
Fragments of Frozen Past

Everyone sat enjoying a beautiful meal after a long period of classes for both students and teachers.

The Great Hall was bustling, the Gryffindor table particularly loud thanks to the Weasley twins.

Hufflepuff students conversed among themselves, Ravenclaws, as usual, devouring the knowledge in their books rather than the food on the table. And the Slytherins enjoyed their meal with an air of superiority.

The upcoming period was when the third-year class would have their spellcasting lesson. Nathaniel was visualizing how he would conduct his lesson.

"During the lessons with the third-year group, I'll review the teachings of the Expelliarmus spell, teach the Protego spell, Accio, and Bombarda", he said as he jotted down on parchment what his teaching process would entail.

As he scribbled on the parchment, Nathaniel found himself reminiscing about his past.


{ 1938 }

Snowflakes sparkled under the light of the full moon as he ventured through the ancient streets of Prague, in the Czech Republic in 1938. He was a fifteen-year-old who would soon complete his magical studies and become an adult, but his heart already carried the weight of responsibilities as one of the few surviving members of his family. Tensions between Muggle countries and the wizarding communities were escalating, leading wizarding schools to be stricter with students to ensure their survival should the worst happen and war break out.

After discovering an ancient grimoire in his grandfather's office, who was once considered one of the greatest wizards in the country, Nathaniel spent weeks delving into the complexities of glacial magic spells described in the texts. He felt in his veins that this should be his destiny, as he wanted to learn to control ice not just as an element but as an extension of his own will. It was a challenge like no other, but every time his magic turned into a beautiful icy sculpture, he felt alive.]

Years went by as he focused on mastering the ice element spells contained in the grimoire along with other spells necessary to aid him in any kind of situation.

In 1940, the tensions of wars were already spread throughout Europe. That year, Nathaniel graduated from his wizarding school and was considered a full-fledged adult.

"How long are you going to have that dead look?" asked a young man beside him.

Nathaniel turned to look at the young man sitting next to him as they both read newspapers with news of Gellert Grindelwald's rise. "I'm just thoughtful, Edgar" he replied to the young man.

The news reported the increasing popularity of the one who would be known as a Dark Lord.

Grindelwald possessed a great charm that captivated people and his followers.

"A man with a lot of power can do a lot" Nathaniel commented as he saw the images. Clenching his hand firmly, sensing that one day he might wield the same power for himself.

Edgar, looking at the friend he had studied with for years, was aware of Nathaniel's thirst for power. With his family declining after Nathaniel's grandfather's death, few powerful wizards remained.

"One day you could be like that" he joked to lighten the mood.

Nathaniel just continued contemplating his thoughts, unaware that in the next few years, he would live unforgettable events.



Training after training, practice after practice, Nathaniel was already considered a great wizard by everyone in the Czech community for his battlefield accomplishments when he had to act. His spells were quick and very powerful, but nothing compared to his control over the ice element that claimed the lives of many unfortunate ones who stood in his way.

Night fell over the city, shadows danced and hid dangers.

Nathaniel, after years of training with the old grimoire's spells, noticed changes occurring in his body. His blood flowed more slowly, and his thought process was colder and more calculating.

While everyone seemed to age ten times faster due to the conflicts, he remained the same.

Walking through the misty and dark alleys, he followed his path.

When the temperature alarmingly increased and a voice was heard.

"Fiendfyre" a threatening voice sang the spell.

Seeing the immense bestial blue fire approaching, Nathaniel WinterHeart used the best spell he had learned up to that moment.

"Glacientus" he chanted, creating a wall of glacial ice that contrasted with the wave of blue fire.

Applause was heard when the standoff ended, and both spells were canceled.

"That was beautiful, my young man. I've heard a lot about you. Would you like to fight for a greater cause?" The man everyone feared was in front of him at that moment. The Dark Lord Grindelwald.

Nathaniel's eyes opened, bringing him back to his office at Hogwarts. The comforting warmth of the fireplace contrasted with the coldness of his memories. He had left a trail of challenges and triumphs in his past, shaping him into who he was now.

Ice Boy

Monk_of_Soulscreators' thoughts
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