
Timeskip and Leaving school

10 years have past since Jun bade farewell to his friends from Tokyo. In this time, both he and the Yamato have traveled the globe experiencing everything this world had to offer. From its cuisine to its culture, and its society.

He also ended up saving the world a couple of times and raised his level of spiritual awareness to a point that he no longer had to rely on activating his mystic eyes in order to see beyond the world's veil.

While he was exploring the world, he also came into contact with many supernatural entities ranging from demons, witches, angels, spirits, gods etc...

And of course he also kept in contact with his friends and family while he was off touring the globe. He even got Kiseki's location from Takeru and ended up secretly visiting the facility that she was being kept in whenever he had time. Though it was quite surprising to find out how meek she was considering that she slaughtered their entire village. He may have also saved her from becoming a bro-con, but that's a story for another time.

From all of his experiences and data gather over the past 10 years, he learnt three very important facts about the state of this world.

1. Even if characters he knew existed in this world, it doesn't mean they have the same storyline or follow the same history as their anime counterparts from his world. An example of this would be in this world Goku could never meet Frieza, Cell or Beerus but still achieve the same level of power he has now.

2. If he doesn't intervene, the plot will follow its natural course. A couple of years back he discovered a woman called Nagisa Okazaki and her husband Tomoya preparing for the birth of their first child. Remembering that he watched Clannad multiple times and cried his eyes out, he wanted to intervene and save the family from their unfortunate fate. But then it hit him. If he was in a new world where the history of the characters were not the exact same as their anime counterparts, would their endings also be the same or would it change?

With this thought in mind he monitored the family for the coming months waiting for that fateful day when Nagisa would give birth to Ushio. Unfortunately that day arrived and... Nagisa died. Although Jun was slightly saddened by her death, he took it as a lesson that although this world didn't strictly follow the anime, for the most part the endings are fixed unless an outside variable is present.

3. Most world ending events originate and develop in Japan.

At one point in time Jun returned to Tokyo to check up on Lukako and the Okumura twins but ended up discovering a school by the name of Hopes peak high school. Remembering the anime Danagnronpa, he searched for any information related to the main characters then quickly tracked down the despair loving freak Enoshima Junko and slaughtered her before she could enact her ridiculous plan of worldwide chaos.

And due to his higher than normal intelligence, he completely skipped out on attending middle school and focused on training his power and body. To do this, he often went to visit Illya and her humonculus who somehow had longer lifespans than normal ones.

Illya seemed to enjoy his company and often begged him to take her with him whenever he had to leave. And occasionally he granted her wish and took her to different countries and cities for her to enjoy herself. This eventually led to the two making a pact with each other that they'd help the other in the next holy grail war.

He also managed to completely master Vergil's dark slayer style allowing him effortlessly move through space as though it was nothing. That being said, the most useful ability from the dark slayer style is something call trick down. An ability that allows him to disappear and reappear in the same place. A very useful ability that allows him to dodge any attack no matter the direction.

And just like Dante and Vergil, his demonic blood made him incredibly restless if he wasn't causing some kind of trouble that put his life at risk. Whether this be hunting down rouge devils, mages, witches etc... as long as they were able to fight back, Jun considered them prey. This led him to developing a superiority complex where he looked down on all other races and rejected most of his human side (Like Vergil).

And due to this constant need of wanting an adrenaline rush, he moved to a school that would allow him to fight to his heart's content. Nanyo Gakuen, a school in Tokyo that promotes warrior spirit. In his world it was the main school from an ecchi anime called Ikki Tousen.

But after three months of constant battles and victories, he quickly became bored and handed in his transfer notice.



'Time to leave this place.'

Walking out of the gates of Nanyo Gauken academy, the 16 year old Jun removed his golden tomoe earring and crushed it under his foot.

"Guess this means that I no longer have a connection to this place." He mumbled to himself ignoring the vast majority of students dressed in a different uniform standing just opposite him.

"Sword demon! Surrender quietly and come with us!"


Lifting his head he finally took notice of the 50 plus students standing in front of him.

The name Sword Demon was the title he received after crushing all those who stood in his way with nothing but a wooden sword. He also went around the country challenging various dojos to duels and ended up defeating them in less than 3 moves earning himself wide spread fame among martial artists.

Of course Jun didn't think much of it as he viewed it as natural since he was only fighting humans.

"1, 2, 3, 4... Only 50 of you? Quite insulting if you ask me." He said not taking their numbers seriously.

"Is that so." A voice echoed out as the students of the opposing school parted to reveal a tanned skin girl with messy short black hair.


"Kusanagi san"

Smiling at the girl, he thought back on the other tan skinned girl that he knew.

"So, what does the leader of Gogun High school want with me?" He asked although he already knew the answer.

"Are you really leaving Nanyo."

"Word travels fast." He joked.

"As the leader of Gogun High school, I invite you to join my-

"Pass." He interrupted.

"What! You didn't even let me finish!" She stomped her feet and complained.

"Didn't need to." He said nonchalantly.

"You were probably going to use your position as leader of your school to invite me to join your territory right?"


"Because I'm not an idiot." He replied.

"Are you calling me an idiot!" She shouted.

"Who knows." He shrugged.

"Kusanagi Jun... Either join me willingly or I'll beat you and drag you back with me!" She said getting into a martial stance.

"... Seriously? You're challenging me after what happened last time?" He said putting his hands into his pockets.

"This time I'll win!"

"*Sigh* I respect you as a fighter Ukitsu, but if you and your army of weaklings come at me, I will crush you."

"We'll make you eat those words! Students of Gogun, ATTACK!!!!"

"HRRRRRRRAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" They screamed and charged him.



"So bored..."

*Cough* *Cough*

Looking underneath him, Ukitsu coughed out a mouthful of blood as her fellow students lay on the floor beaten and bloodied.

"Kusanagi Jun." She said through grit teeth.

"I told you what would happen if you attacked me." He said while playing a game on his phone.


'Oh? I won.'

"It was good seeing you again Ukitsu, but next time use your head." Putting his earphones in, he got off the downed student and dusted himself off.

'Time to go home.'

"KUSANAGI JUN!" A voice suddenly called out to him.

'Urgh, who is it this time.'

Pulling his earphones out of his ears he turned to face the new arrival.

Standing a bit away from him was four students of different shapes and sizes.

The first of the 4 was Nanyo academy's second strongest student Shimei Ryomou. A beautiful girl with short blue hair and a eye patch over her left eye. The reason Jun's eyes were drawn to her first was due to the infamous french maid outfit that she was wearing.

The person standing next to her was the real strongest in the academy and a master manipulator who prefers operating from the shadows. Genpou Saji. A tall man with a slightly brown hair and dressed in Nanyo's school uniform.

The last two were Nanyo's respective 3rd and 4th strongest students, Kouha Kannei and Gakushu.

"To be called out by Nanyo's big 4... What an honor." He mocked amused by their presence.

"Kusanagi Jun! what are you doing handing in a transfer form without our permission." Ryomou stepped forward and tried to intimidate him.

"Permission? Since when did I ever need the permission of a sadistic cosplay maid and the three stooges?" He asked curious about the answer.

"What did you call us!" Kannei lost his cool and shouted.

Jun shrugged at his anger.

"I called you what you are, nothing more, nothing less."


"Did Enjutsu put you up to this?" He cut him off.

A heavy silence hung in the air once he mentioned that name.

"I see... You still follow that coward. Well it's not like I expect much from you guys anyway."

Gritting their teeth, their ki started to fluctuate.

"Is that it?" Jun said with disappointment evident in his tone.

"And here I thought you'd at least force me to use one of my hands... Guess you guys really are just that worthless." He said letting out a wisp of his demonic energy that instantly scattered their Ki.



"So what's it gonna be? One on One or all together? For times sake I'd appreciate it if you all came at once."

"He's looking down on us!" Kannei said tightening his hold on his night stick.

'No shit.' He thought to himself.

"There's 4 of us and only one of him... If we all rush him together there's no way he can escape." Ryomou said eyeing Jun dangerously.

'Are they pretending that they can't see the countless bodies on the floor?'


'No point wasting my time with these weaklings.'

Pushing forward with his Shundo, his body flickered and appeared before the group.






Before they could react, he grabbed their wrists and used his inhuman strength to fling them into different locations not caring where they landed.

'Great, now I can leave.'


'What now...'


A/N: You know what's funny? I just found out that the studio that animated Ikkitousen actually made a fuck ton of hentai! I'm currently binge watching all of them. Obviously I'm doing it for academic purposes, seeing how they've improved since the late 90s to now truly is amazing, and I can actually say that I enjoy the plot of most of their hentai. And best of all its all uncensored!! Hallelujah praise the sun!!!

Ukitsu (Ikkitousen)

Shimei Ryomou (Ikkitousen)

Shishi Ouin (Ikkitousen)

Nanyou Gakuin Big Four (Ikkitousen)

Aradacreators' thoughts
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