
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs


"You don't care about anything..." A middle-aged man said softly while stepping into a room filled with blood. in the center of the room, Sora was in the air with chains holding him up by his arms. Sora's body was filled with injuries, and scars from being tortured by all types of equipment laid all over the room.

"Why don't you have my mother torture me, who knows, I might feel something," Sora said with a mocking smile, the middle-aged man sighed softly hearing Sora's words.

"you are a troubled boy... you're a psychopath, someone who cares little about anything and even themselves. You use a unique trick, unless others seek it they shall never find it. when those girls look into your eyes, they see your words and actions guiding them, but if they were to look carefully and ignore that, they would see your eyes are lifeless. you care little about them, seeing them as nothing more than pawns." The man said calmly as he stopped before Sora, whose smile slowly disappeared.

"you shocked I saw through you? let's dig deeper, let's look at your many levels of coping mechanisms. let's look at the first one, sleeping with a woman left and right for any sense of love which was never given to you. Your family couldn't give to you, so you have to seek it your way. But that was never enough, as time went by the warmth was never enough. at some point, it never bought you anything. feeling nothing, a part of you died... leaving you uncaring about anything. nothing matters, so what the point of caring." the man said as Sora just looked at him blankly, no longer caring to even put on a mask,

"So now what? you're going to kill me?" Sora asked emotionless, making the middle-aged man freeze slightly at the way Sora was just looking at him.

"No, I know what can make a person like yourself feel fear." He said before slowly saying something in Sora's ear. Sora's lifeless eyes suddenly showed emotions, the pupils shrink as fear filled his eyes, yet his face remain lifeless.

"You really can't use your face to judge you, I will have someone come clean you up before we set off." He said with a cold smile while looking at the fear in Sora's eyes, with a laugh he turned and left, leaving Sora hanging there angrily looking at him.

'System, use up all my lifespan to break out of this place.' Sora said calmly,

{... No.} The system said with some difficulty as if it was forcing itself to say those words. Sora froze upon hearing the system words, this was the first time it showed any signs of emotions, so how could he not be shocked?

You might be wondering, what the hell is going on here? How could Sora have gotten himself into such a position? for this, we would have to go back in time dozens of years ago.

Sora after gaining the support of the 3 emperors didn't waste time, he instantly entered the diamond-rank dungeon and went to quickly clear them with his other followers. at the same time, Yalan and the others put together a new organization that hides within the shadows and acts within the shadows, it was known as Death Shadow,

with the Diamond, rank dungeon needing about 96 hours to be reused after being conquered, and there is a total of 3 of them, with all of them holding hundreds of billions of monsters, which allowed Sora and his followers to grow quickly.

80 days after all of this, Yalan and the other followers went through the tribulation to enter the 5th stage of cultivation within all 3 cultivation systems. they were able easily to pass the tribulation thanks to their overwhelming level of chakra control,

upon reaching the first level of the 5th cultivation realm within all 3 cultivation systems, the weakest among them had a peak combat strength of 98 million, allowing them to face those at Mid-Large Planetary,

Meanwhile, Sora reached level 1 within 5 cultivation systems 80 days after them, within not 3, but 4 cultivation systems. Qi, Body, Soul, and Shadow cultivation, which gave him a peak strength measurement of 140 million,

As for Sora's gains, well, these were the gains for a breakthrough in this realm.

{Congratulations host for reaching level 1 Void Realm, You Have gained the ultimate Death Technique. The Goal Of All Life IS Death, this is a supreme technique that shall kill everything within a limited range, resistance, defense, durability, and so on shall all be ignored, and all within the range shall die.

Note that the things within the host range would not simply die. they would age at such a rate they would seem as if they died. To know the rate of target age, its Host power level is divided by 10. currently, the host Strength measurement can reach a peak of 140 million. meaning, once this technique is cast, everything within the host range would instantly age by 14 million years.}

{The Death God Cultivation art at the void realm gives the host Deathly Sacrifice. This technique allows the host to take the life of those in his range, and using them the host can sacrifice them to summon powerful creatures. the strength of his creature is dependent on the strength of those sacrifices, all of their strength is added together and halved. the summoned creature would disappear after some time unless the host gives it energy.}

{Congrulation host for reaching level 1 Diamon rank. You have gained The Deathly Defense. this is a defense-type technique that allows the host to form a barrier formed from Death Qi, all that touches this barrier shall have its life stolen from it to strengthen the shield. the shield is strong and capable enough to defend those 100 times the host strength measurement for a limited time.}

{The Death God Cultivation art at the Diamon rank gives the host the power to fuse all of the host physiques to form the Death God Physique. with the physique form, the host shall have a lifespan of 1 billion years, have an immortal that shall recover from all types of injuries, and even regenerate from a few lone molecules, even if the soul is destroyed, so long as the body remains the soul shall remain, and the other way around.}

{Congrulation host for reaching level 1 Young Soul. You have gained Death Gear. this gear is a set of items formed from the host energy, once formed, this gear can increase the host strength by 2.5 times. but they come at a prince, so long as this gear is formed, the host energy shall remain at 50%.}

{The Death God Cultivation art at the level 1 Young Soul. the host has gained a technique, Life and Death Illusion, an illusion of life and Death. this illusion has the power to kill}

Within this time, Hana also made her improvements, and under Sora, She was reborn under the Asura path. She became the Asura Knight, but she was the only one who Sora took in, For Ao and Tigger were placed under one of the followers to join the Death Shadow along with many others.

"My lord, the enemy ship shall arrive within 10 days," Emilia said softly as she stepped from behind the throne. everyone within the throne room instantly grow serious, they were ready to face the incoming enemy, which had 180 days to get ready for such a thing.

"Allow me to go and greet them." Someone with red armor said while stepping forward, this person's full body was covered in armor, the armor gave off a thick aura of blood, and the voice behind the armor was deep, making others feel unease just by looking at the armor.

"Hana, did you forget the plan or is your mind only on the thought of fighting an android?" Sora asked calmly, removing her red armor, Hana's beauty was shown to the world, a delicate-like appearance that could make people question reality.

"I'm the most capable and well adapt at fighting someone like an android with its high level of adapt capability. others who aren't me can't do it." Hana said seriously, A.I.'s adaptive capabilities were high and shocking, and those programmed towards battle were the most troublesome, so Hana was telling the truth, only she could stand against such things.

"We want to buy time, not start a war right off the bat. remember these are androids, they could just throw themselves at our planet, and cause as much damage as they could while their real army starts heading forward." Emilia said with a sigh, Hana was not the smart type, she was the type who thinks violence can fix anything, and if violence doesn't fix you, you didn't use enough of it. of course, this was not the same Hana form back then, her physique greatly affected her mind, along with her going through a rebirth and gaining the Asura path,

"Emilia, what do you have planned?" Sora asked calmly, Emilia took a deep breath for a moment, this was her chance to shine.

"My lord, I say you spread us all out. this way if they try and do anything we can move and minimize the damage. I, Yalan, Cai Yi, Elsa, Evelyn, and Hana are all here ready to be put to use. don't forget we all have an army of 1,000 people with the Death God bloodline running through them, and even more for Cai Yi and her army of summons, and lord army of undead. we are more than ready for a war, all I said is simply our power and not the planet's strength which has grown thanks to the lord giving them all of the resources from the dungeons." Emilia said softly,

"Then I shall leave who goes where to you and the other things, I will go deal with my things," Sora said calmly as he looked at everyone before he disappeared, so Emilia got to work, and 6 days later in outer space, Elsa stood alone to greet the space ship which was slowing down.

it took a few seconds, but soon the door opened and a handsome young man flew out. the young man had long black hair and gave off a unique aura of someone who has been in control for many years.

The young man was stunned for a moment upon seeing the beauty before him, it was like a celestial came down from the heavens and blessed him with her beauty. He opened his mouth and spoke, but it was in a language Elsa didn't know, but how dare this any know something she didn't know?

"Coming all this way to be blessed with such beauty makes the journey more than worth it... this humble one is called Akon prince of the Hoshi empire." the young man said with a slight bow, Elsa's eyes narrowed slightly, this was a prince? how troublesome this is.

"... oh I forget, planets so far apart can't speak the same language." He said softly before his eyes lashed with some detail, and the next moment, he began speaking the most common language Elsa knew.

"I understand your languages," Elsa said in the Akon language, making Akon instantly freeze, how did they know their language? he wanted to ask, but Elsa didn't give him that chance,

"Please follow me, my master has as been waiting for your visits," Elsa said calmly before turning around and floating down towards the planet, Akon looked at her for a moment before he flew down. but the ship didn't follow.

"the ship can come as well," Elsa said softly, but Akon shook his head while smiling slightly, Elsa nodded slightly and didn't say anything more. so, Akon followed while looking around slightly, hacking every tech around him and slowly hacking the whole planet to get his hands on every piece of information he could get his hands on,

"He is in." a man with glasses said to someone who was wearing pure black armor which gave off a deadly aura. the armor piece coving the face suddenly disappeared, revealing Yalan's face.

"give me," Yalan said calmly, the man with glasses quickly gave Yalan a necklace that had a wire connecting it to the computer. Yalan death Qi exploded out, entering the computer and becoming a dead person which searched for the person hacking them,

at the same time, Emilia placed her hands on Yalan's back, and with the power of karma supporting Death, it would not only be quicker to track the person down, but it would also have a much more deadly effect upon the person,

this was one of the plans Emilia came off with, she understood that there was a chance that the enemy might easily be able to hack them. knowledge is power, so it was understandable that they would hack them to get all the knowledge they could get, but this would be their chance to attack and buy themselves a lot of time.