
The beginning

In the darkness that covered the vast emptiness appeared a speck of light that grew by the second.

The quiet infinity turned into cries as two infants emerged from the lit centre each emitting a light that warmed the place.

At once the vast emptiness created loud booms that brought in celestial bodies to light.

As the infants cries grew louder the creation of being and bodies become faster. The darkness soon was overshadowed by the light and the emptiness was soon filled with power and creatures began to appear who descended to different realms and finally the Universe came to be.

As the infants stopped their tears, the Universe began to make sense.

The babies were each named Shenghuo meaning life and Siwang meaning death - not knowing that their name is the power that they hold.

A fatherly voice called out to them " My beloved children, I am giving you the power to control the world I created, but.. you will have to pas the trials of life just like the living. So you must be prepared."

Saying this, the voice had disappeared.

Shenghuo and Siwang were taken to the gods realm were they will be start their role as protectors of the living.

The Great Soul had sent a being to teach the young protectors how to control their powers. The being was known as the Ancestral God who had the knowledge of The Great Soul but his only role was to teach the protectors how to keep the Universe in balance.

In the beginning, The Universe remained peaceful and free. Mankind had started to evolve and could learn how everything worked.

But, this peace had to come to an end. Since every good thing has an evil side this evil was lurking in the dark waiting to surface and bring in Doom.

"I will end this, the Universe is ours to rule and soon Doom will take its place in the three realms releasing the devil's children."

In the God's realm, Shenghuo and Siwang had started their cultivation under the guidance of the Ancestral God who kept the Universe running until the protectors were ready to control it.

The young Shenghuo and Siwang were growing to be very different.

Shenghuo was playful and childish. She was not good at studying but she was an expert in martial arts and on the other hand Siwang was mature, quiet and smart, but, his personality changed once you challenge him in martial arts, so, no one ever dares to challenge him except for Shenghuo.

The two kids had a very special bond that no one could break.

(One day.....)

"Siwang, what should we do later? I really what to go see the play in the living realm" Shenghuo quietly whispered to him.

"Hey, Master will hear you and we both will be punished, again. We will have to clean all the manors again"

he replied angrily. "But Siwang..." " No, we won't be able to go if you keep talking!" Just as he said this they saw tall shadow behind them.

"Looks like your talks are more important than the lesson. You must want to clean the manors again" said the Ancestral God.

"No master" said Shenghuo, "I was just telling Siwang that your lessons are very important and..."

"Oh Shenghuo, why are you so ignorant, and because of your actions, Siwang is also getting into trouble. At this rate, you and Siwang won't be able to finish your cultivation. And Siwang, why are you encouraging her?"

"Master, she had started it. I was just telling her to stop talking." Siwang said defending himself.

"What am I going to do with you two?!"

" Master, I promise I will never disobey you again and cultivate properly. I will even stop taking breaks, but..."

"But what?!"

"But, before we start can I go watch the play in the living realm?"

" I have been waiting to see it for very long."

"You still want to watch it? That is the reason we got scolded." said Siwang annoyed.

Angrily Shenghuo replied "Don't blame the play, it's your fault we got caught and..."

Stop arguing!" The Ancestral God yelled.

" You can go and see it, but, once you return, we will begin your cultivation. And don't think about getting breaks because you won't get any."

The kids gave their respects to their master and left for the living realm.

On the way Siwang said "Look what you got us into!"

"Oh please, don't pretend to be angry. You don't have the nerve to scold me." Shenghuo said proudly.

As they ended their conversation, a being in black came and stopped them.

"Oh look, these young immortals are wandering around the God's realm." said the being.

Shenghuo replied "We are not immortal old man, we are... "Siwang stop her before saying more.

"Who are you and why did you stop us?!" Siwang asked while hiding Shenghuo behind him.

"Well little kids, I am the one who is going to destroy the entire Universe, but, it will be more fun to destroy you first."

The being tried to attack them with his powers but the kids dodged it. Both Shenghuo and Siwang got ready to fight.

"Looks like you are not ordinary immortals. Well then, this will be more fun."

The being was strong but could defeat the kids. The being slowly weakened, but just as the fight almost reached its end, Siwang was hit and he fell.


You will pay for this!"

"Looks like your friend couldn't handle my strong attack.

well, looks like I need to come prepared next time." saying this, the being vanished.

Shenghuo quickly went to Siwang and started crying.

"Siwang, I am sorry."

" I shouldn't have insisted to go. Please wake up."

Shenghuo cried, which made the Universe go cold until she felt the warmth of Siwang's hand wiping away her tears.

"Shenghuo, don't cry. I am fine. He can't kill me.

I am stronger."

He answered in a weak voice.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have insisted. If I hadn't,

you wouldn't be like this." Shenghuo cries tears of regret.

"Don't blame yourself. I will be fine. Let's go back to the Gods realm, master will heal me."

The young protectors returned to the gods realm and went to the Ancestral God.

Shenghuo with tears in her eyes told her master

"Master, Siwang was hurt by a dark power. Please help him."

The Ancestral God took him to his manor and applied a healing spell.

"What happened?" he asked.

Shenghuo told him everything about their encounter. Hearing this, the Ancestral God told her

"He was a devil." he said.

A devil?" she asked.

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