
I woke up in Highschool of the dead

NICODERBOP · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Woke up in an unknown world

12 years before the end of mankind begins:

Reader pov:

We begin our story with our main characters soul racing towards a blue sphere.

This blue ball is of course our earth, but this earth is not exactly ours. This earth is the earth of an anime called HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD.

I'm sure everyone knows HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD, am I right?

Back to the story

When our MC soul finally reaches the ozone layer of the earth, he stops

The reason why this soul stops is unknown but what we can speculate from this is that this soul is just looking for a good body to take over

After a few hours the soul moved again and where exactly it moved to is very clear

This soul moves to the continent




As the soul flies over america it makes an abrupt stop and nosedives towards a military camp

When the soul was close enough we see that it is approaching a tent at high speed

In this tent sleeps a boy of the age of 6 years

The tragic thing is that this boy died 1 hour ago in his sleep

Now we see how the soul of the MC enters the body of the little boy

But the body of the little boy resists the soul of the MC

after half an hour of back and forth, the soul of the MC wins and takes control of the little boy's body

As the sun rises, we see the sun shining through a small hole in the tent onto MC face. Because of these sunbeams, MC begins to wake up from his slumber

MC pov:

When I woke up I had to close my eyes immediately because of the sun.

When my eyes got used to the sun I realized that something was wrong

When I looked around I realized that I am not lying in my bed but on a field bed that is in a tent

When i realized this i had many scenes in my head of how i got here. it became so many that i even thought that i was taken somewhere for an experiment but it didn't stop there it went on and on with my thoughts that after half an hour i realized that my body is too small for my age and my body structure.

When I realized that, these thoughts started again about how I got here, why I am here or why is my body so small.

Then all of a sudden I hear a female voice in my head.

The funny thing is that this voice immediately calmed me down.

When I looked around to see where the voice was coming from, I didn't see anything, nobody was here in the tent except me

Suddenly something appeared in front of me

What appeared was a female robot on a holographic screen

Then my nerves went crazy again

I couldn't calm down. how could I because I was in a body where my voice is way too young where my hands are too small probably the rest of my body too but that's not what I was focusing on right now

What I'm more focused on is why I'm in a gray green tent and not in my house in my bed

Then came the voice of the female robot that calmed me down again

[Host please calm down I will explain everything to you but you have to calm down first]

When I calmed down again I immediately asked several questions

Where am I? why am I not in my house? Why am I in this tent? Why am i so small ? who are you and where are you? asked our MC out loud.

[Host please don't ask so quickly i can't decide which question you want to hear first please ask again and one question at a time]

Who are you and where are you? MC asked aloud.

[Host I am your system in this life and where I am is in your soul]

What do you mean by my soul and what do you mean by this life? MC asked aloud again.

[Host I am connected to your soul and what I mean by this life is that you died in your old world or also called the original earth]

Stop stop you're making it harder to keep up with your information more and more questions are coming into my head instead of answers. MC said out loud.

Let's make it short, why am I here in this little body and why are you bound to my soul? Said MC aloud.

[You are in this young body because you died in your old world. Your soul was supposed to be in the circle of reincarnation afterwards. but because there were too many souls in the circle that day, you couldn't continue into the circle of reincarnation. That's why your soul was looking for a new body that best suited your character, while your soul was looking for it, you flew through me. When you flew through me, you took me with you. I couldn't explain why this happened before but now I can say why it happened. your soul was just perfect for this system as if the system was made for you].

Yes, ok, now I understand why I am here, but what I don't understand is why you are bound to my soul. Ask MC out loud again.

[Host, when you passed through me, I noticed that your soul would soon lose its radiance. To put it another way, you would be 100% dead. When I realized this, I connected with your soul so that you would survive your journey]

Ah ok but what I still don't understand is where exactly I am and who exactly I am. Said MC.

[Host I can answer that easily. You are in america in a military camp you are here because this body you have taken over was born in a military family. That means that most military families send their children mostly boys at the age of 5 or 6 to a camp to train them to be the best of the best. And who exactly are you, stefan, a boy who comes from a family that is highly regarded by the military].


And that's where we end today

Today it was just a little over 1000 words but it will sometimes be more or less depending on whether I feel like writing more or not

If you have any ideas please write me some. If you see incorrect writing then you can also mark it or so that I can improve it I don't want you to get a headache by reading.

The next chapter will probably come 2-3 days later or maybe earlier or later depending on whether I have time or want to write a new chapter.