

A tall dark figure stood in his own personal aura of darkness created by something strange and taboo. It slowly floated its way over to a control panel where it began to communicate with its 'friends'. It informed them of four boys from earth that must be captured and delivered to him, but only one of the four really needed to be taken to him as he was too powerful to know. Tom, The Stone Ninja was more or less a god and if this power was suddenly given to him, he would become evil and rule over and of space and time.

"I NEED him!" It said, "Or at least I need his power, no I just need no one to have his power, I'm the only one that could handle such a great power!"

"We will get to work sir." His 'friends' said in a monotone voice.

It continued to float its way around It's base, until eventually it began to train is fighting skill. It used no power at first as it isn't need, only when it is the only way It began to use the powers embedded within. When the battle bots finally got strong enough to cause It to activate his deep power of reality, he let lose and destroyed the bot with the use of portals and and a realm of darkness where no other beings powers where useable only his. Only his.

"A great success, as always, I never fail." It calmly stated to itself, "I never will fail, I will get the boy and his power will be gone, I know it will, I will force it so." It continued to float around its base, bettering the skills and powers that it possessed. This went one until it was needed by his army to remove the Stone Ninja of power or to work towards stoping the power.

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