
Lies become truth

"Wow!! I can't believe you're bringing me to a high-class restaurant!!!" Olivia exclaimed with a smile on her face while looking at Cybelle who is still driving inside the car.

Cybelle didn't look at her but just smile while never taking her eyes off the road.

" Why suddenly invited me? Is there any special occasion? "

"Well.. not really...." Cybele ponders for a second as her hands that holds the steering wheel tightened. "This is because .. ugh... " Cybelle paused as she groans. She thinks of many excuses for today... But,

'That's it!!!! I'm going to use her name instead!!!' Cybelle thought in her head.

"Well?" Olivia just waits patiently at the side. In her heart, there's a little suspicion. 'Cybelle doesn't have feelings for her right?'

Olivia admits that Cybelle is a kind and amazing woman, added with her masculine look despite being a woman, her tall stature and lean body, Cybelle is a typical girl crush. She is also a great C.E.O of an entertainment company.

But, to Olivia, she is a great friend. No more than that. She's afraid if Cybelle did confess to her, it will destroy their friendship.

So, right now, Olivia is really nervous.

"It's....not that complicated actually...." Cybelle laughs slowly before biting her lower lip.

[Usagi... Where are you right now?]

[Already inside the restaurant] Usagi reply as she walks inside the restaurant. As she walks many eyes are attracted to her figure, no matter men or women, everyone is attracted by her.

when she stopped in front of a waiter, from the looks of his eyes, he is in a trance. Especially when Usagi is smiling at him. It took Usagi a few minutes of snapping and nodded to the waiter. "Room 12, please..". Usagi tells the waiter their private room number and after that, follow their direction.

[I'm going to borrow your name!!!] Cybelle screams in her head.

[Dear... I love you so much...] Usagi paused and the smile on her face froze a little as she knows what Cybelle is planning to do. [ But. Don't.You.Fucking.Dare!] She spits the words coldly in her head.

[Too late!! I hope your acting is great!!!] Cybelle then blocked their mind links which resulted in Usagi cannot talk to Cybelle at all.

[Cybelle!!!!] When Usagi keeps calling Cybelle repeatedly inside her head, she knows she was blocked.

"Damn that girl... Wait until I got the chance..." Usagi cursed in her heart as she walks inside the private room with a cold face which shocked the waiter as the woman is still smiling just now.

On Cybelle's side, she finally arrived at the restaurant with Olivia. After they get out of the car, they both walk inside together in silence.

Cybelle knows why Olivia is silent right now. It's because she is mad. When Cybelle glance at her, she saw that Olivia is glaring at her before pouting and looking away.

Cybelle can't help but sigh. "I'm sorry okay... My friend really wants to meet you and I can't refuse.."

"You can't or you don't want to?" Olivia scoff.

"I....." Do you want me to say the truth? If I say the truth, I'm sure I can never meet the light of tomorrow.

"You are bringing me on a blind date without telling me? Shouldn't I be mad!!?" Olivia sneers after looking at Cybelle's hesitation.

"It's not exactly a blind date..." Cybelle quickly denies it. "She is just interested in becoming your friend..."

"What makes you go so far for her? Can't she just ask me myself?" Olivia rolls her eyes with her arms crossed, she hums again.

"Well... She's a good friend of mine..." Cybelle tries to explain, but no words come into her brain until finally, "she's a writer!!!" Cybelle's eyes light up as she thinks of a good excuse.

Olivia finally turns her head to look at Cybelle. Her eyes are showing interest after hearing Cybelle's last sentence.

"She is having a writer's block, and one day, on her way to meet me, she accidentally saw you". Cybelle quickly made up a story. Combining half-truth and half-lie, she was able to create a convincing story. "She thinks you have potential and give her a lot of new inspiration!! So, she really wants to meet you!!!"

"Oh... Is that so...." Olivia drags her words as she squints her eyes at Cybelle. It's not that she doesn't fine Cybelle is acting suspiciously again but, she doesn't see where the lies in her words are either.

"What is she like?"

When Cybelle heard Olivia's question, she looks up as she tries to think of Usagi. The first half is the truth, while the latter half is the hidden truth.

"For a starter, her name is Usagi rokyuu"

"She is caring and kind", but a pervert.

"She knows how to cook". Only spaghetti though. A variety of spaghetti at least.

"She spent a lot of time in the house working, she is diligent and smart", but mostly she does it while watching porn.

"She is...like a human version of rabbit". A sexy, tall, big curves, a seductive face, and mostly, horny.

After the explanations, Cybelle smiles at Olivia.

Olivia looks at Cybelle for a few seconds. " I'll see when I meet her".

After that, the atmosphere between them is no longer embarrassing.

And this situation also baffles the waiter that serves them. This waiter is the same waiter that served Usagi just now. 'Why are the customers he's serving tonight is quick to change their mood!!?' he cried silently in his heart.

On their way to room 12, Olivia can't help but think of Cybelle's word.

"Her friend is a writer, from how Cybelle said it, her friend must be a shy person. Her writer friend can't even ask her herself, that's why she asked for Cybelle's help". Olivia thought in her head as a small smile crept on her face. "Cybelle is really kind..." Olivia glance at Cybelle's face.

Until they reached room 12, Olivia keeps the same thought over and over again in her mind. ' Cybelle's friend is shy so, she can't be too enthusiastic or else, she will share her".

Cybelle is the one to enter the room first. Olivia seems to realize Cybelle's hesitation before walking in, but she doesn't think too much.

When it was her turn to walk in, she took a deep breath first before taking the first step. With a deep and warm smile, she slowly looks at the person sitting inside while preparing a kind greeting until–




Olivia stares at the smiling woman sitting in front of her, then she looks at the expressionless Cybelle who keeps drinking the water. Then, Olivia looks back at the woman in front of her.

"So... You must be Usagi..." Olivia forces a smile on her face as she looks at the completely different woman from what she imagined. 'Human version of rabbit?' The sentence that Cybelle said before playing inside Olivia's head.

Usagi smiles politely in Olivia's direction.

The situation between the three of them looks calm. But, only Cybelle and Usagi know how much they are holding back from trying to tear each other into pieces.

[Usagi!! I told her that you are a writer!!! Please cooperate!!!]

[Oho... Looks who finally unblock the link, A writer? Haha... I will...I will...] Usagi scoff inside her head.

Cybelle almost frowns, but she quickly hides it. [Don't try to do anything stupid!!!]

[I won't, but I won't let you get away easily either...] Usagi smirk while picking up a glass of water to drink.

As the three of them are waiting for their food and sitting in silence, Olivia is the first person to start a conversation.

"So Usagi... Cybelle told me you are a writer, right?" Olivia leans forward a bit on the table as she looks at Usagi. "Cybelle told me that you need me to find inspiration for your new novel? What's your novel about?" Olivia quickly asks straight to the point.

To Olivia, she thinks that Cybelle is hiding something from her. It's not that she doesn't believe that Usagi, the woman in front of her is a writer, but Cybelle's explanation is full of loopholes.

When Usagi heard Olivia's question, her movement of shaking the glass in her hand stopped as an amused smile appears on her face. She glances at the expressionless Cybelle that's actually in panic inside her head.

[Usagi!! Don't you dare say anything stupid!!!!]

Usagi smile before taking a sip of water. [Ohho...I do dare!!]

Olivia that's still waiting for Usagi's answer can't help but stares at Usagi's charming smile.

"I am, working as a writer... I've already published a few books and they are pretty famous for a certain group of people..." Usagi answer with a smirk.

"Wow! That's so cool!!!" Olivia praise.

[You do!!!??] Cybelle was shocked by the answer and she stares at Usagi. [Please create a lie with solid excuses!! What if she asks for the title and can't find it later!!!?] Cybelle can't help but clench her jaw.

[I did write a few books, and they are popular, Don't worry...]

[I hope what you said is true...] Cybelle let out a soft sigh.

"Did you really find inspiration when you look at me!!!?" Olivia asks excitedly.

"Indeed!!! I do... Your temperament, your personality, your looks, everything about you gives out-breath of freshness... The first time I see you, I can't help but be attracted. Everything about you is perfect... Your eyes, your smile, Just by looking at it was able to make me feel hypnotized and being able to hear your voice, I feel a tingling feeling in my heart that I couldn't just ignore!!"

Usagi's praise stunned everyone in the room.

Especially Olivia's face has become red after hearing Usagi praise her with confidence and a voice that sounds so charming.

At the same time, Cybelle stares at Usagi with a dumbfounded look. 'Did this pervert just starts flirting with Olivia!! Right in front of me!!!???"

"A... Anyway!! What books did you write!!!??" Olivia tries her best to calm down her fast beating heartbeats as she asks another question to change the subject.

Usagi smiles before answering.

"The art of Dominatrix, How to make your sub happy, The art of Dominatrix II, Sadism and Masochism, How to unlock your partner's inner desire to SM, and for the newest book that I need your help with...", Usagi leans closer towards Olivia's face before whispering,

" How to ignites someone's hidden desire...."

"Poofff!!!!!??" Cybelle who is drinking to calm herself can't help but spurt out the water.

"Huh!?" Olivia's whole face becomes hot as she looks at Usagi's teasing just inches from her face.

Cybelle meeting with Seraphina is getting closer!!!!

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