
Idiotic Travels/Idiots on Another Planet

This Novel is filled with unexpected and bizzare events.

NoviceNoveler · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Ordinary Day.. Or is it?

In a noisy but peaceful classroom, Four best friends were talking to each other and having fun. Their names were Prinz Jazni, Anton X. Neo, and Yahn Rose. Yahn wanted to buy snacks in the cafeteria so he asked Prinz and Anton to go with him. "Yo, Printer, Ant." Prinz replied "Yeah? What's up?" and Yahn told him "Can you go with me to the cafeteria? I need to go buy some snacks." Prinz and Anton said "Yes" and went with Yahn to go buy some snacks. Later while they were walking Prinz felt like the atmosphere changed a little.. It made him feel worried but decided to ignore it. Anton was tired and wanted to go home and sleep but puts up with it and continues to walk with Prinz and Yahn to the Cafeteria. Until something mysterious and strange happens.. Suddenly the sky darkens and clouds form above the three friends. Prinz tried to warn the Anton and Yahn but it was too late. They suddenly get struck by lightning. Soon after they got struck by lightning they wake up in a large room and mages were looking at them and whispering to each other "The ritual was a success! We did it! The Kingdom is saved!" Prinz, Yahn and Anton were visibly confused and terrified but also glad that they were alive and not roasted. The King then yells "Silence! Let me see the heroes that we have summoned." The Mages back away quickly and the King looks at the three with cautious and fearsome eyes. The King then tells them "Heroes! We have summoned you into this world to defeat the Demon King and save our kingdom! Please train right away in order to defeat the Demon King." The three friends were shocked and still confused. Prinz bows asks the King "Uh your majesty sir, who are you? And why are we here? Wait where even are we?" Anton also says something to Yahn "Bro do you have a charger i need to charge my phone." Yan replied "Yeah i do, here you go." Anton replied "Thanks man. Wait do they even have a plug here?" Prinz sighs and tells them "Bro i think we're in another world. WE GOT ISEKAI'D" Suddenly the King shouts "ALL OF YOU LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY AND GO TRAIN YOU IMBECILES! I, as the King of Iris Kingdom order you to get to training immediately!" The three friends were then forced by the Knights to go to the Kingdom's Armory where they can get weapons, armor, clothes, and everything you need.The Knights told them "Please be aware that you are not to touch any equipment that has a sign that says 'RESTRICTED' or 'DO NOT USE' if you do we will imprison you instantly." as soon as they were done telling the heroes the Knights hurriedly left. The three friends were discussing what to do. Then Yahn had an idea. Yahn told Prinz and Anton "Lets just ignore em and get all the stuff we need here lol." Prinz then said "Yahn... That is the.. GREATEST IDEA YOU'VE EVER HAD!" Anton also agrees on the idea and so they got up and started to look around the room to find anything interesting. Prinz found two exclusive revolvers that had a sign that said "DO NOT USE" but used it anyways and he also found a suit that is good against magic and physical attacks which he wore right away. Anton found a long sleeve shirt and black pants that was also Magic Resistant and improves his Physical Ability, He also picked up some special daggers to put in his belt. Yahn ripped his clothes and only wore pants but he still couldn't find a weapon he liked.. After a few minutes he gave up and decided to use his fists instead. He got bandages, wrapped it around his hands and felt satisfied. Once the they were all geared up and ready, They called for the Knights and had the Knights escort them to the Mercenary Guild. There they would register themselves as "Heroes" and would immediately get into Diamond Tier. Yahn chose a quest and wanted to head out to test his skills in combat. Yahn dragged Prinz and Anton with him and they were on their way to their first adventure in this New World.