
2. Holy Shit, I Am-!

"Uh... why do I feel I'm inside a tornado," The now reincarnated soul says, and tries opening his eyes. Finally opening them, he notices a dark sky filled with clouds, but no moon. 'A new moon' He thought. He then looked around and saw the source of the winds... which was he himself.

And then he almost had a panic attack when he looked down and saw himself floating above what seemed like a crater, lit with fire dancing around, and he himself too was surrounded by green fire and very dark smoke which covered him and rotated around him, producing the wind.

Looking around, he notices the crater was in a city, and many houses were affected and roofs were blown, with people running away.

[Are you alright master?] A voice asked. The boy panicked but realized who this voice belonged to.

"Great Sage?" The boy asked but noticed his voice sounded... demonic of sorts. Looking around, he wondered if he got the 'alien child crashed on planet' treatment like Superman or Goku. But he realizes nice people won't adopt him since he may have destroyed quite a few houses.

[No master, it's Raphael. I advise you to teleport away.] Raphael spoke in his mind. The boy agreed and wondered how to do it. [Shall I take control master?] Raphael asked

"Please do" He spoke, realizing he doesn't have his powers under control, and the tornado around him was increasing in radius. He felt pushed into the back of his mind and saw how the phenomenon around him died out, and the next second, he was in the middle of a forest. His body lay down on an area cleared by Raphael to make it softer. After that, he felt his body again, making him blink.

Grunting, he tried to get up in a sitting position. "Damn," He said, but whatever discomfort he felt quickly washed away. He looked around and noticed he could see everything perfectly even though it was dark, heck, he would consider this place the perfect place to shoot a horror movie. Shaking his head, he looked at his hands and realized he was around 8 to 10 years old. "I thought it was reincarnation, not transmigration. Did my memories get sealed or something?" He wondered.

[Affirmative master] Raphael responded. [Do you wish to unlock them? You may feel slight dizziness for a few seconds.]

"Hmm.. yeah, do it." He responded. Immediately he was bombarded with memories, and they left his head spinning. He used his hand to prevent falling to the side and remained in the sitting position while holding his head. And like Raphael said, in a few seconds his condition returned to normal. But he did not fawn over his heightened recovery abilities, because something else got his attention.

"HOLY SHIT! I'M HARRY POTTER!!!" He screamed in surprise. He just sat stunned for a while. 'Now that I think about it, I had a misconception about going to a new world and forgot the possibility of reincarnation into a fictional universe... Well, not so fictional anymore. But as much as becoming a main character excites me, 'my' life in the past 10 years has been shit. Due to being a baby, I have no memories of the first two years, but the rest are filled with the word 'freak' and beatings. Damn, Walrus.' He cursed, remembering everything. Still, more questions arose in his mind. What was that crater he saw? Did his awakening blow the house or something? Did the walrus and his family die because of it? No, he remembered them going away, to a zoo or something.

"Raphael, you there?" Harry asked.

[Yes master, I was waiting for you to calm down.] Raphael responds. Harry still was in mild shock, he couldn't believe he had reincarnated and had an ethereal voice in his head. [Would you like to hear my report master?]

"Yeah, that would help." He said while nodding.

[From analysis, there is an 89% chance master transformed into an obscurial, the result of the constant abuse, and because of the obscurus being released, it resulted in the magical explosion which destroyed the house and created the crater. But the complete transformation was interrupted because of objects fusing within you, making the obscurus transform into skill Gluttony Lord: Beleezebuth, and the reason for your healing powers.] Harry blankly stared into space. The fuck? He became an obscurial, and then how did the obscurus become a familiar than a magical parasite?

He was confused, did he become an obscurial because his willpower was less than cannon Harry, or was the walrus family more brutal? But he also remembered something. "Raphael, you said that the process was halted because of objects fusing with me. Did you mean the Essence of Blank?"

[Negative. The objects were in the shape of a wand, a cloak, and a ring. Or more accurately, it was the stone embedded in the ring. The ring was devoured as a byproduct. It's highly likely that they were the deathly hallows from your memory, sir] Raphael responded, but her last words sent Harry into a shock.

*4, Pivet Drive*

A blue car stopped on the road, and three people got out of it. They rushed to see multiple police vehicles and firetrucks stationed, but they weren't distracted by that. No, their attention went to the place where their house was as now in its place was a crater. Firetrucks were still trying to extinguish the flames, but they didn't have any effect on them. The walrus family could only stare in astonishment, and sorrow at the place where once their home stood.

"Sir, please leave the area. This is not safe." One of the officers instructed.

"M-m-my house. What happened to my house?" Vernon finally snapped and asked.

"Your house? Was it there?" The officer asked.

"Yes, now tell me what happened here?" Vernon asked in anger. Petunia held her Dudley and stared in disbelief.

"Well sir, we will find that out from you. You will be coming with us for an investigation into storing illegal explosives in your house. Please comply or we will be forceful." The officer said, and the Walrus had a heart attack hearing this, with Petunia and Dudley even more scared. But after a while, the officers would realize they had an idiot on their hands who kept blaming a 'freak' for the explosion.

Unaware to them all, there roamed many people dressed differently from them, waving sticks around, which produced lights occasionally, as they tried to understand the magical energy eruption sensed by their ministry.

*Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office*

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was in a predicament. For someone has someone had managed to steal something from under his, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore's, nose. And he had no idea how that could have happened. He was enjoying the lemon drops in his office when he decided to the muggle world to charm some ladies, as at the very least, the muggles were useful for relief of his stress. Then again, it won't be a problem if they understood the importance of him, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, but the ignorant muggle ladies had to be given a practical demonstration with his wand, but now the very wand has disappeared. Not only that, but the cloak had disappeared as well. And he was not happy with this prank. Not happy at all.

His face soured as if he had tasted a particularly sour lemon drop and he paced around the room, wondering how the new grip of his wand that he had charmed to come to him, didn't work. The elder wand was a powerful artifact, and it should be in safe hands, like his, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the lord of light's, hands. Not in the hands of some thief. Looks like he needs to find his old wand and go looking for it. Now there weren't many children in his school with sticky fingers, so he could dive into their minds to find it out before they sully his name.

*Back with MC*

Harry still couldn't believe it. He absorbed the deathly hallows! Did this mean he was the master of death? So many questions!

[Master, I have prepared a custom status menu for ease of understanding of your powers. Do you wish to view it?] Raphael said.

"Yes," He said. Even if he didn't like systems, he did want to have a status.



Name- Harry James Potter

Titles- Master of Death, Prince of Shadows, Mutant Obscurus


Wisdom Lord: Raphael- An magical companion with capabilities greater than any quantum computer, able to perform all kinds of calculations and analysis, bound to her master. Obtained due to obscurus gaining sentience bound to her master.

Mana manipulation- Obtained from absorption of the Elder Wand, allows the user to mold magic according to their desire.

Gluttony Lord: Beleezebuth- Able to devour any form of organic or inorganic substance to obtain its properties. Energies can also be absorbed and replicated. Other minor powers include pocket dimension, soul consumption, toxin decomposition, and power-sharing. Formed due to mutation of obscurial.

Black Heart- The user possesses a second heart which acts as a mana generator, and also acts as a conduit, transforming the user's body to become stronger and better to hold power.

Shadow Manipulation- This allows the user to manipulate shadows as a second limb, can create constructs, enhance objects, and open portals.

Ruler's Aura- Result of the user's spiritual and Mental capabilities evolving. Allows Telekinesis, area observation, body enhancement, and mental pressure generation.

Stealth- The user possesses extreme hiding capability, making even death not able to see the user. Result of the absorption of the cloak of invisibility.

Shadow Army (Shadow Extraction, Shadow Exchange, Shadow Preservation)- New skill generated from the fusion of shadow manipulation with resurrection stone, granting the ability to generate shadow soldiers from the dead, by making a spiritual copy of their being with the body acting as a link.

Enhanced Physiology- The user's body is superior to the normal specimens of their species in every form.

Endless Healing- The user possesses an immense healing factor which makes them almost immortal

Limitless potential- The user has no end limit to their growth. Result of absorbing the Essence of Blank.

Imagine Breaker- The user possesses the ability to negate anything they consider 'not' normal. Also works on other energies.

Dark Slime- The obscurus has mutated to become a slimy material that can be controlled by the user to create constructs. It also provides healing capabilities and acts as a conduit for Beleezebuth.


Newborn Ruler's Physiology + Newborn Demon Lord Physiology+ All Resistances-> Enhanced Physiology.

Essence of Blank-> Limitless Potential

Ruler's Authority + Demon Lord's Haki-> Ruler's Aura

Kanidaru's Blessing + Infinite Regeneration-> Endless Healing


He was speechless. Within an hour, he went from a malnourished, abused kid to an immortal ruler... almost immortal newborn ruler. A stupid smile covered his face after seeing his status. He brought up his right arm and closed his eyes, trying to meditate, as he tried to sense mana. And in a few seconds, he felt as if a dam burst inside him, as energy flowed through his body. He was about to panic, but he calmed his rampaging mana instinctively. Surprised, he tried creating a ball of mana in his hand and succeeded. He stared at the ball in astonishment for a while, unable to believe he was doing it. He then faced his palm away and tried to shoot the ball, which accelerated away and collided with a tree, blasting its trunk, and making the tree fall.

Ignoring the fact that his aim was at another tree, he stood there in shock. He was no longer some kid who was ordered around, but one with power. Power to live without oppression. Power to live... freely. He smiled, clenching his fist. But the mood was broken by the roar of a beast. The beast was his belly. He became embarrassed and was thankful that no one was near him.

Looked like he needs to arrange his food before making plans for his conquest in the wizarding world.

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