
Immortal tale

This is the tale of Avel, a man who, after some dark mage experiments with magic, experienced a significant genetic enhancement that allowed him to extend his lifespan considerably. It's a story about a man who witnessed numerous revolutions, wars, empires, and many other remarkable events throughout his extraordinary life.

CodeDaVinci · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Tale Beginning.2

After Avel had made the decision to assist Edilus in the construction of a laboratory, he promptly arrived at the agreed-upon meeting point, a quaint church nestled at the heart of the town. Edilus, anticipating Avel's arrival, was already waiting there when Avel joined him. Without wasting any time, Edilus extended an invitation for Avel to accompany him, and together, they embarked on a journey that would lead them to a truly astonishing encounter.

As they set forth on their shared endeavor, Edilus took the lead, guiding them through the familiar city streets. Their first stop was a bustling city shop, where they collected the necessary supplies for their laboratory construction. With their supplies in tow, they took an unexpected turn, continuing to walk for approximately ten minutes. This path led them to an ancient, weathered structure that had clearly seen better days, standing in stark contrast to the modernity of the city's bustling commercial district.

With unwavering purpose and determination, Edilus approached the dilapidated exterior of the old building. He executed a precise sequence of three knocks upon the weathered wall. What followed left Avel utterly dumbfounded; as if by some enchantment, the seemingly impenetrable wall underwent a miraculous transformation. It shifted and transformed into an inviting doorway as if the very fabric of reality had bent to accommodate their passage. Avel's amazement was palpable, as he hadn't witnessed such profound magic since the days he had seen a Seilus Academy student conjure fire seemingly out of thin air. However, this experience exceeded even that memory, unveiling a level of magic and enchantment that was entirely new and beyond what Avel could have previously imagined.

Upon entering the laboratory, Avel was greeted by a sight that was entirely unfamiliar. The laboratory was abuzz with a captivating array of intricate apparatuses and equipment. Two meticulously maintained incubators flanked the walls, serving as silent sentinels of scientific inquiry. A striking assortment of glass flasks, each containing unique and enigmatic concoctions, adorned various surfaces within the room, showcasing the diversity of ongoing experiments. Alongside these, numerous cages housed inquisitive rats, each contributing to the ever-expanding body of knowledge within the laboratory. The room was further embellished with an abundance of vibrant and captivating spells, each emanating its own unique hue, creating an atmosphere that was nothing short of enchanting and that resonated with the spirit of scientific discovery.

Avel: "Hey, Edilus, may I inquire about your experiments here?"

Edilus: "That's not something you need to concern yourself with. Your sole task is to take this pipe and install it into the designated spot on this wall."

Edilus's response struck Avel as somewhat peculiar, but he chose not to delve further into it. Edilus was, after all, a mage, and Avel wondered whether this unconventional request was connected to a confidential or esoteric matter.

After Edilus had issued his instructions, Avel diligently set to work on the plumbing task. However, Edilus soon realized he required additional materials and promptly excused himself from the laboratory to procure them. Avel, undeterred by the challenge at hand, persisted in his efforts to install the pipe. Nevertheless, his initial attempts proved futile, as the wall was constructed from exceptionally resilient materials that resisted even his most determined efforts. As he continued to push harder and harder, the desired results remained frustratingly elusive. A growing sense of frustration eventually gave way to patient resignation, prompting Avel to decide to await Edilus's return.

During this period of waiting, Avel couldn't help but notice an unusual occurrence. After a mere five minutes, he was startled by peculiar sounds emanating from a nearby rat cage. The ensuing noise was unsettling, far from the typical squeaks or scuffles one might expect. Instead, it sounded like a rat engaged in a relentless and furious assault on its cage. Adding to the disquiet, the rat in question was enormous, nearly the size of a small cat.

Feeling a growing sense of unease, Avel chose to remain seated and observed the inexplicable behavior of the rat. As another five minutes elapsed, just as he was getting accustomed to the eerie silence, a different, more ominous sound filled the laboratory. A low, sinister "pshhhhhh" began to resonate, growing closer and enveloping Avel. He did his best to stifle his breath, but his efforts proved to be in vain. The strange green gas, undulating and sinister, encircled him in a swirling mist. Overwhelmed and unable to resist its effects, Avel succumbed to a profound and mysterious slumber, enveloped in a shroud of uncertainty and apprehension.

"That was Avel's final day as a human."