
Chapter 2: Royalty


"You've got to be shitting me" I exclaimed. There was a damn frog levitating in front of me with a stick in his hand. I tried thinking of what happened to me and why I'm here but then I finally recalled my memories. 'So this is the after life?' I thought snickering at the realism.

"No, a Void of nothingness you are in" he said keeping his undisturbed posture.

I put on the serene and stern appearance that all military veterans should have realising that this so called Deity can hear my thoughts. "why am I here, o-oh great one". The entity in front of me put on that creepy smile that old people would make and responded.

"Reincarnated into royalty you will be, Authority of a monarch over the earth you will have"

'Reincarnated?' I exclaimed 'like those dirty harem novels that I caught one of my students reading?'. The entity chuckled after hearing my thoughts. I expected it to respond but continuous information flooded into my mind while my eyes started to go blurry.

"A short amount of time I have but information I shall grant you" was the last thing I heard as I felt myself transverse through what I think is space.



In the Royal Palace of Omashu a child with Emerald green eyes and dark opaque hair was born, now as the almighty readers you must know that this child is special. He has an enormous amount of chi gravitating into his soul with the Boundless power of plot bending to his will.

This is the story of King Aurelius I (formerly known as Elijah) and how he forged the greatest earth empire to ever exist.


-Aurelius (Elijah)-

"Where the hell am I!" I tried to yell but all the came out was the squeals of a baby which I'm guessing is me. 'Deep breathes Elijah' I thought

"Look, prince Aurelius is awake!" a voice yelped.

"Inform King Bumi!" another voice said

'I guess the frog was right I am royalty, now were am I- ugh all these damn memories, Bending , the avatar, the spirit world, all the different branches of earth bending like bones, lava , sand, metal and even crystals'

'I have so much potential but only 16 years until Aang arrives, in these next 16 years I need to master at least 2 of the branches preferably lava and Crystals along with remodelling Omashu into the most powerful city of benders. Just imagine the power if I can master these two... with crystals alone I'll be able to transmute normal dirt into diamonds and be capable enough to defend most if not all physical attacks. That isn't even considering the offensive power of lava, imagine the power I'd have if I created an army of lava benders'


While the ambitious new born was contemplating on how he'd grow in power guards entered the princes room. They kept a flanked formation carrying the prince into the throne room without speaking a word. Once they entered a stern white haired man with the same emerald eyes as the prince sat on the throne, this was the most powerful earth bender of his time King Bumi.

Unlike most times were he'd keep a playful manner with his continuous snorting... today was not the time. As today he came back from war to see his legacy, his son. After his wife's death he did not plan on giving the fire nation a break since they took her from him but he decided it would be best to stay and look after his own son Aurelius Jadestone I of his name.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N I plan on doing a mcu fanfiction please send me recommendations on what powers you want the mc to have.

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