
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

Evelyn BlueSky

"by the way, I haven't gotten your name," Sora said while sitting down the prince sat opposite him. the prince's eyebrow raised for a moment before looking deeply at Sora.

"you don't know who I am?" The prince asked in shock, who didn't know him? but to his shock, Sora shook his head as if he didn't know him.

"All I know is that you look a lot like the emperor and that you are the prince. I don't look into other businesses. I'm someone who doesn't like knowing others through 3rd parties, I like using my own eyes." Sora said calmly stunning the prince for some time before he laughed, this was the first time some didn't know who he was.

"I'm the crown prince, Seth BlueSky," Seth said with a smile, Sora's eyebrow raise for a moment, but Sora nodded in slight shock. As he was about to speak, Sora sever walked over and went on to take their orders,

each part of the world had its unique food, from different times of animals, and different types of cooking styles. honestly, Sora had no idea what to get, so he had the prince get him something he thought was best.

after they give the sever their orders, they talked for some time, but as they talked a few people kept coming over to get pictures with them. at first, they were shocked upon seeing Seth, but they were more shocked upon seeing Sora. Sora's looks were just so deadly, and Sora didn't mind taking a picture with any beauty that came his way.

"Sora, I'm your biggest fan, can I get your autograph?" A young woman asked with bright eyes, Sora smiled charmingly while nodding, making the young woman's face turn bright red, she had to hold herself back from throwing herself at Sora.

Sora took out a pan and looked for a piece of paper to write his name on, but the woman removed her shirt, revealing her bra.

"you can sign it here." She said while pointing over her hard nipple, and at the same time using energy to hold back her nose bleeding, Sora nodded slightly before he went on to write his name over her bra. she bit the lower of her lips as she tried to hold back a moan, but some muffed moans slipped out.

"wait what is your..." Sora wanted to ask for her name, but before he could finish, she was sent flying by another woman who slammed into her. steam shot from the newcomer as she removed her shirt, a perverted look filled her eyes as she waited for Sora.

Sora was stunned, but he was weakly caught off guard as that woman was pulled by the hair by someone who stepped forward, but she too was pulled away. the prince watched this scene slightly speechlessly, both he and Sora looked at each other not knowing what to say.

these were all high-class ladies, and some of them were married. what were they doing throwing themselves? they were of nobility, princesses within their clans, it was impossible to think they would throw away their families' faces like this for an autograph.

The prince snapped his finger, and out of nowhere, guards suddenly came from out of nowhere, pushing the ladies away from their table.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to cause you so much trouble. if I knew something like that would have happened, I would have said no." Sora said in embarrassment, Seth shook his head slightly, Sora was too free. Sora just did as he wishes without a second thought about the side effect.

He have seen Sora's interviews and knew that Sora was open, the guy went on live and told the world what he lived in bed. with someone with his past, signing someone bar was nothing weird, so it was understandable, but he forgot his looks were deadly.

"Well, it couldn't be helped. who would have expected something like this would happen here out of all places." Seth said softly while looking at some females who had removed their pants, wanting Sora to pretty much give them a tattoo somewhere special,

'He shows no intreast or even throws them a second look... he has changed from his old self. He isn't lustful, but I wonder.' Seth thought while looking at Sora who threw a look at the chaos, before sighing and looking outside, seemly as if his day was destroyed.

'I wonder how an orgy with all of them would go... on that thought, I should have Yalan, Elsa, and Cai Yi set out to build organizing, we can call our seth Death Shadow... no, Shadow Monarch... Shadow Garden?' Sora thought for some time before Seth caught his attention,

"well, here are the drinks," Seth said as a sever walked over with some drinks. normally other restaurants would have robots or something handing out food, but this restaurant wanted humans to do it, they of course trained them well.

"Our apologies for the chaos, how would you like 40% of your meal." the server said with a smile, to which Seth nodded as he could guess what the restaurant wanted with this. things within the restaurant were quickly calmed down by the other workers, and the females calmed down and went on to have a seat, but from time to time, they threw looks towards Sora and the first woman who had her autograph.

Seeing everyone looking at her, she threw them a mocking smile while touching her breast slightly, making them grit their teeth slightly. but she soon left as she realized she might be in danger, the ladies wanted to follow, but they wanted to follow Sora home. females couldn't be creepy around males, hell they could drug Sora and rape him and they could get away with it.

Males getting raped by a female? Haha, thats nothing more than a myth. it sounds serious, but who would care?

anyways, Sora went on to look at the drink which was brought it. it was from a rare fruit called Ringo, Sora went on to taste the drink, and his eyebrow raised for a moment. it tasted like apple juice, but billions of times better,

Sora closed his eyes and felt his body digest the drink, energy from the drink was instantly spread out and strengthened his Qi cultivation, leaving him stunned for a moment. if he were to eat such high-grade level food, then he could break through within a few years to months depending on how much he eats.

"Your thoughts? it makes it worth eating right?" Seth asked with a smile, to which Sora nodded slightly, eating before was for pleasure but with this high-grade food, it was more than worth it, not only for the taste of the food but for the benefits.

"... she is here," Seth said softly upon seeing a stunning woman entering the restaurant, she had long blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, with a beautiful perfect figure. the woman looked around before her eyes landed at the table where Seth was, before walking over.

But she froze when she saw Sora turning around to look at him, she was stunned as she wasn't expecting Sora to be here. also, she was sure Sora wasn't so charming within the VR world, why did he look so much more handsome in person?

"Seth..." She said in a slightly cold voice, to which Seth awkwardly smile. her name was Evelyn SkyBlue, and she ranked within the top 5 within the VR world, which was impressive, to say the least, but there was a unique reason why she could rank up so high.

"come here and sit, intrude yourselves," Seth said with a smile, making Evelyn's eyes turn sharp while looking at Seth. but her eyes landed on Sora, who was looking at him with a confused look before she turned around and walked away, leaving Seth awkward for some time.

he wanted to play matchmaking, Evelyn the favorite and most talented child of the emperor was of course the person who was going to be most likely married off to Sora. of course the main reason she was fighting within the tournament was to gain first place so she didn't have to marry someone she didn't like.

one moment she was spoiled by her father, and the next moment her father is trying to marry her off to anyone talented person within the kingdom. of course, she was not happy with this, she was no tool, she at least want to have a say in the matter, but her father was not going to listen to anything she could say.

Sora watched her leave before looking at the prince, deep respect appearing within his eyes. what a good brother to try and set him up with such a beauty. well, they talked for some time, with the two in the end trading contacts.

Sora paid for his male, before saying goodbye to the prince, and headed back to wait for tomorrow. Sora tried looking for Emilia, but she has been locked away for days now, he tried calling out to her and even telling her he brought her some take-outs for her to eat. but she didn't say anything, forcing Sora to return to his room.

the next day came, and they returned to the VR world once more. this time it was a 1v1, a battle to find who was the best among the first generation. everyone was given a random number, ranking from 1 to 100.

everyone would be fighting those with the number next to theirs, 1 will fight 2, 3 would fight 4, and so on. Sora had the number 100 so he was fighting the person whose number was 99. they were unable to watch the battles, instead, when a battle was happening, they were given the chance to rest and relax.

So, Sora sat in a room. he didn't need to wait for long, for him 1 minute passed while others saw 49 battles happen. so, once it was his turn, the door within his room opened, leading him to the arena.

he walked through the long passageway until he arrived at the arena. once he stepped in, the crowd outside the VR world instantly cheered. Sora of course couldn't hear them, but Sora's actions within the restaurant had gone viral, and the bra that was signed was going for a high price as well. how could it? the many flowers of the empire asking so shamefully lead many people's hearts to feel as if they were stabbed.

Sora looked around for a moment before his eyes came down to see who he would be facing. his eyes widened for a moment upon seeing it was none other than Evelyn. Evelyn's teeth gritted tightly, to think she would fight Sora right off the bat, but she was unwilling to give up... she had to show her father this was all a mistake.

Closing her eyes slightly, she felt it was a slight shame that she might damage such a perfect face, but she was fighting for her future, she couldn't feel pity or something like that.

numbers appeared in the sky, they had 10 seconds to get ready for the battle. Evelyn's hands quickly pulled out a sword and cut her arm, causing a huge amount of blood to drip onto the ground.

Sora watched without doing anything, the blood moved across the ground, forming many circles on the ground. Evelyn gritted her teeth for a moment, and as if she was taking a shit, her face tightened as the circle's formed form of blood slowly began to glow.

powerful aura explodes out of each aura, followed by an arm coming out of the biggest circle. slowly, the arm pulled itself out, followed by the aura of a monster which was at level 1 void realm standing before Sora with an aura so powerful any normal person would drop to their knees.

It was a huge monster which was about 1 story tall. it had 4 arms, each hand having a sword. it had 4 eyes, and a body filled with muscles, through Sora Death God Eyes, he knew this monster had a strength of 400,000, but due to Evelyn's condition she couldn't summon it at full strength so it only had a measurement power of 150,000 which was less than half

Evelyn's face was pale, luckily for her this was not her real body, or else this summons would have cost her a huge amount of her lifespan, and if the damage was too serious, her mind might just start affecting her real body.

hands began coming out of the other circles, but they of course were weaker than the first one, having a strength of around 50,000. there were a total of 10 of such, they were long rare, flight, or support-type monsters. in other words, their job was simply going to support the strongest monster among them

"why are you fighting so hard?" Sora asked calmly, while looking at Evelyn who was struggling to remain to stand, but in the end had to sit down to catch her breath,

"Because I'm no pawn, I will soon become a queen who stands above all others," she said before the huge monster shot toward Sora. Sora looked at her for a moment, before smiling at her.

"Not many people are willing to lay back and accept fate... I like your spirit. So, show me how far you're willing to go not to become a pawn. or is it all talk?" Sora asked as he reached out, catching the sword which was shooting towards him, wanting to cut him apart. but he stopped the made with two fingers, and in a way which made it much harder for him to catch the blade.

"the thing I hate are those who speak about their dreams yet do nothing to reach them. which one are you, the one who would die for a dream or the one who would easily give up on their dreams and take the easiest thing?" Sora asked with a smile, followed by the sword shattering in his hands.

"... 4 arms fall back" Evelyn yelled quickly, before looking at Sora who was simply looking at her,

"I will not destroy the dreams of others without letting them fight for it... I will give you that chance." Sora said seriously, stunning Evelyn for a moment. she looked deeply at Sora for a moment, before she pulled out a pill and drink it. of course, their items and stuff were copied once they entered this world.

"I'm unwilling to give up on my dream... death would be better," Evelyn said softly before she took a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment before her body gave off a unique aura that seemed to calm down and make all life forms be subdued by her.

Evelyn was born with a unique physical called the Beat taming Physique, Physiques are unique types of bodies people can be born with. usually, these physiques brought huge benefits to a person, but there were also times were physiques could have some bad side effects.

Her physique allowed her to have the power to tame, there was of course limit to this, the strongest the beast the harder it is to tame. the summoning part was easy, as it was not hard to summon things from far away once you form a blood link with said thing. one just needs to sacrifice their blood, the stronger the beast, the more the blood would be needed

"You want to how far I'm willing to go for my dreams? this is how far... Beast Taming secret art." Evelyn called out, proved by Sora's words. the taming aura around her exploded out, followed by Evelyn's hair slowly aging.

Sora had to cover his eyes as a bright white light filled the world for a moment, but it quickly disappeared, followed by many powerful auras filling this arena. Sora looked around him before smiling,

"Not bad," Sora said while looking at the 10 monsters which were all in the 5th stage of cultivation, with the strongest one being a 9-headed Hydra which was at level 5 of the 5th stage of cultivation within 2 cultivation system