to counterattack he saw the boy on top of Killet croc's head doing a handstand with one arm. "Huh?!" Croc yelled in surprise and before he could react he was soon kicked down. "Gah!" Croc yelled as the kick packed quite the punch. "Nice try kid but," He stood up and immediately threw consecutive punches towards Sincere.

"Whoa, someone woke up on the wrong side of the sewer line." Sincere said laughing goofily and raised his leg slightly and executed 10 consecutive invisible kicks at killer croc sending him flying back and into a wall knocked out.

"Now, my computer payment!" Sincere said demanding and put his hand out. "I didn't bring any cash but here." Batman gave him a wallet that was very expensive. "This isn't gonna cut it!" Sincere examined the wallet with a angry look. "Maybe one of my credit card." Batman said while reaching into his pocket until Alfred chimed in on his watch. "Don't do it sir, your wallet can buy him 3 buildings."

"Anyways kid, how did you do that? I heard about a vigilante that fights with agility and their moves are so fast you can barely see it." Batman asked while typing on his watch. "Vigilante? Nah, everyone knows who I am, see?" Sincere explained and pointed to posters of him on the wall that said that he was a hero and all that stuff. "I don't have to keep anything a secret, I'm not you."

"You have so much to learn kid, why don't you let me teach you how to be a real hero." Batman asked and cuffed killer croc and walked outside dragging him by his legs.


"Whoo!" Sincere exclaimed as he was surrounded by the unconscious bodies of the thugs. "I am so glad I didn't choose to be your new Robin."

"Hm, you mentioned that you don't have any powers, I guess you might just have superhuman capabilities then." Batman muttered to himself. "So what's your hero name anyway?"

Sincere let the wind blow through his cape and removed his hood and looked at Batman with a determined face. "Count Chocula, get it, because of my skin complexion?"

"Don't worry we'll find something." Batman responded with a sigh. "Hey! It's a good name." Sincere yelled angrily.