
Raphael Ruther De Alios

"Rutheeerrrrr I'm hungry!!!" he throw a piece of paper but I instantly changed its direction

"Can you stop throwing things to people when your hungry?" I look at him and he just laugh at me

"I can't just imagine that you'll be this close to me everyday" there he goes again he always look at me with that kind eyes

"Shut up" I stand up and attempt to leave but his magic pulled me close to him

"Say Ruther how long will it takes before you forget that prince?" he sat me at the table infront of him

"It's been 3 years... Is that not enough?" he hold my hands and I look into his eyes

"Cid I can't understand you" he rest his head at my lap

"One day you blame me because I let him die and one day you want me to forget him" he look at me

"Explain it to me Cid" He stand up so I look up to him, our foreheads are touching

"Ruther can you go back to your original form?" that's right, I'm in my child professor form right now

Only few knew what I really look like and my real name is but I mean few only that prince, Cid and Diana knows

"Ruther" I turned back to my original form

"Calling me ruther is kinda weird in this form cid" He just laugh softly

"Say Raphael should I just take you away?" he looks directly in my eyes

"You mean kidnapping The Great Magician and turning him into an elf" I stated and he move more closer now our nose are touching

"You haven't revealed your appearance yet so it doesn't matter right?" I attempt to push him but some roots pulled my hands back to the table

"Why?" I asked and he suddenly kissed me

'Cid is this how you truly feels?'

I stare at him blankly as he pulled away but our forehead are still touching

"Raphael I want you" I just continue staring at him

Once again he kiss me but more deeper this time, cid what do you want me to do in this kind of situation?

'If you want him alive once again you should never ever replace him in your heart' ... I used my strength to break the roots and pushed him away from me

"Whaa..." he immediately found his balance and remove his roots since they can be Poisonius to humans when they are broken

"Raphael..." I immediately stand and walk towards the door

"Cid you are the elder so get it together" I said not giving him back a quick stare

"I know..." he whispers and I open the door

"Don't lose yourself" I exit the room

"Is that alright?" he suddenly appear behind me I return to my ruther form

"It's fine this is not the first time he did that" I whispers

I continue walking and every student that see me greet me

"Even so I never thought in 3 years, the elves will finally make a alliance between us huh" he said and float infront of me

"My prince you shouldn't reveal yourself in this place" I stop walking and look out through the big window

"Why?" he asked and I look at him

"What if a priest sense or saw you" he just laugh

"Then they'll say that you are possessed with some kind of evil soul" I just sigh at him, this prince is really a headache

"This world is so twisted even though you want to understand it... It feels like the world itself doesn't want us to understand it self" he look at the window

He might be an headache but he is the one and only rightful to the throne but because of a simple mistake this prince disappeared right infront of me

"But in the end there will be always one truth and eventually everything will be reveal in the right time" he look at me

'Beautiful' that was I always thought

"I'll wait patiently Raphael I'll do whatever it takes to walk side by side with you again" he float closer to me

"Wait a little bit it's almost finished" he touch my cheek

"I'm excited" he kiss my forehead and suddenly disappeared

'Are you sure about this??' she asked as she pick some petals in the lake

"Yes" I instantly replied and she just laugh while not looking at me

"Then can I have some blood from you?" she look at me and I just nod

"How much do you want?" I took out a dagger

"Just a little will be enough to these petals" she showed me 3 pink flowers and smile

"I got it" I cut lightly my wrist and let some blood drop to the petals

"My name is Diana" she said and suddenly a paper appear infront of us

"My name is Raphael" I stated my name and sign the paper with my magic

"Hehe let's work hard Raphael Ruther De Alios, the royal magician of humans but the archangel of the heavens" I was shocked that she knew... is this because of the contract

"There are different contracts and it have different contents" she stand up and look at me directly in the eyes

"The contract that we have includes that we cannot lie to each other" I see that is why she knew everything about me

"Try saying my name" she smile

Do I know her name? I don't have any idea... I open my mouth not knowing what will it says

"It's a pleasure working with you Diana Diablo, the first and last Light Dragon the blessed daughter of light" I immediately covered my mouth and she just continue smiling at me

"Raphael let me unfold what this world really is" she suddenly turned into a beautiful lady with yellow dragon ears and tail

"The cure is just destroy the starry night that's it but if you don't want to do so I'll give you some magical herbs that can make it weaken for the time being" I can't back down now right... in the beginning am I the one who proposed this contract

"Then please do"