
In Blue Lock as Kuroko

I died and got reincarnated… As Kuroko, but I’m Blue Lock? I’m fine with that but I’m not content to be someone’s shadow. I’m going to cast my own shadow in this soccer world. I’ll become the #1 striker!

BadGeek · Tranh châm biếm
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Blue lock?… As Kuroko??

It was a normal Sunday afternoon where I was relaxing on my day off from work watching Kuroko no basuke. I loved the premise of Kuroko's abilities and basketball is a fun sport to watch so i always enjoyed watching this show. With all that said I still couldn't help but wish that Kuroko could take over a game and win.

I know the whole thing is about his style basketball revolving around playing as a team and making his light shine so that his shadow is bigger or whatever. But I always wanted a "badass" Kuroko. One that takes over the game and uses his misdirection to score en masse. But nope. His shooting is abysmal. Handles nonexistent. Speed, slow. Stamina, minuscule.

I wanted a Kuroko with the Will and drive to be the best. A Kuroko with an ego… Like the characters in Blue Lock.

And then the next thing I knew I was sitting in a chair in front of a girl about my age, roughly 20 years old. Long bright yellow hair, with golden eyes. Sitting on a throne like chair grinning down at me with a smile that made a shiver go down my spine.

"Welcome human! You have died, but rejoice for you will get to be reincarnated! Don't praise me too long." She said with a wave of her hand before leaving back into her throne with a content smile.

"…" I was obviously confused about the whole thing, but for some reason everything was telling me to believe her. That I really had died and was now sitting in front of a…?

"Uh, are you a goddess or something?" Her eye twitched as she opened them and glared at me.

"You humans are always so rude. Never thanking or praising me for pulling you from the clutches of death to be reincarnated." She Hmphed as she crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks, turning her head to the side. Holding back a sigh I give her what she wants.

"Oh merciful higher being, thank you for saving me from death and giving me this amazing opportunity." I drew out in a monotones fashion. She either didn't care or ignored the my tone as she began smiling and leaned forward once more.

"Ah yes! You know how to treat a lady, now I almost feel bad for the rules of reincarnation. Hopefully you didn't screw yourself with your final thoughts. They are very important after all in the reincarnation process." It my turn to raise an eyebrow.

"How so?" I asked and her smile changed back to the first one that had sent a shiver down my spine.

"Well the world is chosen based off the last world you were thinking of. For example if you were thinking about earth you would have been sent back, albeit a slightly different version as your body is also chosen by the last person, animal, insect etc etc. I've had people sent to Pokémon as bugs, The walking dead as a dog. And my personal favorite is when guys get sent to a new world in girls body because they were having their "fun" time or daydreaming about one right before their death."

I grimaced at the thought of that and began trying to remember what I had been thinking about before I died.

"Awwwwww how annoying it looks like you won't be turning into a female or a cute puppy. Just some boring anime character named Kuroko Tetsuya, average as average can be. And the world is equally boring just some soccer centric world called Blue Lock. Ah well can't change the rules… unless you want to become a fema-"

"Ah no thanks I'll take Kuroko's body! Appreciate the offer though!" I said hastily before she got any funny ideas.

"Awww alright. Here ya go." With a gesture of her hand my body began to shorten and I saw traces of light blue hair in my vision. My body began to glow brighter and brighter until everything went dark.

My head hurting was the first thing I noticed as I began to open my eyes a soft bed cushioning my body. Sitting up I looked around to see a fairly plain room with a desk holding PC in the corner at the foot of my bed. A dresser on the wall to the right side of my bed from where I sat. The dresser came with a mirror and that's when I saw myself. Or rather my new self as Kuroko Tetsuya.

I kept wondering why I wasn't freaking out, with my death, meeting a goddess or seemingly becoming younger as well as taking on a new body as Kuroko of all people! I looked to be about highschool aged, how Kuroko looked right before joining Seirin.

Swinging my feet off the bed I went to stand up only to notice a paper falling. I quickly snatched it up and began to read it.

"Welcome to the world of Blue Lock, human. Other than a minor headache and some vertigo from the height change everything should feel normal to you. You're lucky! This world has a limited amount of "powers" or more accurately "abilities", that really only pertain to sports. Luckily the body you last chose also seems to have these sort of abilities to a lesser level so I did you a favor and improved them slightly.

You won't be ruling the world anytime soon but you do have the potential and the skill ceiling to dominate the story of this world, Blue Lock. If you choose. Anyways all the important documents, as well as money can be found in the drawer by your bed. You have plenty of clothes in your dresser as well as your school uniform. (The name of your school and the start date is in the drawer with all the important documents.)

You have food and a stocked refrigerator. The apartment you're living in is paid off until you finish highschool. Which you start tomorrow by the way. You're welcome human! Good luck in your new world! And try to find a girlfriend this time you don't die alone again. Or if you do try to be thinking of something funny. Like this one degenerate was watching this messed up hentai I think they call it, where the girl got um "attacked" by some goblins and his little heart exploded! So guess where he got sent! Yup! He went to that same world as the girl, right at the part he left off at hahahaha. Ah yes please think of something funny next time you die, I could use a good laugh. Buh bye!"

-Goddess Pera

My whole body shivered and I sent out a little prayer to the guy she was talking about. I'll definitely be more conscious about what I'm thinking from now on. Definitely wouldn't want to turn into a g- Ah let me stop there.

Shaking my head I stood up, my height only coming up to about 5 foot 6 inches. I had been 6 foot when I died that was going to take some getting used to. Opening the drawer by my bed I look over the documents to find not only do I look like Kuroko Tetsuya, but I am him.

Parents deceased with no living relatives, small yet still fairly substantial inheritance left over to help me live. A phone was also in there fully charged with contacts and information for the school and some local food places.

"Wow that goddess really gave me a good start here." Scrolling further down I saw something that I knew I needed.

~24 Hour Gym and training facility~

I had Kuroko's physique which meant I needed to hit the weights as soon as possible as well as begun working on my cardio. I also need to begin learning soccer. I know a little, but not enough to become the best that's for sure. Putting in the ear buds that came with the phone I looked up soccer rules videos and dressed for the gym. I was going to get a personal trainer and hope they offered dietary plan because I definitely didn't eat very healthy in my last life.

With a pair of gym shorts, a plain Tshirt, and tennis shoes I began following the gps app to the gym. I didn't know at what point of Blue Lock I was at. At best I was the same age as Isagi meaning I had 2 years until Blue Lock begins. Worst case the end of this soccer season starts the story.

"Oh well. I don't really have much choice in the matter, but at least now I can finally have the Kuroko I always wanted to watch. A Kuroko that can win with his own skills, creating his own shadow. I will become the number 1 striker in the world."