
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

Into Dungeon

Time passed, and it had soon been a year since Sora arrived in the city. At this point, Sora had enough of him remaining within the same cultivation realm for so long, so he got ready to enter the dungeon, and sent news to every expert within the city to get ready as a month later they shall be entering.

Sora flashed, Teacher Mo quickly dodged Sora's punch, only to find there was a shadow behind that punch, caught off guard, which quickly crossed his arms, and was hit hard. Teacher Mo was sent shooting backward, slamming into a metal wall.

"That shadow technique of yours... it's overpowered." Teacher Mo said feeling his arms numb, Sora smiled slightly as the shadow which should be laying flat on the ground, dodging the light, was now standing straight up, next to him.

This was the Shadow Puppet technique, this puppet was pretty much another Sora, it was a perfect clone Sora could control however he so wishes.

"Well, before we enter the dungeon... show me the combined power of all cultivation systems." Teacher Mo said softly, Sora nodded slightly, and with a deep breath, all of his cultivation systems came together, but the fusion was not perfect.

A dark aura explode off Sora, and everything around Sora began dying, the light, air, ground, and so on. they all slowly began dying. Teacher Mo quickly pushed formed a barrier, blocking out the death Qi, but to his shock, even his Qi was dying, joining the death Qi to kill the Barrier.

"750." He yelled before the Death Qi could reach him, but nothing could reach Sora, all sound died. no vibrations, there was nothing but death. everything came to an end, an end being nothing. realizing this, Teacher Mo quickly left the room,

it took Sora some time to realize what was happening, and soon, he stopped using combining all 3 of the cultivation systems. leading to the death Qi slowly disappearing. but even if they disappeared, they left behind a zone of death.

the air was poisonous, the once silver walls had rusted and had been eaten away, and the light which reached this place became gray and lifeless. Sora was stunned seeing all of this, this was the first time he combined all 3 of his system, and even more so, this was the first time he used Death Qi. he didn't know this was the effect of Death Qi, it was scary...

"what was my strength measurement?" Sora asked as he moved through the poisonous room, he was of course not affected by the poison, it was not so easy to affect the Death God with Poison.

"... 750." Teacher Mo said softly, making Sora frown instantly at how low it was. that was too low. one should know he used all 3 of the cultivation system, but it only came out to his strength reaching 750.

That was less than twice the power boost. a person who uses two cultivation systems could show more than two times the power-up, yet Sora was showing less than that. this was because control of his power was... trouble, he needed to spend time to control it.

"leave me be, I will spend some time to myself," Sora said calmly, to which Teacher Mo nodded and left. Sora entered the chamber once more and went to sit down in the middle of the place, this chamber was created by Sora so that he could train and no one would be able to sense his aura of death, a perfect place to train, but it seemed like he was looking down upon his Death Qi.

'My body is good... but my Qi and Soul are not good.' Sora thought before controlling his shadow to stand up, he went on to stand before his shadow, and Death Qi gathered within his hands. the shadow was him, it was as strong as he was, so it would not be that affected by the Death Qi.

So, for the next few hours, Sora went on to fight against the Shadow, Sora had the shadow fight him with all 3 of the systems, which put Sora at a great disadvantage, but it allowed Sora to better control his Death Qi during battle.

through this, Sora slowly learned how to filter out his death Qi, and add it back in, which was extremely useful as he could now use his Qi without much fear. although those with sharp senses would be able to sense the hint of Death within his Qi.

Sora didn't rest, after using up all of his Qi, he moved on to his soul. there is one ability from the soul cultivation system he hasn't used much, an ability called Soul sense. a soul has no eyes, so how could it sense the world around them?

the soul had none of the 5 senses, instead, it had a sense called the soul sense. with this sense, a person can sense the world around them. 360 degrees, everything within the rage of your soul sense would appear within your mind, and you would instantly be able to know every small detail within that rage.

with it, one could read the number of leaves within a tree or something of the kind, and as to why Sora didn't try this ability out? he thought his soul sense might reveal his death Qi. but it turned out he was worried for no reason, his soul sense was normal, although it was stronger than others. Sora guessed he could easily reach 15 km,

Anyways, Sora went on to have his soul leave his body, while his body recovered Qi, his soul began to fight with his shadow, and so time passed once more. for the remaining week, Sora kept all of his time to try and get the most control of his soul and body that he could, before he left, and went to take a shower, once he was done, he came out to find an army vehicle outside.

all of the 100 clan leaders stepped forward and paid their respect to Sora, Sora nodded at them all with a smile.

"Well, let's not waste time. open up the gate." Sora said with a smile, and moments later, the floating castle began to shake, everyone within the city held their breath as they turned to look at the sight before them, slowly the castle began moving as if it was some transformer, but it was revealing a hidden Iron colored Door within, which stood before them.

That was none other than the dungeon gate, it was about 3 stories tall, and the gate was covered in many runes, and markings. it gave off a scary aura that would make most people stay far away from it.

Sora held his palm out, and as if holding on to something, he tightened his palm into a fist and pulled backward. the world seemed to shake as the gate doors opened, revealing a portal, which released a small amount of heat,

'such powerful telekinesis.' the clan leaders thought seeing this scene, the soul system was a rare system, no one within the city was an expert within it. it was just too expensive. maybe they would try cultivating it when they had the recurses to spare, and the time, but it would never reach the same stage as their main cultivation,

Sora floated into the sky, using telekinesis, of course, he could fly. pointing forward, the warships behind him move moments later, entering the portal, followed by the sect leaders and Sora. the portal didn't close after they all left, a portal couldn't close so long as lifeforms not of the mortal world are alive,

Sora slowly stepped out of the portal, only to step on something hard. looking down, he saw he was stepping on lava that had hardened, and looking around, he saw the after half of a battle that had just taken place. The Death Qi had formed from the death of lava monsters gathered toward Sora, to Sora's surprise, he found he couldn't control it, he didn't want people to find out that he was absorbing death Qi, but to his relief, it was hard for others to sense such energy.

Sora jumped up onto a warship which was the best out of everything here, and sat on the throne at the front of the ship, facing the huge volcano which stood at a shocking 8 km, this thing was powerful enough to swallow cities its power.

"Collect the core of the monster and store them away, miners you go and dig up spirit stones." a clan leader took charge, seeing Sora had no intreast in taking charge. the volcano had yet to sense them, so they could take their time mining the place, while others went out to kill the wandering monsters.

In a Copper-grade dungeon, it was rare to even find a low-grade 1 Spirit stone, but in an Iron-rank dungeon, they become common. so, people mined these up and took them out of the dungeon, only to return moments later to continue mining,

The sect leader got onto their ships, all saving their strength for the real battles to come. Sora had a maid bring him something to drink before he sat back in his seat and watched as things played out.

"Should you be so relaxed?" Yalan asked while walking out of the warship, only to find Sora so relaxed. this dungeon boss was powerful, and that was not adding the sub-dungeon bosses, in total, this dungeon boost would show a powerlevel of around 1,000 when going all out,

the amount of damage it could cause was crazy, if it were to appear outside the dungeon, the whole city would be swallowed up by its lava, which birth countless monsters, and the ashes which would fill the air would be poisonous, this thing was a dangerous dungeon boss which couldn't be looked down upon, even she at the peak of her power would not dare to look down upon this boss.

"Don't worry, I have you," Sora said with a smile, making Yalan's beautiful face twist into an annoyed look. she was talented, but she only cultivated two systems, if she had cultivated 3, then yes she could handle the boss,

"My lord, I will be your knight... please stop having any other thoughts." She said slightly annoyed, Sora had been trying to deepen the bond between them, but she had not fallen for any of it.

"What if I say I will never throw another girl a look until I win over your heart," Sora asked with a smile, to which Yalan rolled her eyes and simply ignored him.

"then let it be set... I shall be a Saint." Sora said with a smile, Yalan's paid no attention to his words, sure Sora spent a long time without any woman as his wife, but how long would that last, his cultivation was quick so he could ignore his desires, but as his cultivation slowed down, he would lose control of himself,

Time Passed, and a few days quickly passed within the dungeon, they took their time as they wanted to mine the dungeon clean of all its resources, which they did. but as they neared the center of the dungeon where the volcano stood, they realized that they couldn't mine anymore as the dungeon boss and the sub-bosses would catch them.

"... Sora are you alright?" Yalan asked with a frown seeing Sora holding his head slightly as if he was having some type of headache. Sora shook his head slightly, before slowly getting up,

"I will leave the sub-bosses to you all, I will handle the boss," Sora said before stepping forward, and with a flash, Sora disappeared, leaving everyone stunned at the show of speed. Sora shot forward like an astroid, quickly catching the attention of the volcano which instantly began to shake,

'damn it system, how do you not tell me of the drawbacks to this stuff sooner?' Sora thought as the hunger for a life filled his very soul, he wanted to watch everything thing meet its end, organic or nonorganic

{Host should ask the system... The Death God Cultivation system would make the host go, berserker, the most death QI the host absorbs. If the host absorbs too much that he has trouble refining all of it, then the host would need something to help himself get tried, or allow his hunger for slaughter to take over.} the system said stunning Sora slightly.

'What do you me by getting tried?' Sora asked with a deep frown, he was barely controlling himself at the moment, for the past few days, so many deaths had been a huge boost to this cultivation, the stronger the life form, the more death Qi it would have, which made it harder for Sora to hold onto himself.

{Host enters a state where you would lose energy quickly, this would boost your refinement of energy quickly. for example, fighting, having sex, overworking oneself, and so on.} the system said to which Sora nodded slightly, but all he heard was have sex to fix this problem,


The volcano exploded, realizing a red beam into the sky... no, it was not a beam, it was a jet of lava, which soon shot down from the heavens, aimed to swallow Sora. Sora seeing this lost it, he let out a laugh and with a twist of his body, Death Qi covered him like a blanket, before it shoot off him in the form of a beam, slamming into the incoming lava

there was no sound, no shock wave... the lava simply died upon coming into contact... no, it didn't die, this lava was formed out of QI, it was considered into Death Qi. on the ships, everyone watched as the once red lava had that black color running up its body,

the lava transformed into this deathly QI, which took the form of a dragon, and moved so that Sora could land on top of it. of course, some of the Lava Qi was missing, and it was not as strong as the original

Sora had the Tecunique undead, it did more than simply turn dead bodies into undead. it could convert even Qi into Deathly Qi which Sora could take control of. of course, Sora can't take said Qi back to his body, thats like throwing up into a cup and drinking it...

Sora shot toward the volcano, but as he neared it, he noticed the sub-bosses shooting toward him. a small mountain that was near the volcano shot towards Sora. Arms, Legs, eyes, and other body parts appeared on it, and from the whole in its top, it shot a beam toward Sora,

3 other attacks shot towards Sora, and at the same time, the volcano bent pointing its pot at Sora, before it shot lava at Sora. the lava this time ook the ground of a huge fling monster, which burned at extreme heat.

Sora ignored the attacks and shot forward toward the volcano, his death Qi took the form of a scythe, and at the same time the death Qi swallowed him, forming death robes. the scythe spun skillfully around Sora's hands before it cut forward, cutting the string of like of the incoming lava,

the lava froze for a moment, only to lose all color and turn to disgust, which disappeared, with a bad smile, Sora looked around, searching for the 5 dungeon monster strings of life, he wanted to of course devour them.